
Shattered Cross: The Only Azur Lane Fic

Just a fic I do in my free time as an official NEET because of this virus outbreak. The fic will explore the side of Siren, and their struggle against the Azur lane. I don't care about the synopsis, just read the first and second chapter, zip and done.

Abbeysensei · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

"Good morning Nimi-chan!"

"Good morning Javelin."

Z23 took a glance behind her as she organized the various book on the row of shelves. It seems the purple-ette was visibly happy at the current moment.

Z23 sighed.

"Is something the matter Javelin?"

"No, it just I've heard that Laffey and Ayanami will dock in here tomorrow for weeks to come." Said Javelin happily as she on a sofa that faces the window.

"Oh, it's surprising indeed."

"That's right, Javelin misses her friend."

She makes an exaggerated gesture with her hands, huh, just javelin indeed, Z23 smiled.

"Nimi-chan won't you busy with being the ship-secretary, I don't know if you have enough time to be a bookstore owner but I have this feeling that you will overwork yourself."

It's true that the place they currently in was a bookstore z23 opened herself last week. It's nothing glamorous as she still manages her time as the ship-secretary for the base.

"Don't worry Javelin, I'll retire soon enough anyway."

"That's ri-EH!" Her face marred in shock and grip the 1936A Type destroyer tightly on her hand. "What do you mean about that Nimi."

Z23 sighed, putting away all the books on her hand back to the trolley.

"It's what it is. I will retire, javelin." She smiled weakly, "It's been far too long I have spent my time on the seas."

And then her heart was gripped with fear, her real reason for retiring. If should she met him again, she doesn't want it to be in the field of blood and chaos. She had enough to be fooled, again, she wanted to repay that once earnest smile and his warm hands.

"I –I see… if you insist Nimi-chan." She smiled weakly before gripping again the Narvik destroyer hands, "—No, I will support you no matter what Nimi-chan."

"Thank you Javelin."

"But now you think about it –it kinda suits you to be a bookkeeper."

Javelin scratched her cheek while smiling, though her elbow bumped a book from the troller as it fell to the floor.

"AH, I'm sorry Nimi-chan, let me pick it."

"No, it's fine."

Curiously Javelin opened the book cover, a little worn outside but the paper was high in quality. It was a worn-out journal as the ink began to fade.

"Eh, a map?"

Javelin surprised, then picked the piece of paper that fell out of the book.

"There's only X marks here, intriguing… Nimi what do you think?" The map displayed the topography of the entire world, but few x marks were placed in a few points with the words 'Priority'.

Nimi tried to keep her composure, what a fool she is. To mix the Commander journal with her books. It was her secret that should not be found at any cost as it only her remainder of him, his hand-writing, and his scent that forever imprinted on each of the pages.

She should have to burn it long ago, no matter the sentimentality of him, as surely he will command her to do the same.

"Nothing to be concerned Javelin. Let me take it."

"Ah, here."

The destroyer calmly took the journal and the map, then went to the backside of the shop.

Javelin only tilted her head in confusion towards the retreating figure of Z23.