
She's Hell Bound

AnnaPeach · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1-Even

Something kept telling me that things were bad. I woke up this morning with a bitter taste in my mouth; it has stayed with me all this time. As ridiculous as it sounds, the only word that comes to mind when I try to describe the taste is, death. How the hell does my mouth taste like death???? I must be crazier then I originally thought. But I still couldn't stop the feeling that I needed to get to the hospital as fast as I can. My dad works at the hospital; he has thrown himself into work since my mom and sister was killed in a car accident. I love my dad, I really do. But since mom and Eden passed away he looks at me like I am this horrible monster. Hell I haven't seen him in almost a year. I left on my 20th birthday; I just couldn't take the looks anymore. He cried and drank himself to sleep for 16 months before we just stopped talking at all. They died on Eden and my's 18th birthday; I never celebrated my birthday again. The night I left he was drunk, after working a 16 hour shift at the hospital; he came home screaming for me. I remember walking down the stairs when he started running towards me with a knife. He had me by my neck, pressed up against the wall at the end of the stair case. I was too stunned to even fight him. He was my father, and he was hurting just like I was.

"What makes you so special?! Why do you get to live and they get to die! My family died so you could be saved! It should have been you, do you hear me it should have been you! Bring them back to me!"

He was talking out of his head. I was so stunned and scared that all I could do was standing there listening to him slurs his hate words over and over until he finally passed out on the steps. I cried while I packed. Went to the safe in his office and took all the cash he had left in there, my parents were always well off I knew he could afford it and at this point I honestly didn't give a flying fuck if it was all he had left. I drove 4 hours to Memphis TN and then I took the first flight out I ended up in Flagstaff AZ. When I stood in the airport something told me to pick a not so well know state and a city that had enough people that I could hide easily but was far from a big city with all the crime. The minute I spotted Flagstaff on the big board something clicked and I was buying a ticket before I even realized I had moved. I had been there for a week staying in a motel. It was 3 am on a Thursday night. I hadn't been able to sleep so I was out walking downtown. During the day when I walked down this same street I kept getting a pull or electric charge if you will. It was pulling me towards a bar. Of course the bar was never open during the day so I never had the chance to explore. I felt that same charge that night pulling me towards the bar called Hell Bound. I walked in. the inside of the bar looked more like a club. Nice black leather booths on each side of the door all the way to the back where the bar was. A huge stage to the right of the bar in a corner, lights surrounding the stage as girl danced and sang about being drawn to the darkness of night. The song spoke to me, it drew me in. there were people everywhere, grinding and dancing in the most erotic ways. I was a little embarrassed. But to be truthful I had never felt more at home then I did in that bar. I was standing by the stage enthralled by the music when a woman came up to me.

"Why don't you get up there girly, let's see how good you are."

She was stunning. Long flawless legs walking in knee high black boots with 6 inch heels at least. Of course she had a perfect size 1 waist barely covered by a strip of almost see through black lace, matching tank top that was also see through and very low cut. She has to be the sexiest women I had ever seen. She had long straight dark blue almost black hair that stopped half way down her back, her hair only made her dark bluish black eyes stand out more. This woman was front cover of Vogue gorgeous.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I would be any good."

She smiled at me before replying.

"Well how do you know that you aren't any good if you don't even try?"

She was right. I was never the type to join in with school functions or ever with people in general. I was a loner. I was different then everyone else, I always felt it.

"Kind of hard to fight with that logic. I guess worst case I never have to show my face here again."

She laughed,

"You have some good logic there yourself. I'm Adian. And I would love to get you on that stage."

I liked her. She felt safe. I don't really remember ever really feeling safe before. Looking at her eyes made me want to do anything she asked me to.

"Even, Even Adams. Let's get me up there before I chicken out."

