

"Ma," she smiled, engulfing the woman in a hug. She looked tired and she didn't have to wonder why.

"I've missed you," Ma said. River was about to reply when an excited body came crashing into her legs, making her chuckle as she steadied herself. She easily picked him up and gave her bag to Ma, holding the boy close to her as she stepped inside.

"Gershon, what did we say about running in the house?" River pretended to scold, making the little boy erupt into fits of giggles. "Where's your sister?"

"She's sleeping again," he said as he started picking at his skin. She placed him down and made her way to the room in the back, opening it slightly to peep her head inside.

"Scythia," she whispered, grinning when she saw that the little girl was sitting on her bed with a doll in hand. Her heart warmed up and she stepped in and closed behind her.

"Hey Riri," Scy toothily grinned as River sat on her bed. River had to take a breath in before engaging in a conversation. It took a heavy toll on her to see them in so much pain, to see Scy in so much pain as little as she was.

"How are you feeling?" Riv asked, sitting Indian style on the bed to match the girl.

"I'm okay," she replied. She was never one to make conversation but that didn't bother anyone.

"Has chemo been going well?"


"But the diet has been terrible, hasn't it?" River whispered, making a disgusted face. The girl giggled, throwing her head back. River's face broke into a smile.

"Ma calls it cardboard food."

"Shh, don't let your doctor hear that," she joked, and the girl nodded. "And, don't tell him about this!" she exclaimed, pulling out the chocolate chip muesli bar. Scy yelped in happiness as she accepted it and tore it open, taking a large bite and instantly moaning in delight.

This right here, River thought. This made her the happiest. Seeing this little girl get to enjoy a little energy bar.

"I'm gonna go talk to Ma. Finish up and come join us, okay?"

"Okey-dokey," Scy grinned, a few crumbled falling out of her mouth. River smiled, caressing her face and tucking the loose red strands behind Scy's ear. She couldn't help but feel how thin it has become. At least it was no longer falling off. That had been a painful thing for Scy. But it was growing back faster. This meant Scy was getting better.

"Ma, can I help?" River asked as she stepped into the kitchen.

"I'm almost done here, dear. You can set the table," Ma replied and River nodded, wordlessly setting the plates and cutlery. Soon enough, Scy came into the kitchen and River went outside to call Gershon inside to come and eat. They sat down at the table as a family, love present on the table.


"Oh, damn it, what?" she said on the phone as she turned under the covers. It wouldn't stop ringing no matter how long she ignored it.

"Well someone's cranky," the annoyed voice of Beatrice spoke and River sighed.

"Beatrice Monaghue, how can I help you on this beautiful day?" River sneered, flipping the covers off and walking into her bathroom to turn the shower on.

"What happened to 'Meet you at the gym at 10'?"

River ran an exhausted hand over her face. After last night's dinner, she stayed to play a few games until it got late. They were having so much fun she only got home after midnight and didn't set an alarm for the gym.

"Next Saturday, I guess," she groaned, feeling the water temperature. When it was hot enough, she undressed and got in, cutting the call. She snickered when she pictured the face of Bea. She hated it when River hung up like that mid-conversation.

After her shower, she dressed in shorts and a sports bra and checked her phone. Sure enough, there were 20 missed calls and a few unfriendly texts. She video called her friend while she made tea.

"I hate you so much," Bea said when she answered.

"I couldn't agree more," she chuckled as she started with bacon and toast.

"What are your plans today?"

"Today?" River repeated, thinking. Then she sighed heavily when she remembered. "Daniel is coming at eight to work on something."

Beatrice's eyebrows furrowed. "Coming where?"


"To your house?" Beatrice asked again, shocked.

"Uh, yes, I heard myself the first time, Bea," River said, wondering what's gotten into her.

"The same house nobody from the office has been in except moi?"

River froze. Oh. She blinked a few times, keeping her head down as she spread the butter on the bread. Not a lot of people had been inside her home. Only Beatrice, Ma and the little two. She was very protective of whom she let into her home. It was her sacred space; you had to be close to the heart to even peek inside.

"Tsk tsk tsk, he's making you soft, River," Beatrice said in a singsong voice.

"Is that a bad thing?" she couldn't help but ask.

"It's incredible. I get to watch my best friend fall in love," Beatrice exclaimed.

"Not best. And there's no falling in love," she denied.

"Don't refuse my love, bitch," Beatrice deadpanned. "And don't worry, soon you'll be forwarding his texts asking, 'How do I reply to this?'"

Just as she said that a new message from him came on her screen and she opened it.

Daniel Kleen: Can't wait for our first date *blowing you kisses*

Before she knew it, she giggled and composed one.

Me: *facepalm* For the last time, It's. Not. A. Date. And lose my number!

"Ah, there it is. She's falling in love," Beatrice spoke, pulling River out of her trance. She glared at the little screen that showed Beatrice's smug face and she stuck her tongue out for lack of a better comeback.

"Text me all the dirty details, bitch. Enjoy your date!" Beatrice said before waving as she hung up.

"It's not a-" she tried to say but sighed. "Fine."

She quietly ate her breakfast, thinking of whether or not to search on the internet if this was going to be a date or not. She talked herself out of it. She wasn't going to be convinced otherwise.

It wasn't a date. It was just two colleagues having a meal together in an intimate and sacred place at night. What about that is a date?