

His smirk widened when he laid eyes on her. He then walked to the Caribbean babe at the door and whispered something in her ear. River watched her nod and go to her friends. Then he turned to her, his teeth on full display as he smiled.

"You're here early. Couldn't wait to see me, huh?"

"I guess I could have waited a little longer," River said through gritted teeth. She watched as the models came back fully dressed and kissed Daniel goodbye.

"See you soon," one of them said in a very suggestive tone that left River's jaw on the floor. She tilted her head at Daniel, her eyes saying they'd talk about this later.

"It was good to see you too," he said, giving the babe a hug and waving them goodbye. The other guys also came and greeted River, but she didn't bother keep their names because they'd never meet again. They shook hands with her and said their goodbyes to Daniel.

Once they were gone, Daniel sighed heavily, looking at the empty champagne bottle in his hand. For a moment, he looked lost in thought. River wondered what was going through his mind. But just as she was about to ask, he shook his head and forced a smile.

"I'm sorry, about, this," he said as he gestured to his place. She shook her head, following him into the living room.

"I'm surprised it's still standing," she teased. "What was the occasion?"

"Just a party," he said briefly, checking his wristwatch. Then he put the bottle in the fridge and pointed with his thumb down the hallway. "I'll just go wash up, that okay?"

She nodded. "Take your time. I'll just go through the thing you wanted to discuss."

"Ah, yes," he chuckled, opening a drawer and handing her the file with the updated policy. "Here. Read through. I've already highlighted the parts we need to go over."

"Alright, thanks. Go shower, you reek of STIs."

He chuckled loudly, his eyes gleaming as he looked back at her. She couldn't help but laugh softly to herself, taking a seat and pulling her reading glasses out.


Back in his bedroom, he hurried up with his shower. He didn't want to be around her smelling like alcohol. His friends had caught him off guard when they showed up unexpectantly, but since it was a special day, he had to put up with them.

Truly, he owes it to her for showing up earlier than planned; they'd not have left had he not told them his boss was here for a business meeting. They were trust-funds babies who have no business working -- they were allergic to anything work related. Granted, they made an exit the first chance they got.

After his shower, he dressed in white joggers and a matching shirt. Then he used his most expensive cologne and raked a hand through his hair to get it to lay down. He closed the bedroom door behind him and was about to ask her if she'd like some dinner but he halted at the sight.

She was seated on the couch, the dim light illuminating and highlighting her features. He wouldn't be lying if he said she was the most beautiful, sophisticated and matured woman he's ever come across. And he's come across his fair share of women from all corners of the world.

There was something about her that tugged at his heartstrings. It was from the first time he saw her at a gala dinner a few years back. She had worn a silver dress that outshone everyone there; men, women and children. The way she spoke and moved around the room attracted all eyes. And most lingered pervertedly.

That night, when she made an entrance a few minutes later than the starting time, she headed straight to Beatrice and they whispered in a corner. There were a few rumours that she had a dress malfunction because both women headed for the toilet immediately. Five minutes later, they returned and mixed with the crowd as if nothing had happened.

She glowed, not only on the outside, but he could sense that it was from deep within. She was glad to be there, to help the wrongly accused, convicted and people leaving prison to have a jump start at life again. Those functions were the only ones you'd ever catch her at. That's why he started attending every single one of them.

The next time he saw her, she had on an olive dress. He was standing with a couple colleagues and one of them made a remark saying they'd like to see what's under it. He shot the man a cold glare that made him stop chuckling. The rest of the rest of the guys around them sensed the shift in atmosphere and quietened down.

"If you say something like that again, I'll ruin your life," he promised, making eye contact with all the men to make sure they all got it. Then he walked away from them, no longer wanting to be associated with them. He didn't know where he was going, but he was glad he was in the eyesight of his boss because that's when he was called to come join them.

"Ah, Daniel, come say hi to Ms Dorval. She's the Chief Manager of Second Chances, the company that organises events like this one," the Chief said, putting a hand on River's shoulder as he introduced the two.

There were a few other people in their small circle but he couldn't tear his eyes away from her to spare them a glance. The way she smiled at him and stretched her hand out switched something on inside of him. He took her hand in his, ran his thumb over the skin and held her hand a little tightly, not wanting to let go but it was enough contact acceptable for a handshake. A second more would be deemed inappropriate.

He dropped his hand and stared right at her as she continued talking to everyone else, occasionally looking at him when she posed a question or asked for his opinion on something she had said. It warmed his heart knowing that she was trying to include him in the conversation.

This was the first time in two years that he'd ever come face to face with her. He promised himself it wouldn't be the last. From that day on, he began researching her. It was at that point that he knew he wanted to work with her. It didn't matter what it was, he just needed to see her, to talk to her, to laugh with her.

The day he saw that her company had a vacancy for a Finance Manager, he knew he had to apply for the position. He was very confident he'd get in -- and the interview was incredible. He felt like he already knew the place. On his way out, he caught sight of her in her office talking to two men.

She looked mad, she had that thin smile across her face and her posture wasn't relaxed at all. He was about to go in and assess the situation but one of the men got up and the other followed. He immediately turned around and took a file from someone who was just walking by, flipping it open and pretending to show them something.

After the two walked away, he exhaled and patted the person on the shoulder, returning the file. Then he looked in her office again and her head was in hands. He later got to learn that those two were Charles and Ludwig, and the problem they were discussing was that one of their finance advisors had embezzled money.

His heart felt squeezed when he couldn't help her unless he was part of her team. That's why he returned to the interview room in haste and told the interviewer that he needed this job, no matter what.

When he started work the next week, that tug of his heartstrings kept growing bigger everyday. It was the way she smelled, the way she laughed, the way she crunched her nose when nobody was looking, the way she spoke to people above and below her, the way she joked with Beatrice in the morning before work, the way she whispered on the phone call, such as right now, going back and forth with someone on the other side.

Everything about her intrigued him. It was starting to bother him that he couldn't do anything about his feelings but just stand and watch.

"Oh, you're done," she breathed out when she put her phone down and stood up. He figured he frightened her just standing there staring at her.

He cleared his throat. "Dinner?"

"I actually brought take-out," she said, pointing to the bag of food from a famous place.

"Oh, great! I was going to make sandwiches and tea so this is better," he chuckled as he walked to the kitchen. She came to stand by the counter, leaning on it with her elbows.

"Was that Beatrice you were talking to?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

"How'd you know?"

"She's the only person you ever talk to on your personal phone."

She raised an eyebrow. "I talk to you, too."

"Ah, yes, no need to remind me that I'm your favourite person to talk to," he said, flipping his non-existent hair. She laughed. And his heart swelled. "You are very beautiful. How come I never saw you with glasses on?"

She blushed, wondering what had gotten into him. He had never told her she is beautiful. Wait, he's sober, right? Just as she was about to ask, the microwave timer went off and he turned around to dish their dinner into one bowl. Then he handed her a fork and came to sit next to her at the counter.

She waited a few seconds, staring between him and the food. Then she rolled her eyes and asked, "Why are we sharing a bowl?"

"I don't wanna wash too many dishes," he replied cheekily.

"One of your babes can come wash for you," she murmured, stabbing the food with a fork. He smirked, glad that she cared enough to be annoyed.

"Can't help being a ladies' man."

"Won't be saying that when you're infected with every STD possible," she said, shrugging as she bit down a smile.

"You'd happily come nurse me, right?" he teased, slightly nudging her shoulder. She laughed, eating a forkful.

To share noodles with her. Check.