Asian's eyes widened at the mention of my name but she quickly regained her composure. I did have a weird name. Mom named us close to her name which was weird in its self. Mom was Evenly Jane Adams, I and Eden were twins. Eden Mary Adams and then I was named Even Lilith Adams. I followed Adian to a door beside the stage while we continued our conversation.

"So, Even, do you have a song that you would like to sing or should I just pick one?"

I thought for a minute.

"Actually there is one song that I love, it's a girly song. And I am not sure it will suit this place."

"The people in this place never judge. It is kind of a requirement. You don't seem to know your own strength, let's see if we can change that."

I knew I had a decent singing voice, Eden and I loved to pretend we were famous singers and that we played concerts all the time. When I stepped on the stage I was nervous as hell. I saw Adian by the bar talking to the man behind it. They both glanced up and met my eyes at the same time. Then the music started.

"There is a place that I know. It's not pretty there and few have ever gone. If I show it to you now will it make you run away or will you stay even if it hurts even if I try to push you out will you return and remind me who I really am please remind me who I really am... everybody's got a dark side do you love me can you love mine. Nobody's a picture perfect but we are worth it you know that we are worth it will you love me even with my dark side."

I let the song pour out of me and take all my pain with it. I let the song say all the things my heart ached to say. I was getting into it moving my hips and really feeling the song in me. Once I sang the last words as I opened my eyes. Everyone was looking at me. And I mean every single person in the joint had their eyes on me. I was nervous as hell. Was I really that bad? Adian was in front of the stage motioning for me to come with her. Once I started to exit the stage they started clapping and whistling. I was stunned into silence. Adian then turned and glared at all the audience, they quickly returned to their partying and dancing. Adian took me to the bar to see the bar tender.

"Duke, this is Even Adams. Even, Duke owns Hell Bound."

"You have quite a voice Even. And a beautiful name to go with it. Just like Eve and Adam, the beginning of man."

"Thank you. I guess my mother was a little obsessed. She named my sister and me after her. It's kind of hard to make friends when you have a name like Even Lilith Adams."

"Lilith for Adams first wife and Eve for his second,"

Duke smiled at me. No one that I have ever met actually new that Adam have a first wife. Mom use to tell Eden and me the stories about how Lilith was the most powerful demon next to the devil himself. How she tricked Adam into wedding her in hopes of making sure mortals were never created. God had other plans; he banished Lilith back into hell for eternity and created Eve for Adam. Eve was supposed to be like mother earth herself, she was supposed to help Adam create a Holy world, one without pain and demons. Eve was tricked into defying God and was banished into the Garden of Eden and away from her beloved Adam. Mom use to always tell us that until Eve is reunited with her Adam that the doors keeping immortals out of the mortal realm will forever be open. Giving demons free rein to pry on the mortals, destroying Gods creation of having a heaven on earth.

"Yes, my mom loved the story of Adam and Eve. I guess her mother did too. She named my mom Evenly Jane and in return my sister and I were named Eden Mary and Even Lilith."

Duke and Adian both nodded to each other before returning there glances back to me. It felt odd to me actually I kept getting different vibes off of all the people in the bar. It wasn't a bad vibe just subtle way of telling me that these people are different. I have always been different so I assume that is why I fit in here.

"So, Even where are you staying? You don't seem like you are from around here."

"I'm not. I have only been here a week. I am staying in a motel across town. I have been looking for a job actually. So I can get a place to stay."

I kept watching the people on the dance floor, fascinated by them. Some couples looked like they were biting each other. They must be just making out like those twilight groupies. To each is his own.

"I really must be going, I have a long walk back to the motel and I still have to get some sleep before I go job searching again."

I hopped off of the bar stool and headed to the door. Something ran through me the minute I was outside. Like a presence. Warmth spread throughout my body, calmness. I hadn't even realized how stressed and upset I actually was until this sensation or whatever it was washed over me. The only way I know how to explain it was happy, at ease maybe. All my tension washed away. I was looking around at the people on the side walk. There weren't many people out at 5 amand I wasn't even sure what I was looking for I just needed to look. I heard someone calling to me and it snapped me out of my own little world.

