
Why Do God Hate Us

During all of those suffering and pains, I couldn't complain to my parents. I was always grateful to have them. Even though we lived in poverty we were a happy family, because we prayed the Rosary together and studied the words of God written in his Holy Book together.

When I was much younger at the age of eight and nine, I told my mom that "I hated God for making us poor!"

"Mama, why do God hate us this much? Are we not serving him rightly? Are there rich better than us? Why was I born in poverty? Why do we have to go to bed on empty stomach at times? Do there rich serve him better than us?" I asked my mother with frustration, pain, resentment and anger in my voice.

My mommy told me " Everything happens for a reason. God cannot give you a burden you cannot handle. God has a greater plan for us." She said with smiles on her face.

In time of difficult I tried to laminating those words out to myself. But at times we as Christians can have little faith.

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