
Chapter 1

Shei. Her name was Shei Devansen, and I love her with all my heart. Correction, loved. Shei died last night, and I was too powerless to stop it. We were walking down the street at around 8:38pm, and a man walked up to us and said if we don't give up everything we have that's worth money that he'd kill us. But the only person who he kept his word with was Shei. He shot her right in the stomach, and I watched in horror as she keeled over and started bleeding out on the sidewalk. She was the person who saved me from myself, the one who I took for granted, and in mere minutes she was gone. The person who I lived for, gone. I spent the next years of my life taking out my misery by drinking and smoking, but nothing worked. I was living as a shell of my old self. I lost my home, my friends, my family, and I lost my life. And by the time I realized, I was trying to end it.

I had a knife to my arm, I was pulling it across, I felt the blood running and heard it dripping, and I fell, but moments later everything turned white. I was in a white room, with white clothes and white furniture. The only thing that wasn't white was what was standing in the corner. It was terrifying and it was walking towards me. I started to back into a corner. I wasn't religious, but I was asking any god that might exist to help me when it suddenly collapsed. Then everything went dark and I woke up in the room I had started in, and who was staring back at me...but Shei.