
She's Hell Bound

AnnaPeach · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6-Even

Aiden and I were sitting on the swing in the enclosed porch of my old neighbors, the Jamison's, house when we heard someone approaching. I saw him and I didn't believe my eyes. There walking towards us was my father. But something was wrong, something was off. I couldn't figure out what it was but I couldn't shake the feeling that whatever that creature was it was not my dad.

"Even, sweetheart, I'm so glad you came."

He smiled at me as he came closer. That right there was enough to make me think something was off. My father hadn't looked at me with kind eyes since our family was taken from us. He blamed me.

"Your not my father, what are you? And where is he?"

I held my place firm. We didn't come here just for me to be scared. Aiden stood beside me ready to fight but not saying a word, just taking her queue's from me. He stepped about 4 feet from us then began to talk.

" my dear Even. Seems I can't fool you. Your powers must be growing."

The creature wearing my fathers face looked at me like he was studying me.

"She will be here soon, then she will do what must be done. There is no way around it. You, Even, are not the dark. You are the light. But not for long."

He laughed, such a sinister laugh, I don't know what happened. It just set me off. The next thing I know I'm standing in front of him with my hand on his throat. I have him off the ground. There's a white light shining from where my hand has him by the throat. Then a black smoke falls from him leaving a ash at our feet. I let him fall to the ground. I'm completely dizzy when I hear foot steps coming towards us. Aiden is knocked completely out by a beautiful woman in red. She leans fine and smiles at me before speaking to me.

"Little Eve, your not strong enough to fight me. To bad, would of be fun to see you try. But it's all the same, it will be quicker this way. You will become the dark now. I will prevail."

I watch in awe as she slices her lip with her nail then seals her lips on mine. The taste of her blood is in my mouth mixed with brimstone and death. As she pulls away a red smoke enters my mouth. I can't stop it. I'm to weak from exercising the demon that was in my father. She stands up as we hear someone running in our direction. Mike. I can feel him.

"Until we meet again Eve. And we will meet again, you have my dark in you now. As hard as your little light may try to fight dark will win this time."

Then she's gone.

The last thing I remember is feeling Mikes embrace. I felt at peace and safe, I knew I could rest. I was safe with him. So I did rest. I felt the war that was raging between the light and the dark in my body, I was going to need all my strength if I was going to have any chance at getting the dark out.