
Thirdly_ Meet Alice _Type The Snoop

"His twenty minutes late…" I said as my foot continued to tap against the tiled floor. The front of my heel could be slightly heard despite the buzz in the restaurant. I've been here for twenty-five minutes. Dressed to be seen and not ignored so says my friend, Alisa. Especially since she's the one that styled me up. She said to show up late to build the courage but I'm not that type of person.

I like to be on time even slightly before, it shows respect. I like to be comfortable, it helps me be move easier. I like feeling good, it helps build confidence but I will not lie. When Alisa, styled people, no matter how bad they looked. She made them look like a magazine cover. So, I let her do this to me, I looked and felt like a goddess but right now I felt like a princess. I didn't like this feeling.

What if he won't show up…

I pulled out my phone, checking the time. 17:30, great his 30 minutes late. I called for the waitress and asked for three shots. One for my heart, another for my spirit, and the last for my mind. Me and Lawerence have been together for a year and he rarely is late. Worse part today was supposed to be our day. I was fuming.

'To lose my shit or too not lose my shit'

"Another three?" the waitress asked as she took the glasses. I was about to ask for the bill until I saw him rush.

"Bring me a cognac, double please." I asked with grimance as I watched Lawerence with a distaste. She turned to look at me and must have understood what I saw.

"I'll bring you that and two shots. If you need help. Let me know." She said with a frown.

"Hey, babe." He greeted as he pulled out a chair and sat down, patting his shirt down. First mistake spotted. He smiled at me and tried to reach for my hands. I yawned and pulled back, spotting his second mistake. He watched me slightly eager as though an unkept puppy. Then reached for the glass of water placed for him.

"Darling, your 30 minutes late.�� I said softly.

"Oh yes, work was hectic and then I got stuck in traffic." Another mistake spotted.

"You said you didn't have work today and your work is 15 minutes away…"

"Babe trust me there was a lot to do and my PA called me in so I heard to rush in."

"Which PA?"

"What do you mean?"

"Last I checked, you didn't have one cause the last one messed up two of your meetings."

"We-ll I had to keep her for now."

"What time was this?"


"How long was the meeting?"

"Babe why so many questions? I need the bathroom, excuse me." he said as he hurriedly left to the bathroom. Waiting for two minutes to see if he would come back, I reached for his cellphone.

Access denied

'He changed his pin…'

I pulled out my kit and pulled out my tape, sticking it onto the glass and slowly pulling it out. Ensuring that the fingerprint was plastered I placed it carefully onto the sensor the put my finger onto of it.

Access granted

"We should definitely have steamy meetings like that. I hope you made it in time to break up with her. When done return to me." -Marrisa

Isn't that nice? A whole year and another one bites the dust. This is why I hated relationships but Lawerence. He was such a sweetheart until he started working in that company and we got more serious. We didn't have that much of time together cause we both had to work. Both had too many things to do but we made sure that weekly we saw each other. Then he decided we should move in together. Said it would help us especially since he loved me.

The waitress placed the shots before me plus the cognac, I held up my hand gesturing for her to wait a bit. I downed the three glasses and allowed the bitter taste to run through me.

"Please bring me a glass of red wine." I requested as she took my glasses.

"The sad women anthem. Should I call you a cab or Uber?" she asked

"Uber please." I said with a huff.

He came back out the bathroom slightly more relaxed. A bit more decent. A bit more him, sadly not the man I loved.

"My love, I'm sorry that I came late and didn't even bother to get into that properly. I can promise you I went to a meeting that ended at 11:30 (another mistake)-"

"Your phone rang but that person dropped before I could answer." I said whilst cutting him off. He paled almost immediately. The waitress placed the wine on the table with the bill.

"It's here." she said as she walked away. I smiled up at her then pulled out my purse. Paying the bill and tipping her double. I stood and threw him with the wine but leaving me with enough to drink the rest.

"Sure, good wine. Sadly Wasted. Happy Anniversary. My love." I murmured as I stood and left.