
Shelter Game:Journey to İnfinity

*Infinite Synthesis is a story where science and magic meet and push the limits of heroism and sacrifice. Could Arthur be just a player to save humanity from the clutches of darkness, or are deeper forces at play?* Anyone who wants to support me can support me through my patreon account. patreon.com/user?u=52560206

HaremPLS · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Chapter 32: "Legendary Dark Conflict"

The city was waiting in the middle of a mystery under the dark sky. The moment when the legendary Dark Conflict approached left uncertainty in the hearts of our heroes and city dwellers. In this episode, we delve deeper into the world and the characters, at the climax of the battle between darkness and light.

Lysandra was about to complete the inner conflict of the Light after the Last Stand of the Shadows. Stuck between darkness and light, the city's residents, led by Lysandra, were eagerly waiting to see what outcome the Light would achieve. This fight would determine not only Lysandra's fate, but also the fate of the city.

Alaric was brimming with determination to defend the city against the dark forces, further strengthening the protective power of the Shadow Shield. While the enemies were getting closer to the city with each passing moment, Alaric's determination gave hope to the city's residents. But in this dark age, dangers that even Alaric could not see awaited him.

Seraphina continued her struggle to regain the power of the Astral Spring Flower. Nature was struggling helplessly in the grip of dark forces. Hearing the screams of nature, Seraphina was doing her best to save the flower and restore balance. But the darkness was growing stronger with each passing moment.

Elandra continued to discover new information about the Light's past by wandering the mysterious corridors of the old temple. But with every step, solving the secrets that lay deep in the past and the city was becoming more complicated. Elandra felt that the key to the fate of the city and the heroes lay in this mysterious past.

The city's residents came together under the leadership of their heroes, displaying a united resistance against the dark forces. However, enemies were besieging the city with their dark alliances, increasing the danger our heroes and the city's residents faced. The city was standing with one last hope.

The enemies were continuing their preparations to siege the city by uniting with the leaders of the dark forces. Our heroes made one last preparation to protect the city by identifying their enemies and developing their strategies. However, this time, the enemies' aim was more vague and dark.

The Light shining in the sky continued to be a source of hope for the city's residents. However, darkness was seeping into this light, surrounding the city and casting a shadow. Lysandra's inner conflict appeared to be a last-ditch effort to shed light on the truth behind this light.

And so, on the brink of the Legendary Dark Conflict, our heroes and the city dwellers are