
Sherlock Holmes: The new neighbour

Sherlock as finally arrived at 221B Baker Street, a residence located in London, (England) after solving a case overseas; he pays the cabbie and rushes out of the taxis cab and walks over to the door, reaches into his pocket and take out a key chain with his signature S.H on; it along with a single key. Sherlock tries the door nob on the door first and it was lock so he used the key that's already in his hand and open the door walking in along with the motion of the moving door. The first thing the detective notices was the sound of laughter, one of the voices belonging to the landlady name Mrs. Hudson and the other voice belongs to a man unknown to him. Sherlock silently closes the and head's up the staircase only to be stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the man's voice again. Not knowing who it is the detective curiosity got the better of him. Sherlock then hops down the stairs from where he was standing and walks towards the door close and rudely burst it open surprising Mrs. Hudson and the man sitting on the couch

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3 Chs

Chapter 1: John Watson


The detective Sherlock Holmes as finally arrived at 221B Baker Street, a residence located in London, (England) after solving a case overseas; he pays the cabbie and rushes out of the taxis cab and walks over to the door, reaches into his pocket and take out a key chain with his signature S.H on it; along with a single key.

Sherlock tries the door nob on the door first and it was lock so he used the key that's already in his hand and open the door walking in along with the motion of the moving door.

The first thing the detective notices was the sound of laughter, one of the voices belonging to the landlady name Mrs. Hudson and the other voice belongs to a man unknown to him.

Sherlock silently closes the door and head's up the staircase only to be stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the man's voice again.

Not knowing who it is the detective curiosity got the better of him.

Sherlock then hops down the stairs from where he was standing making a tump sound as he lands on the floor, and walks towards the close door and rudely bursts it open surprising Mrs. Hudson and the man sitting on the couch.

Mrs. Hudson held her chest and sigh with relief.

Mrs. Hudson: Sherlock!

Sherlock: indeed I am Mrs. Hudson, who's this?

Mrs. Hudson pours out an extra cup of black milk tea for Sherlock and gives it to him then turns the gentleman who stands up with a cane in one of his hand and informally dressed in a plaid shirt, leather jacket, and dark color pants.

Sherlock looks at the blond hair man in total silence scanning his eyes all over his body and movement as he walks towards him and extends his hand.

Man: My name is John Watson it's nice to meet you-

Sherlock takes John's hand and interrupts him.

Sherlock: yes, Afghanistan or Iraq which is it?

John was shocked by Sherlock's sudden question and clears his throat.

John: excuse me?

Sherlock looks into john's eyes and pulls him a little bit closer to him not showing any concerns for his leg.

Sherlock: which was it Afghanistan or lrap?

John swallowing his saliva looking very nervous and confused, he looks away from Sherlock for a second then looks back at him and into his eyes searching and wonder how the heck he could have known.

John: Afghanistan

Sherlock let's got of John's hand and sips the tea right after he had answered the question.

John: so how did you know-

Sherlock: Mrs. Hudson, this tea is cold bring another one!

Sherlock shouts out ignoring John and starts sipping on the cold tea which John so kindly helped him... Put away on the table.

Mrs. Hudson comes out of the kitchen with a waiter in her hand and picks up the cold tea, empty cups and teapot then turn to the two young men not looking pleased.

Mrs. Hudson: I'm not your maid

Then leaves

Sherlock starts getting upset about the spilled tea that was...kindly remove from his hands.

Sherlock: what-

This time he was interrupted by John.

John: how did you know?

Sherlock sighs at his question in annoyance.

Sherlock: from the in your eyes and the way you talk, body language, and the firm yet rough steady grip of your headshake; I know you're a doctor that join the army and you have already been and see your fair share of battle in which you just confirmed by the way; is in Afghanistan and you have just finished your service and decided to what lives here in Barkers street if anything I'd say because of salary given to you by the government, obviously,

(Don't kill me I'm just going with the flow)

John stands there in awe as Sherlock stands there reading him like a book.

John: no, it's not

Sherlock: really?

John nods his head yes

John: you're incurable

Sherlock was caught off guard by John's sudden praise and didn't know how to respond to him, but luckily for Sherlock is phone sudden vibrates given him a reason not to.

John watches Sherlock as his facial expression changes while he's looking at his phone.

John: Is everything okay?

Sherlock looked at John with a smile on his face.

Sherlock: yes, I couldn't be happier, Mrs. Hudson! I have got a case don't wait up

Mrs. Hudson walks into the room holding a waiter of freshly made tea with a worried look on her face

Mrs.Hudson: but you just got back

Sherlock: yes that's true, but! The dead waits for no man

Sherlock pulls the door and walks out slamming as it shuts.

John turns to Mrs. Hudson that's about to take up the extra empty teacup

John: is he always likes this?

Mrs. Hudson laughs at johns question

Mrs. Hudson: yes, that the way he's always been from the very first day I've met him.

John: what's his full name-

John was interrupted by the door bursting open again this time he turned around to see who is and of course it was the detective.

Sherlock: ahh almost forgot I'm Sherlock Holmes a solo detective and a fully highly functional sociopath I live here in 221b Barker street aka in this building, therefore, I'm your neighbor nice to meet you and goodbye to you, Mr. Watson

Sherlock winks at the end of the sentence and leaves back out the door with the same speed he enters with.

Leaving John speechless and Mrs. Hudson full of thoughts as she looks a the young man blank expression still staring at the door.

Mrs. Hudson: John, John!

John: yea, yes Mrs. Hudson?

Mrs. Hudson: tea?

John clear his throat.

John: no thank you, Mrs. Hudson, I was just about to leave

Mrs. Hudson: oh, okay dear


In a taxi cab going towards the location crime scene, the detective checks the text message about the case only to be interrupted by a sudden image of John that just so happens to pop up in mind and thoughts annoyingly making it hard for him to focus.

Sherlock: A man who walks with a cane and a slump; and yet his body... Is perfectly fine, so why is he hiding it?...

(Thank you for reading)

(Point out any wrong spelling, please)