


Slumped down on the sofa, we all looked at each other in silence wondering where in our little trip to the cabin we went wrong, at one point did we lose track of Claudia. How had she gone missing without any of noticing? Did she run away? Was she hiding? Was she the stalker that was tormenting us? But her name was also on that basement wall.

/"You were the one last with her Sara./"

Aiko said sternly, you could practically hear the accusation within his aggressive tone of voice.

/"Huh? We all spread out to look for signs of anything, how was I the last one seen with her?/"

She’s right, we did all spread out so I’m not sure what Aiko was talking about.

/"In fact, the last person who I saw going the same way as Claudia was you Aiko./"

She shot back and I wasn’t sure which one of them was telling the truth or which one was making up lies to divert the negative attention that was on them.