
She’s My Blossom

Naruko uzumaki, the girl born on the night her village was almost destroyed, orphaned mere minutes after her birth and with no one to call friend was left all alone to bare the weight of a tailed beast sized burden. Sakura haruno, the girl that never had to ask for much. Her parents provided for her and were very supportive when she told them that she wanted to be a ninja. Her only problem? Other then her academic skills she was pretty much useless. What happens when Sakuras and narukos paths suddenly crash into one another?

WhiteEyed_Ghoul · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Ch. 1


"Watch it brat!"


"Not my potatoes!"

Naruko ignored the cries of her accidental victims as she dashed, weaved and bobbed through the busy streets of the leaf village. Her tiny five year old body continued forward, brushing past the hustle and bustle of the midday rush.

Villagers were push out of her way by her tiny hands and in some cases she had to hop over the occasional fruit or veggie stand, the weaker stands fell and the tougher ones remained upright... until they were crushed under foot of two bright neon pink Anbu agents that were hot on their pranksters tail.

While the two bright pink agents chased the small blond through the busy streets, two bright orange agents were tailing her from the roof tops above them.

Naruko looked behind her and when she made eye contact with one of the agents, her bright blue eyes seemed to brighten even more and a rather large grin spread across her whispered face. She looked forward once more and with a happy giggle she dashed away at break neck speeds.

The Anbu agents watched with dumbfounded expressions as the little blond girl vanished in a little yellow flash.

The two Anbu on the ground came to a stop just as the two Anbu on the roofs jumped down next to them and regrouped, each of them looked at each other and scratched their heads in confusion.

"She is extremely fast." One said.

"Agreed." Another nodded." Captain dog told us she was fast but I didn't think.."

"She just vanished." Another one mumbled.

"I need to go change."


*With naruko*

The young girl came to a sudden halt and looked around her. She was now standing in front of the hokages tower with a rather noticeable pout on her face.

"That's no fun!" She wined out, getting a bunch of odd looks from the many villagers walking past her." Those stupid Anbu guys couldn't keep up!" She stomped her foot in annoyance." Just when it was started to get fun too.." she added quietly.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when a large hand rested itself on her left shoulder. With a Yelp she spun around and punched the unknown person in the gut.

Said figure nearly doubled over at the unexpected strike but he managed to stay standing.

"Don't do that you idiot!" Naruko cried out while pointing an accusing finger at the silently gasping man. He wore the standard Anbu attire. Covering his face was a dog mask and under that was another black mask that covered everything from his nose down. His grey hair was spiked up and slightly tilted to the left." You scared me!" She stated.

Dog finally managed to get air back into his lungs so he stood straighter and looked down at the unusually strong little girl before him.

"Naruko-Chan, I heard you were causing trouble for some of my men." He stated in a somewhat lazy tone.

Naruko pouted at the accusation." No! I was training!" She told him. Seeing the skeptical head tilt of the Anbu before her, she continued." Honest! See I made them chase me and then I used them to work on my stamina!" She crossed her arms over her chest and proudly nodded her head.

Dog deadpanned under his mask. He had to give it to the kid. She was too young to enter the academy so she couldn't really train, so it seemed that she was creating improvised training arrangements until then. But still..

"Naruko, you know it's pretty much illegal for a civilian to mess with the villages ninja like this. Especially Anbu." He lectured the blond who was now, once more, pouting." Anbu are very important for the villages security and they can't keep getting distracted like this. It puts the entire village at risk you know." He told her softly.

Naruko frowned and looked away from dog." I'm sorry, I just wanna train so I can be super strong when I finally get into the academy and I don't have anyone to train with." She told him sadly.

Seeing the sad look on narukos face made dog feel a little bad." Why don't you go ask hokage-sama  if there's anyone available to help you train?" He asked her as he reached out and patted her head.

"The old mans always busy with hokage stuff, I don't wanna bother him." She replied softly and dog chuckled a bit.

"Eh, don't worry about that, I'm sure he'd love for you to go and visit." Dog told her while motioning towards the large red building behind her.

Seemingly regaining some of her spunk, Naruko nodded quickly." Alright dog! I'll go see the old man now! Bye!" And she dashed past him.

Dog watched her run off before he vanished in a swirl of leaves.

