
Lost to Time

A princess squared off with a queen.

"I do not understand why you dislike him, sister!" Amber eyes met charcoal and ruby lips frowned as the amber eyes narrowed into thin slits. "My decision is made. That is the end of this nonsense." The queen hummed as she stroked the silky feathers of her raven.

"You don't even know him!" The princess wailed.

"Neither do you, you insolent child. You will come to learn: all men are the same. Once they get what they want...they will leave. Now compose yourself, Our mother did no raise us to let our emotions control our actions." The Queen murmured as her amber eyes filled with a distant sadness. "Well he is different. I'll show you!"

"We shall see, little sister." The Queen whispered as she watched the princess storm from her castle.


Lavantha smiled when she saw her daughter tumble into the kitchen, holding her jewelry box. It was ruby red with a golden heart that had a dagger through it.

Seeing the box brought a nostalgic smile to the amber eyed woman.

"What has you bringing that down, sweetie?"

"I want to send something to daddy." Lavantha frowned at the simple answer. Its been months...and he had yet to answer her letters, or return her calls. Sure he was busy with work, but surely he could bother to atleast contact his daughter...

Actually... he never missed his weekly call with them...so what could be keeping him?

Lavantha was pulled from melancholy thoughts by the dramatic thrum of her cellphone ringing. She saw his name on the caller ID and answered with a swipe of the green phone icon. "Hello." She sighed, her heart thumping with anxiety that gripped at her chest. A baritone voice greeted her...but it wasn't his.... why wouldn't he...

The man's words became distant and distorted as Lavantha tried to process what he was telling her.

"I-I'm sorry...can you..." Lavantha looked at her daughter who was humming as she sorted through the possessions in her box.

'I will always come home to you two.' His last words echoed in her ears as she watched her innocent daughter fumble and hum a random melody.

"What-wh-" Lavantha felt the ground leave her feet and she held onto the countertop for support. This couldn't be happening...

This was a dream. He would be coming home... he...

"Lavantha!" Malantha sighed as she let herself into the raven haired beauty's home. Amara shot up and ran to her auntie with a giggle, "Auntie Mal!" Malantha looked at the little cherub of a child with sad eyes. She offered a strained smile and hugged the small child. "Hey, little one...Malorie is here...why,,,why dont you play with her for a minute... Malorie bounced over to her friend and the two ran upstairs with peals of giggles following them.

Malantha was a slender woman with high cheekbones that held round eyes and pouty lips. Malantha's cheeks were more defined than Lavanthas.

"Lavantha...come." Malantha gathered the stunned woman into her arms and guided her to the living room where she helped her to sit on the loveseat. Her phone laid on the counter with the buzz of the man's voice.

"Charon called me... He also got the report..." Lavantha was wide eyed, lips parted in shock.

"Charon...ch-he was- he wasn't with...." Lavantha choked on her words, silent tears slid from her wide unseeing eyes. "He-he..." She looked at her friend helplessly, Malantha felt her worry for her friend grip her throat. Where was Uma?. .. she always knew what to say in this type of situation...

"Lavantha...we should probably..." "No." Lavantha snapped, "I can't." Malantha sighed and she took her friends hands in her own. "You are not that person, Lavantha... we can do this."