"Hey! Wait up!"

It was Adian. I turned towards the man passing by me, a jolt of energy pulsed through me as he grazed my hand with his. What the hell was that?! I turned back and Adian was right in front of me, how did she get to me so quick? She was just stepping out of the doors to the bar which is a good quarter of a mile from me. She looked at me as if reading my thoughts.

"Fast jogger. So me and Duke were talking and we would like you to come back tonight about 4 pm. We would like to offer you a job, kind of help you out until you get on your feet."

Adian smiled sweetly at me and if I wasn't still shocked by the energy that had just ran through me then I probably would have protested the help but I was too preoccupied to argue.

"Sure, that would be great. Thank you so much. I will be here at four"

"And Even? Be careful out here by yourself. Here is the number to the bar. If you ever need anything just call. Duke and I are always here. "

I didn't exactly know what to say to that so I just smiled at her and took the paper from her hand. I watched her walk back inside before I headed back to the motel.

My body was automatically tuned into her from the moment she walked into Hell Bound. It was like a piece of me being found. My body felt charged, at the top of its game. I didn't even have to watch her I could sense her movements. She was so beautiful. Dark red hair, almost pink, obviously died but it suited her. It matched the power and determination behind her eyes. Eyes that would bring any man mortal or immortal to his knees begging to do her will. Dark brown with green lines circling her irises. Smooth flawless skin covered every inch of her. She wasn't a skinny rail like all the other women here, if I had to guess I would say she was a good healthy 8 or 10. Not an inch of fat on her all toned and perfectly portioned. When she took the stage I could feel the arousal of every male and many females in the room. I would have killed any of them that touched her. I felt the urge to mark my territory. Oh gods I need to get a grip on myself. It has to be

just my body telling me I need to get laid. There is no way this, wait, what is she. I can sense all other immortals but I just get mortal from her. Hell if I am getting all worked up over a damn mortal then I do need to get laid. I make my way over to Adian and Duke while the goddess on stage is still singing; it took more will power to turn away from her then it takes to keep the demon inside of me suppressed. What the hell is going on with me today? I am a Nephilim. I was born from a mortal woman but an Angel as a father. But that's not all of it, I was denied my wings and chance at being a Angel of heaven when a demon trapped me and experimented with me, I was one of the ten Nephilim they were experimenting on but I was one of only two that survived the tests. Duke and Adian actually saved me then exercised the demon back to hell. They were trying to save a friend of theirs; even after I told them their friend hadn't made it through the tests

they still saved me and the other survivor. I felt indebted to them. We became friends quick. I consider Duke the father I never had.

"Duke what's with letting the mortal in?"

"Son your senses tell you that Even is mortal?"

He seemed surprised when I nodded to him. I returned my attention to the beauty pouring her heart out on stage. What did Duke say her name was, Even? Oh gods no! My head shot back to Duke and Adian smirk cover both their faces as the name registers to me.

"Do you mean THE Even?"

Now it was my turn to be surprised as they nodded to me.

"How the hell did you find her? I thought she had been killed?"

"Well apparently she is not dead. She just walked in about an hour ago all by herself. The bigger question is why she doesn't know who she is or even that immortals exist."

"She doesn't know? Very interesting."

"Mike I need you to watch her, keep her safe but don't show yourself to her yet. We need to figure out who else knows she is alive before we tell her who she is."

"Okay, I will keep her safe."