Naruko quickly dashed up the three flights of stairs until she reached the top floor. The floor was split into three segments. One half was made into a waiting/ reception area. There was a bunch of benches and chairs littered around for people to sit down on and wait and there was also a large wooden desk filled with papers. Behind the desk sat a female chunin with long brown hair done up in a stylish bun. She was a pretty plain woman with lightly tanned skin and a pair of round glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose.

Then there was the mission room. It was a room filled with tables and desks, each table was piled nearly to the ceiling with neatly rolled up and stacked mission scrolls while numerous chunin and special jonin were sitting at the desks helping a bunch of civilians fill out mission requests while there was a few other ninja there picking up missions.

Last but not least-

"Hey! You can't just barge in ther-"

Naruko ran up to the hokages door and threw the door open before racing into the office and slamming the door shut behind her.

" old man!" She cried out happily, her arms raised above her head. She suddenly froze as she looked at the third hokage.. and the weird looking crippled dude sitting in one of the chaired across from his desk.

The third hokage, who wore his usual hokage robes and hat looked at her with a raised brow while he smoked from his wooden pipe." Naruko-Chan." He greeted with a small nod." What have I told you about knocking?" He asked her.

The other man who had short dark brown, almost black hair, had on a long white robe. His right arm was wrapped in thick cast like bandages while a piece of cloth tied around his neck held his injured arm close to his chest. He also had a bunch of bandages covering his right eye and all in all.. He gave Naruko a bad vibe.

"Uhhh, I don't remember." Naruko admitted with a shrug and hiruzen sighed. The blond sniffed the air before her nose crinkled in disgust. She looked at the crippled man and frowned." You smell gross-"

"Naruko!" Hiruzen looked exasperated at the young girl.

"What?!?" Naruko pouted." It's true! He smells like a basement!" She told him, pointing at the crippled man.

Hiruzen sighed before he stood up and fixed his robes."donzo, we'll have to pick this up later." While his face showed no annoyance, his tone definitely did.

Donzo stood up with the help of a wooden cain and grunted before walking towards the door. Naruko stepped aside and locked eyes with the strange man. She watched him until he finally left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Naruko blinked before looking back towards the third." So what can I help you with today Naruko?" He asked softly, a small smile on his face as he sat on the edge of his desk.

"We'll you see-" the blond began." I was training with the Anbu right?-"

"The Anbu?" He asked and Naruko nodded.

"Yeah I pranked them and made them run after me so I could work on my stamina." Naruko replied and hiruzen deadpanned.

'I think you have enough stamina Naruko' he thought to himself as he continued to listen to the young girl.

"And it was fun for awhile, but then they couldn't keep up. Then I ran into dog and he told me to come to you to see if you had anyone that could help train me so I didn't have to keep bugging the Anbu." Naruko looked up at him expectantly, a small hopeful look in her eyes.

Hiruzen frowned and shook his head." I'm sorry Naruko, but I don't have any ninja to spare." He told her solemnly.

"What?!?" Naruko shouted out." Come on old man, there's gotta be someone, right?" She asked with a defeated look on her face. Hiruzen shook his head sadly and Naruko huffed." How am I supposed to be super strong by the time I get into the academy then?" She asked him.

"I'm sorry Naruko-Chan, you're just gonna have to wait until you get into the academy-"

"Whatever, I'll just figure it out myself." Naruko cut him off with a frown on her face. She spun around and began walking towards the office door.

Hiruzen looked at her back sadly." I'm sorry Naruko." He called out to her.

"Whatever." The blond replied quietly as she left the office.

This was why she didn't even wanna come to the hokage in the first place. Whenever she asked for something she was always told no. She didn't understand it. Why did the third always turn her away? Was it cause she didn't have parents?

'No!' Naruko stopped walking down the stairs. She took a deep breath, burying her sudden urge to cry before she pumped her fist.' No more crying!' She told herself in a strong tone.' I can do this by myself, I don't need the hokages help! I'll still become the strongest ninja- even all by myself!' She mentally pumped herself up.

"Cha!" She shouted out before she calmed herself down.' To excited.' She told herself."nee- let's see how fast I can make it down these stairs!" She told herself.

