
Shattered Sparks

In a frozen, post-apocalyptic world where power is everything, young Alex must navigate the dangerous streets of the Rust Quarter, a crumbling settlement where survival hinges on scavenging and trade. Alongside his adoptive sister Elara, he scrapes by in a world dominated by old-world technology and mysterious energy manipulation—an ability few can master, but one that holds immense potential. Unknown to everyone, Alex harbors a powerful secret: an AI embedded in his very soul. With the AI’s help, Alex begins to uncover fragments of lost knowledge, relics of a time long before the collapse. As he pieces together the mysteries of the past, he is drawn into a dangerous game—one where knowledge, energy, and survival are all tightly intertwined. With secrets hiding in every shadow and power held only by the elite, Alex must tread carefully. What he discovers could change everything, but it might also bring more danger than he ever imagined. #Post-apocalyptic#Survival#Sci-fi#Energy manipulation#Reincarnation#AI companion#Advanced technology#Dystopia#Scavenging#Self-sustaining technology#Power generation#Tech-enhanced protagonist#Sibling bond#Wasteland exploration#Old-world tech#Crafting and innovation#Underground economy#Secret abilities.

gogi8755 · Khoa huyễn
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74 Chs

45: The First Steps Into the Unknown

The wind howled around the remnants of the old marketplace, carrying with it a biting chill that cut through even the thickest of clothing. But Alex felt none of it. The suit he wore—his own creation—hummed with power as the turbines on his back spun, generating enough heat to keep him warm. His breath fogged in the cold air, but inside the suit, he felt calm and steady, ready for whatever was about to unfold.

Standing across from him, the trader and his two armed guards were silent, their eyes fixed on Alex and Elara as if sizing them up. The trader's smile lingered, but there was no warmth in it, just a thin veneer of pleasantries masking the danger underneath. Alex knew men like this: opportunists, survivors who played the long game. They had their fingers in every deal, always looking for the next big score.

Elara stood at Alex's side, her posture tense but controlled. She was ready for anything, her sharp eyes never leaving the trader's face. They had come prepared for this moment, but they were stepping into dangerous territory, and one wrong move could spell disaster.

"You said you were here to talk," the trader finally spoke, his voice low and gravelly. He gestured toward their suits, clearly intrigued. "And you've got something I want. So, let's talk."

Elara didn't miss a beat. "We know you have connections inside the Elite District. We need to get in."

The trader chuckled, the sound grating against the quiet of the frozen wasteland. "Straight to the point, huh? I like that. But getting into the Elite District isn't exactly easy, even for someone like me. What makes you think I'd take that kind of risk for you?"

Elara's eyes narrowed. "Because we have something they need. These suits—what we've built here—are the key to survival in this world. We can offer them something no one else can. And if you help us, we'll make sure you get your share."

The trader's smile widened, his gaze drifting over the suits. He stepped forward, his hands clasped behind his back as he took a closer look. "Interesting. I've heard whispers about tech like this, but I never thought I'd see it up close."

Alex felt his stomach tighten. The trader was clearly intrigued, but he was also dangerous. He wasn't the kind of man who dealt in good faith unless there was something in it for him. And right now, Alex had no idea what the trader really wanted.

"You've got my attention," the trader said, his voice smooth. "But getting into the Elite District isn't just about what you've got. It's about who you know. And right now, you don't know anyone on the inside. That's where I come in."

Elara exchanged a glance with Alex. This was the moment they had been preparing for—the negotiation that could make or break everything. She turned back to the trader, her voice calm but firm. "We know that. And we're willing to make it worth your while. You help us get inside, and we'll give you access to the suits. A partnership."

The trader's eyes gleamed with interest, but there was a flicker of suspicion as well. "A partnership, huh? And how do I know you won't just cut me out once you're inside?"

Alex stepped forward, his voice steady. "Because you'll be part of the deal. We're not here to play games. We need resources and connections inside the Elite District, and we know you have those. We also know that once you see what these suits can do, you'll want a piece of it."

The trader's eyes flicked toward Alex, and for a moment, the two men locked eyes. Alex could feel the weight of the trader's scrutiny, the calculating look of someone who had been through more deals and betrayals than Alex could imagine.

Finally, the trader let out a low laugh, shaking his head. "You've got guts, kid. I like that. Alright, I'll help you. But understand this: if you screw me over, it won't end well for any of you. The elites don't play by the same rules we do. Once you're inside, you'll see that."

Elara nodded, her expression hard. "We're not here to cause trouble. We just want a way in."

The trader gestured to one of his guards, who stepped forward and handed him a small device. The trader held it up, the cold light of the day reflecting off its surface. "This is your key. It'll get you past the outer gates. Once you're inside, you're on your own. But I'll make sure someone meets you at the inner checkpoint."

Alex took a deep breath, the gravity of what they were about to do sinking in. The Elite District was a fortress, and now they had a way in. But the risks were enormous. They were about to walk into the heart of a world they barely understood, and there was no telling what they would find on the other side.

"We appreciate the help," Alex said, his voice steady despite the unease churning inside him.

The trader smiled again, though it still didn't reach his eyes. "Just remember, kid. Once you're in there, it's a different world. And you might not like what you find."

The walk back to the shelter was silent, the cold wind whipping through the streets as Alex, Elara, and Serena made their way through the snow. The trader had given them what they needed—the key to the Elite District—but the weight of the decision pressed down on them like a storm cloud.

Serena, who had stayed quiet during the entire exchange, finally spoke as they neared the shelter. "Do you think we can trust him?"

Elara's jaw tightened. "No. But we don't have a choice."

Alex remained silent, his mind racing. The trader had warned them about the elites, and though Alex had expected danger, the warning had unsettled him. He knew they were walking into something far more complicated than they had anticipated.

When they finally reached the shelter, the fire had burned down to embers again, casting long shadows across the room. Nia was curled up in her usual spot, fast asleep. Serena immediately moved to check on her, brushing a strand of hair from her daughter's face as she settled beside her.

Alex sat by the fire, his hands absently reaching for the pieces of the suit he had been working on. The feel of the cold metal and fabric in his hands was oddly comforting, a reminder that even in this uncertain world, he had created something that gave them a fighting chance.

Elara paced in front of the fire, her expression unreadable as she mulled over the day's events. "We need to be ready. Once we're inside, we won't have much time to figure out what we're dealing with."

Alex nodded, his thoughts still on the trader's warning. "We'll go in, show them what the suits can do, and make sure we keep control of the deal."

Elara stopped pacing, her eyes meeting Alex's. "You need to be ready for anything. The elites… they'll try to get inside your head. They'll use whatever leverage they can find to turn things in their favor."

Alex nodded. He understood the stakes, but the weight of the responsibility pressed down on him harder than before. This wasn't just about survival anymore. It was about stepping into a world where power, control, and manipulation were the rules of the game.

Serena spoke up again, her voice softer this time. "And what if we don't like what we find?"

Alex glanced at her, the fear in her eyes echoing his own thoughts. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

They all knew that crossing into the Elite District meant entering a new kind of danger, one that couldn't be fought with weapons or brute strength. It was a battle of minds, of wills, and they had to be prepared for whatever came their way.

As the fire crackled softly in the hearth, the group sat in silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts. The Elite District awaited, full of unknown dangers and promises of a future they couldn't yet see.