
She-Devil: The new beginning

Elli_iv · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

As soon as I saw her, she appeared to me as an elegant and strict woman. At the same time, there was something mysterious in her smile, I felt like it was calling for me. Every day, I would come to this same bar, around the same time and she, the mysterious stranger would always be there, sitting at the table and as if waiting for me. She would always have an expensive drink in her hand, and to be honest, I always wondered how she drinks so much and looks so good. After several weeks of coming and examining this enigmatic woman, I finally got the courage to come up and talk to her. I do not remember what exactly happened that night, but what I can tell for sure, we had a great time together. We have been drinking and laughing all night long. At some point, I forgot how many drinks I had because I was absolutely drunk. I recall that her attitude changed with each drink. She started pressuring me more and more, with her gaze and the tone of her voice. Her dark-green eyes have been eating me from the inside, I felt weak and exhausted; I did not understand was it because of the number of drinks that I had or because this mysterious woman did something to me. I will never know, the only thing that I am sure of is that my life completely changed after that day.

The next morning I had a horrible headache, so I did not realize that I woke up somewhere else but not at my house. After some time laying on the bed in pain, I managed to get up from it, but the second I looked around, I realized that I do not recognize this room. It was weirdly shaped: it was round, did not have any angles, with a couple of windows, and no doors. It was a very small room with only a bed and a nightstand next to it. I decided to lay back on the bed, closed my eyes, and hoped that when I will open them, I will be at my house in my cozy bed and everything that I just saw is just a figment of my imagination. I waited for a little bit, then I carefully opened one of my eyes, and to my surprise, I saw a door on the ceiling. It was far away from me, and I thought to myself that it was made for a very tall person.

In a panic, I tried to remember what happened to me the other night and how did I end up in this prison-like room. After some time passed my memory slowly started returning to me and I recalled how I talked to a mysterious woman, and that I definitely drank too much, but after that everything was like a thick fog, I did not remember a thing, not how I came out of the bar, not how I ended up here. I was in a memory loop.

In the end, I decided that it does not matter how I ended up here, what should concern me more is how do I get out? The only door is on the ceiling, and the windows are shut and do not have any handles which I found very odd too. While I have been thinking of my escape plan, I did not notice the voice that was coming from behind me. When I finally came to my senses and fearfully turned around, the voice said, "Good morning, how did you sleep?" When I raised my head to see who is talking to me, I could not believe my eyes! It was that woman from before, who I drank with and talked to the night before. The woman was smiling, but her smile was not like the night before, nice and gentle, it was arrogant and daring. A mysterious woman stayed there for a couple of seconds, it seemed like she was examining me from head to toe and suddenly asked, "How do you feel?" I smirked and said, "I am alright, thank you." There was an awkward silence for a while, so I decided to ask her polity how I ended up here, and what is this place? My interlocutor seemed to read my mind and said, " you want to know where you are? I'll tell you. You are my prisoner and this room is the place between the human world and the place you call hell." I almost fell to the floor from what I heard. Wild thoughts flew through my mind, "Me? Prisoner?Hell? What is going on, what a weird dream am I must be in?" In return, I heard, "This is not a dream, it is the reality... Soon you will accept it."

I had so many questions, and I also needed answers to them as soon as possible, but I could not say a word because I was in shock from everything that fell on me all at once.