
She Calls Me Eyebrows

173J is a demon, soul collector from the Underworld who falls in love with a woman named Hannah. She also happens to be a direct descendant of Wolf- one of the highest-ranked demons from his realm. J, as he is called, tells us his story as it unfolds- of love and friendships and all the truths he has known that turned out to be lies.

passmemycoffee · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Curious About Demon Me...hmm

Hmm, my dear Hannah wants to be a vet it seems. Hah, if ever I have a pet…if…never would I ever take that animal to Hannah. She's messy and clumsy and did I mention a liar?

Yes, I am going through Hannah's search history on the laptop she's left just lying there in the sitting room which she also uses as a study. I must admit I am curious about her.

The recent search includes; What is a demon.

Can a demon harm me.

What does a demon look like.

Help, my roommate is a …my goodness. This is what she is searching? Me? I will admit, I am touched and a bit annoyed at the same time. What does the internet know about me really? I mean, whatever she needs to know, she can ask me. Didn't I make that clear?

The results are; 'A demon is a malevolent supernatural entity. Historically, belief in demons, or stories about demons, occurs in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology, and folklore; as well as in media such as comics, video games, movies, anime, and television series.'

Well. I don't get the religious thing…

Another search. The demon Lagarhou.

'Pronounced as la-ga-who. Lagarhou is a mythical shapeshifter monster. It is cousin to the French and the Germanic wolf creature known as a werewolf.'

A werewolf? My eyes widen for this is also news to me. I do have a little idea what a werewolf is supposed to be …

'The creature seems like a normal human by day, but this demon takes on the form of a man with no head, who roams the night with a wooden coffin on its neck.'

I couldn't help the loud chuckle but I read on. Never have I ever searched what the world thinks of us or of any 'mythical creatures' either. But I do keep my head and I walk with a sword, not a coffin.

'On top of the coffin are three lighted candles and the long loose end of a heavy iron chain, noosed around its waist, trails behind him. Often, it is seen with chains around its neck, which change size. One appendage is said to be turned backwards.

It can change its form into various animals, including horses, pigs or goats, and is said to often take the form of a creature similar to a centaur it is also thought to be a bloodsucker which is less than particular about its food source, making do with such animals as cows and goats. The Lagarhou also possesses the ability to alter its size from tiny to gigantic in an instant.

To kill the Lagarhou one must beat the creature with a stick which has been anointed with holy water and holy oil for nine days. While beating the demon, it changes into other beasts such as a snarling dog, horse, cat, and pig, a wild bullaman- a f*cking what? I must admit, I figured that was something else -and thunderous waves of water and finally will disappear into a black mist.'

Wow. They really don't try to blow smoke up our arses, do they? Huh. I mean it's a trace of the truth of what I am but geez… beat me with a stick? You can't beat out my existence from me. That's like beating a human to not be human…

Whoever posted it must mean a possessed person. But that can only hurt a human, not the evil spirit that entered them. Yesh. I have seen a few cases where spirits were forced to leave a human body but very few persons control that skill. In fact, as a soul collector, even I don't know how another human achieves that skill.

The next half hour was spent reporting articles.

Hitting the gym next, I leave with two ladies eating me with their eyes. They were so excited about dinner tonight…

Work hard, play harder, right?

Smirking later that night, I ignore Hannah's slack jawed look when I take them up to my room. Two hours pass and I head down to the kitchen for two bottled water for them, mixing a drink for myself. Hannah is watching television.

Another week goes by before I bring a couple up. Hannah is again slacked jawed and when the guy asked me if she is my sister. I don't deny it. Hannah's face is red. She's up once again when they're leaving after adult time, in my bedroom.

It's bothering her and it pleases me somehow.

"Excuse me but can you bring your conquests here?" she frets the next morning when she comes down, fully dressed, in white jeans and a crop top- I know its name for she told it to me when I questioned why she dressed that way for college just two days prior.

V and I are in the kitchen having coffee.

V, is dressed in a white skirt, heels and a jacket to match and I am already suited up in a woodbine green suit. Three of us are in black shoes. We have a meeting with Jace, and K is also accompanying us as Wolf wanted. He stated that he wanted K, to grow a bit with the modern world and chose me to do so.

Undoubtedly, K must have pulled some sort of strings because Wolf requested that V be there and since she has nothing to do with my restaurant…it must be K and his obsession with her.

"What are you wearing?"

"Hmm, what? I told you, a crop top," Hannah replies to my question, an irritated expression evident on her features.

My coffee partner is already walking around the large island, to go to the kitchen cupboard, taking a mug out for Hannah. V knows that Hannah likes extra cream in hers and she gets busy, aiding our homeowner.

"Is this how you're dressing-"

"Relax, jacket?" the college student mutters proudly, tugging the front of the open charcoal bomber jacket.

Shaking my head, I glare at her and she zips it up a bit, placing her bag on top of the island. Satisfied that her exposed tummy is now fully covered, I went on sipping my coffee as casually as one would, I reply, "Why should I not come back to my own place with company?" blinking slowly, taking another sip.

"Why? Wha- just because, it- too much…" Hannah stutters, plopping down on the opposite side of the island, turning to stare at V's quick movements.

It is apparent that my return question had caught her off-guard. My little Hannah is bothered by my very active s*x life. It's cute that she has the bravado to open up her mouth and use words after all this time. I've had scores of both males and females coming over to spend time in my bedroom in the late hours of the night. Nobody stays over, however.

"Noisy?" V helps her out with, adding the creamer to Hannah's coffee then stirs, staring at us with a big smile on her face.

Inwardly I roll my eyes. What is it about this frump Hannah that makes V so merry?

"Yes, you're noisy and it- uh, messes with my studies!" the girl's face brightens when she utters the words that just entered her mind.

"Noisy? You think I'm noisy?" Looking from her to V, I smirk, pulling at my nose, finishing the last of my coffee. Glancing at my watch, I motion with my head to V that we had to leave.

Sitting down when she hands Hannah her coffee, V finishes hers, in her usual silence.

Getting up, I place my cup inside the sink, knowing either Hannah or the maid will place it in the dishwasher. "Fine, I don't wish to disturb your studies, Hannah."

Nodding Hannah smiles, closing her eyes as she went to heaven for a bit with the perfection of V's hand.

"I'll be out for most of the night then," I inform her as V stood up, also placing her coffee mug into the sink.

"Oh, working late?"

Her concerned tone will soon fade. Walking out, I throw over my shoulder, "No, V will be here. I will be staying at a hotel where I can make as much noise as I want."

It is not a big deal for me as I mostly use hotels for my extra activities but I sometimes bring them back to my place so I can keep an eye on Hannah.

Turning then I see her expression- priceless.