With a grin she crouched slightly, adding chakra too her feet, before she vanished in a yellow flash.. seconds later there was a loud booming sound echoing throughout the entire building, nearly scaring the shit out of everyone there and causing multiple ninja to panic.

Naruko, who was now running through the village had a grin on her face as she heard the distant boom.'breaking the sound barrier? Check!" She let out a happy laugh as she continued running.

Naruko knew she was different! Ever since she started her 'training' she quickly realized that for whatever reason, she was a lot faster and physically stronger then most people. She didn't know exactly why this was, but it just was and that was enough for her.

When she first learned of her strength and speed she was giddy! Finally after what felt like forever, she had something that was completely unique to her! Something she didn't have to share, something that was hers and hers alone.

When her abilities were first discovered by the third hokage, he had made her go to the hospital with him for something called a 'check up' whatever that was. All they did was poke her with needles and take her blood. It was dumb and she decided she hated hospitals after that.

Another thing she hated was the way people looked at her. They always had this nasty look on their faces that basically screamed ' I know something about you that you don't! Ha ha!' And it's annoyed her to no end!

'Stupid adult!' She thought to herself as she sent more chakra into her legs.' Stupid old man! Never helping!' She sent more chakra to her legs.' Stupid village!' She growled out, unbeknownst to herself, her bright blue eyes had turned a bloody red.'stupid-'


Naruko, not paying attention to where she was going, slammed face first into a low hanging tree branch and was sent tumbling onto her back.

Naruko groaned from her spot on the ground. Her eyes were closed and her nose was scrunched up in pain. There was a long bloody cut on her forehead and blood was running down the right side of her forehead.

She laid unconscious on the forest floor, surrounded by nothing but trees..

A large blood red eye slid open, it's slitted pupil gazed out into its dark surroundings from behind a giant golden cage. It felt a pull on its chakra and immediately woke up from its slumber.

'Pitiful child! How dare you try and take what's mine?!?' It let out a low growl as it's eye focused solely on the only other thing in this hellish place. A small blond haired girl floating within the sewer like waters, obviously unconscious. She was slowly floating closer and closer to its cage. 'I'll show you!' The unknown beast let out a dark chuckle as it raised a large orange fur covered, human like paw, and struck.

It's arm shot out through the gaps in between the bars holding it back, one of its many large sharp white nails blurred down towards the sleeping girl.

"I'll kill you!" The beast roared out as its claw slammed into the girl. The beast let out a dark laugh, only to stop once it realized something.. where was the blood? Or the cries of pain? It's red eye narrowed as he looked down at the girl and it frowned.

The girls blue eyes were open, staring up at the giant claw that was right above her face, a small hand was wrapped tightly around the very top of the claw, almost as if it was..

"Impossible.." the beast muttered as its red eye widened in surprise.' This child.. this mere brat was..was..'

"I don't know what you are.." the girl spoke, her voice was colder then ice as she tilted her head back in the water, just enough for her icy blue eyes to lock on its giant red one." But if you try that again.. I'll kill you."

The unknown beast yanked its claw away from the girl who was now slowly standing up. He brought his arm back into the cage and rested it on the water covered ground next to him.

"How?" His deep voice boomed out." How could a mere human, a tiny little girl have enough strength to catch my claw?!?" He questioned the girl, his only exposed eye seemed to narrow even more.

Naruko, who stood up and was now looking at her surrounding which looked like.. a sewer? Turned back towards the large golden gate like structure in front of her. Behind it, the only thing she could see was the large blood red eye that stared down at her in annoyance.. and was that a little bit of curiosity?

Naruko furrowed her brows." Listen here buster!" She yelled, pointing at the large eye." I don't know where you get off on trying to kill me like that but don't do that again! Got it?!?" She stomped her foot in childish annoyance." And how the heck did I get here?!?" She cried out while looking at her surroundings once more.

The unknown beast continued to looked down at the small child.

"How.. interesting.."

Naruko looked back at the large eye, only to gulp as a set of huge white fang like teeth suddenly appeared right under the giant red eye.

'What the heck?!?' She mentally cried out as she watched the shadowy creature suddenly grow.. and grow..and grow even more.

"Oh my god.."

"HAHAHAHA!" Narukos voice was drowned out by the loud booming, almost demonic laughter of the giant beast in front of her.