I pull my focus back to her, my Even. My? Where did that come from? It has to be a mixture of all the immortal power in me making me feel these things. I am a Nephilim which means I am immortal, and the only thing that can kill me and removing my heart from my chest. Anything other wounds I can heal but I also was given the blood and DNA of many other immortals. I have the speed, strength, and even the ability to live off only blood if I so choose; taken from a vampire. I have the ability to transform into a wolf and can read the thoughts of other immortals if I choose, I can also sense all other immortals; gifts taken from a shape shifter. I have the magic of a fairy, I can cast spells with the snap of my fingers but I haven't master many of the fairy abilities yet. The worse part and the reason the heavens shunned me is that I have the blood of a demon running through me, it gives me the ability to blend in with other demons and minions of hell it

even strengthens the energy behind all my other powers but controlling the demon side is difficult sometimes. The demon can sense when I am weak and when I am pissed the fuck off, those are really the only times he can gain control over me and let his blood lust take over.

I waited outside the bar for Even to leave before following her home; I needed a little space to get my emotions in check. I stood a mere foot from her when she stood outside. The closer I was to her the calmer I felt, the more control I have over my powers and the demon inside of me. I craved the energy that she let off, I had to touch her. I sensed Adian coming so I had to make it quick. I brushed past her barley touching her had as I continued my path. As weird as the feeling was the touch alone sent such a wave of arousal through me that it was almost like climaxing. I didn't know what to make of that feeling. I kept a good distance between us as she walked home. It almost seemed like she sensed me when we were outside Hell Bound. I didn't want to cause her distress if she thought she was in danger. Once we arrive where she was staying I fought the urge to put her in a nicer place, maybe even my place. I don't understand the emotions and urges

I keep feeling when I am near her. I want to protect her, claim her, take care of her, bring her to climax over and over while she screamed my name in ecstasy. Oh hell yea I really need to get laid. I felt my phone vibrate through the pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out to answer.

"Mike I need you to let your shadow watch Even for a while. You, Adian and I need to talk about what we are going to do before she comes tomorrow night."

"No worries, I am on my way."

One of the many perks of having demon blood. I can leave my shadow behind like a fly on the wall. I can choose to see what it sees at any time and it alerts me to anything out of the ordinary. I closed my eyes and let the shadow leave my body like a fog; I cast it inside of her room. I know it is invading her privacy but I couldn't stop the urges to protect her no matter how hard I tried. As soon as I was sure that my shadow was in place I ran at lightning speed to the bar. It only took me 5 seconds to get there. It had taken Even and I 20 minutes to walk to her place earlier. I smiled to myself, another plus from having all these powers.

All three of us agreed that we needed to protect Even. When word got out that she was here they would come after her. I did some research on the internet and found out that her mom and twin sister were killed on her 18th birthday, my heart ached to comfort her for her lose. It has to be taking a toll on her I could sense how upset she was, how lost, how lonely. I wanted to take all of those pains away from her, battle anyone that wanted to hurt her. I'm not even near her and I am still feeling all these new emotions for her. When I told Duke about the feelings I had been having we both suggested that I stay my distance. I told him that there was no way I could actually stay away from her now but I could stay out of sight and watch her from the shadows until we decided she was safe. When I told Duke that I kept having thoughts of claiming her he just smiled that knowing smile of his and told me that the "heart wants what the heart wants, true love has no rules my son." I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to take from that. I don't love Even, I don't even know her. The sun was starting to come up when I exited the bar. I raced to Even's room to try and avoid anyone noticing me. I could sense that she was still sleeping. I looked in all directions making sure not to be seen before materializing myself into her room. I sat in the chair at the end of her bed watching her sleep. With each breath she took it became harder not to touch her, not to lay beside her and sooth all her worry away. I was caught up in my own little world until I noticed she was whispering something. I had super hearing, I could hear what she was saying, and I just had to get closer to make sure it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me.


"Please Elijah, I need you."

Holy Fuck! She was saying my first name! I started going by my middle name once the heavens revoked my wings. Just hearing it coming out of her mouth had my pants fitting tighter in the crotch area. I have never wanted a woman more then I want this one. All the more reason not to take what I want. I sat back down in the chair and just listened to her moaning my name. Closing my eyes and letting her words torture me ever so sweetly.