
She's My Fearless Lady

After Laine’s breakup with her boyfriend Kievan, it felt like her world had collapsed. Kievan was the only person she believed loved her, as she was completely orphaned. So, when their relationship ended, she was ready to jump off a bridge, but a man named Alzid stopped her and saved her from certain danger. Laine later discovered that Kievan had broken up with her because he was cheating on her with another girl on campus. She was furious upon learning this. Their paths crossed again when Alzid offered her a contract to pretend to be in a relationship with him to make Kievan jealous and get revenge, while he would introduce her to his mother as his girlfriend. Will they succeed in their plan? Or will it bring them closer to each other? A/N: Please support me by voting chapters and sending gifts it will motivate me a lot to keep writing this stroy thank you. ***Photo in the book cover is not mine, credits to the rightful owner.

Minchann · Thanh xuân
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43 Chs

Chapter 30

(Laine's POV)

Clark brought a motorcycle and said he wanted to show me something. I don't know why, but I didn't hesitate to go with him. He quickly started the motorcycle while I sat behind him.

"Hold on to me; I tend to drive recklessly," he said.

I followed his advice because I was a bit scared with how fast he was driving.

It took us almost an hour to reach the place he wanted to show me. It was at the edge of our area and on a high spot. He stopped the motorcycle by the side of the road.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I just want you to see the beauty of the city," he said.

From this high spot, you could see the entire city below, and I was truly amazed. Even though it was still morning and the buildings below weren't lit up yet, the view was still beautiful.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"It really is beautiful here," I said, still marveling at the view of the city below.