
She tempted the devil

The throne of hell has been long contested by Lucifer and Satan .Both had their era that they ruled. Lucifer ruled at the beginning of human history and Satan ruled till the end of world war 1 and 2. The prestigious title of the Devil was only shared between these two brothers,who were actually twins and were sometimes mistaken as one entity. Lucifer was the demon of pride and Satan, the demon of wrath.Both were powerful so they had every right to rule the empire of demons. Well,everything was rosy until the demons make a declaration .Pride and wrath were no longer the sins that ruled the world,lust was.Yes, the demons wanted Asmodeus, the youngest prince of hell to take the throne. But wait,did they expect Lucifer to swallow his pride or Satan to act like he was not enraged by their demand. Asmodeus,the MC was definitely not into the whole becoming the Devil thing but Lucifer offers him the throne in return for a soul.The soul of the only one not corrupted by Asmodeus' lust which the dominated world at that moment.He is not interested in the throne but is moved by the challenge. Who is that mortal,who dared tempt the devil.She is Maria, an innocent young virgin lady who decided to live a celibate life .Oh that decision would never hold,hell no,not with the god of lust around.

MBU_Overlord_6594 · Huyền huyễn
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Business Trip

A week after Asmo visited Johnny,he was back at Maria's work place.He was crafting the exact words he would say to convince Maria to go with him for a supposed business trip in Hollywood.

She now believed he was the devil,so there was no way she would ever trust him.

He tossed ideas in his head unsure what to say exactly.The thought of just telling her that he wanted her to travel out of the country with him just to see his thriving enterprise rooted in lustful graphics and films made him nervous.

Just when he was lost even more in the inner turmoil, Deliah appeared before him with a big smile on her face.He crawled out from the void withn him and asked her what was up in a sarcastic way,"Deliah,what the hell's up".

Deliah seemed not to notice his cynical behavior and answered his question with even more joy in her voice,"Today's Maria's birthday and she.....".

Those words blew threw Asmo's mind like an atomic bomb.How the hell did he not know why Maria of all people hadn't arrived at work yet.He cut Deliah off before she could say any more,"Is she gonna come to work today?".

"Uh....,she normally goes to the orphanage on her birthday.You know how she loves those children considering the fact that,she lived there once".

Asmo's scheming faculty run wild in his brain.Then the perfect plot hit him.He knew how to get Maria to Hollywood without breaking a sweat.

It would seem extremely selfish of Asmo to be thinking of setting his plans in motion on a day as special as this but he saw it as the greatest birthday present ever.He was going to give her the surprise of her life.He smiled diabolically just imagining the fun he would have with her.

"Where is that orphanage precisely",Asmo asked Deliah who didn't suspect the agenda of her new irresistible boss.

"It's just mile away from her house and it's hard to miss from a bird's eye view of the town.Things were getting even more exciting,he would kill two birds with one stone.

"Give me her address,then I will see to the rest",he told Deliah who was now beginning to realize she had just a big mistake informing Asmo,who Maria obviously wanted to avoid on a day like this.

"Ah,sir I don't think she wants both of us spoiling her fun",she said fruitlessly,hoping Asmo would get the hint and forget crashing Maria's party plans.

Asmo was as stubborn as he was persuasive,"Deliah, Deliah, don't you trust me?.I only want the best for Maria and if I don't get to shower her with gifts today,I might be reluctant to do the same for you when your day comes".

This speech was enough to break Deliah's resolve and she spilled the beans immediately like it wasn't the biggest betrayal of her best friend.

Asmo simply grinned finally obtaining what he needed.He left the office putting Deliah in charge for the day and handing her a one million dollar check to enjoy anything she wanted while he was gone.

Deliah was baffled and weary of the man who just threw one million to her for chilling purposes.

But the expression,"A girl's best friend is diamond", didn't look far fetched as she grabbed the check without hesitation.

Asmo truly proved he was the devil by using multiple sins to gain his deeply rewarding Informant's trust.

He was now focused on only one aim.He had find Maria and start her birthday celebrations with a bang.


Maria was done with her preparations and was about to leave her house to go to the orphanage.She stepped out to hear an unusual sound.

A helicopter flew over her house and sped away.Maria was confused because it seemed to be headed to her orphanage.

She run and picked a cab rushing to uncover why a private helicopter landed in her first home.

She lived her childhood there,caring deeply about the place and the kids who depended on its existence like she used to do.

She arrived at the entrance of the orphanage and run into the premises.She went in to witness an unbelievable sight of gigantic magnitude capable of making the headline of every newsletter in the world.

The Devil,the King of Hell and the heir to the throne of evil was playing with a bunch of kids.He was cracking jokes and the kids were laughing their heads off.She didn't know whether to be angry,worried or amazed.She was merely baffled and therefore stood still gaping at the sight she was beholding.

Asmo was having a great time with the kids.He was always good with children.They were the part of humanity that had little need to be hypocritical.They were just who they wanted to be.

He was about to drop more jokes from his inventory when all the kids suddenly screamed and run from his side.

He turned to where they were headed and was left with no choice but to smile.They had spotted Maria and rushed to hug her.It was completely adorable and she embraced their overwhelming grip on her.

Once the cheerful atmosphere had faded a little,the kids left Asmo and Maria alone to go and play with a huge load of new toys Asmo had bought for them.

He even managed to fit a bouncy castle in the helicopter and brought some hired help to set it up for the kids.

Maria studied the generous gifts the self proclaimed Devil had handed to a poor orphanage.She was not convinced with his sudden good will and requested to know why and how he came here.

He swerved her interrogation refusing to throw Deliah under the bus.He wouldn't do that to his useful personal informer.

"None of that matters now,did you really think I wouldn't know this was the most special day of the year,for my favorite mortal",he said diverting her focus.

Maria harshly spoke keeping in mind that this man was still up to no good with her,"I don't need you here!!!.Please, leave this instant and let me enjoy this day in peace".

Asmo was not surprised and he wasn't planning to stay long but he had one condition,"I will only leave if you accept to travel with me for an important business trip tomorrow".

She had questions but she was eager to see him vanish so she accepted and said,"Okay,ok, whatever.Now go!!!!".

He smirked and turned to walk away when they heard the kids scream,"Miss Maria don't let your boyfriend go yet!!!!".

Those words caused Asmo to freeze and he took a look at Maria who was also shaken by what the kids just uttered.

What would Maria do now that this Devil had won the kids over?.

She had just accepted his so called "Business Trip", to ensure he disappeared, so now how could she let him stay.

The dilemma was hard and real.Would Maria Ave allow the Devil to stay around her beloved little kids?.