
She hate my guts

Kingston life revolves around Stephanie same goes to Charles. The family of three gives a perfect picture of a happy family. Stephanie has always leave an expectation of a good wife, managing his family as the two male consisting of Kingston the husband and Charles they only child plays the male roles in the house. They relationship is a symbolic type as either sides benefits here and seems like one can't do without the other. later on, Stephanie got diagnosed of kidney disease called dialysis. Which led to her death. This inturn, breaks a chain in the mutual association as one symbiont leaves the cycle leaving the chain imbalance. Tolerance is a natural phenomenal as every living thing tends to adapt to changes. Thus, the father and son (Kingston and Charles) morns, suffer loses, as they struggle for adaptation. A Therapist was recommended as the loses becomes more intense. The two bachelor's, "Kingston and Charles was advised to find a spouse as it does help one to walk-through the past, specially in such a situation. Charles and Kingston move on for a spouse hunt amidst there imbalances. Charles: Guess what. Kingston: huh! Charles: She hate my gut. Charles complain addressing Kingston as the two wanders to accomplish. read more of she hate my guts to get the real riddles of the note.

PatrickCE · Kỳ huyễn
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Justice for Lewi's

The courtroom opens at exactly 9:30 am, and at exactly 9:35 am Judge Wood, the Chief Jugde seeing for the hearing hit the order signaling the beginning of the case.

The accused victims involved in the fight that led to Jonathan Lewis's death all came with defense attorneys.

From the beginning, the case was going in favor of Jonathan until it got to the turn of the defense attorneys for the accused victim.

All attorneys seeing for the accused victim seemed to come prepared, every one of them insisting that the deceased, "Lewis Jonathan, started the fight.

Four of the teens accused of beating Jonathan Lewis Jr. Were also present during the hearing in the Clark County courtroom before Judge Nadia Wood.

Three of the attorneys for the defendants argued their clients were acting in self-defense during the fight that turned into a deadly beating.

All attorneys for the suspects present during the hearing were in the same ideology, except for one who argued for bail conditions of release.

Robert Draskovich argued his client, Gianni Robinson, was not the initial aggressor in the fight.

According to him his client, "Robinson was initially confronted and attacked by the decedent in this case," said Draskovich.

He alleged that the victim of the beating, Jonathan Lewis Jr., was the one who pushed his client into a car nearby, but ultimately, his client Robinson walked away before the fight finished.

Another attorney for the second Victim, "Damien Hernandez's attorney, by name Balister Karen Ann Connolly, expressed to Judge Wood her concerns about her client's upcoming 18th birthday, which would transfer Hernandez from juvenile detention to Clark County Detention Center.

Balister Karen Ann: It's my position that my client was with his friend, saw his friend getting pummeled in the face, punched in the face by Jonathan," said Connolly the attorney. He paused to observe the judge's reaction before continuing "My client also saw another individual I'll refer to as F with a knife. That was when he reacted. Looking at Hernandez's crime records I could strongly say that he had never been in trouble in the past, except for a citation related to possession of a marijuana vape pen. Furthermore, my client acted in self-defense during the fight with Jonathan, who at first instigated the incident. Based on the viral video of the incident, we all must have seen that my client only "threw one kick" and was not responsible for Lewis Jr.'s death. She started in confidence. Seeing that only the sound of the go-ahead could be heard, Brr Karen couldn't help but continue to argue for Hernandez's release on his own recognizance, saying he "needs to finish school and graduate."

Everyone looked puffed watching the confident attorney, as she walked satisfied back to her coach, only a few queries coming from the corner where Jonathan's parents were seated could be heard as they expressed their dissatisfaction with the attorney arguing for the release of the kid's that cost the death of the son, that's utterly unacceptable.