
Shamelessly reincarnating in DXD (DROPPED)

Okashi was a rather average weeb kid who loved Konosuba and DXD. When he dies, he meets a rather familiar Goddess who gives him wishes and reincarnates him. This is his story.

Persin · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Destruction, Meeting Sona, and new Classmate!

Rias had concentrated a large amount of magic into the palm of her hand, creating a big magic ball with the destruction element in it. Akeno started to create lightning around the area, confusing and terrifying her opponents. The fallen angels weren't just going to let themselves be beaten though. Mittelt and Dohnaseek both summoned one spear of light and prepared to throw it at the two devils, but it was too late. Rias fired the ball of Destruction at Dohnaseek while Akeno struck Mittelt with lots of lightning bolts. The attacks made the two scream in pain, much to Akeno's delight, and they both fell to the ground unconscious and badly wounded. The two devils smirked in victory before flying off to go and help the others, all while Okashi was watching. He had to admit, there destructive power was impressive, but he knew that they could do better. Plus, during the fight, Rias quickly flinched when she got hit, showing that she probably didn't have a lot of experience with physical pain. "I'm going to have a lot of fun helping her with that," Okashi said to himself in an evil tone. Unknown to Rias, she would regret wanting to be trained by Okashi, as well as the other members of the Occult Research club.

Meanwhile, Issei and Koneko had already made short work of Kalawarner. While the Fallen Angel was faster than the two devils, Koneko had managed to get one good hit on her and after that, it was easy subduing her. They had met up with Kiba and had already found Raynare. She was weaker than in canon because Okashi burned one her wings, but she could still put up a pretty decent fight.

When the Rook and Knight of Rias were about to fight her, Issei stopped them and said, "No, I need to do this on my own. I'm tired of others helping me through my battles. This time, I'm gonna finish her myself!" Issei summoned his Twice Critical and ran at Raynare. The fallen angel just smirked and thought, "I can easily kill this dumb kid, even if he's a devil!" She created a spear of light and threw it at Issei. Unknown to her though, Okashi had predicted her doing something like this and taught him one of the fundamental rules of fighting. Dodging. Issei quickly side stepped out of the way before he was impaled and hit her in the face with his Sacred Gear. Raynare was flung back a few feet by the punch and looked at Issei in anger. "How dare a filthy reincarnated devil like you hit me! I'll kill you a hundred times(You guys should get this reference)!"She summoned two light spears and threw them at Issei again, aiming for his legs. The perverted devil moved out of the way but was still sliced on his left leg. "Shit!" he yelled. The pain was terrible for him since devils have a weakness against holy light, but the boy grit his teeth and just ran at Raynare again. The two continued this pattern for a few minutes, with Raynare throwing light spears at Issei while he would get some punches and kicks on the girl. Kiba and Koneko wanted to stop the fight but respected Issei's determination and let him fight. If he ever got to a situation where he was near death they would instantly rush to help their fellow devil though. Finally, Issei's determination to win caused his Sacred Gear to evolve, turning it into the Boosted Gear and shocking the three in the room. Raynare looked at the boy in anger and fear and thought, "That isn't a normal Twice Critical, t-that's a Boosted Gear!" The boy focused on the gear and it shouted, "BOOST!" before he ran at Raynare at an even faster speed than before while yelling, "Fuck you!" He then punched her in the nose, breaking it! The fight was easy to win after that and Raynare was incapacitated.

A few minutes later, Rias and Akeno ran into the room and asked if the others were alright. They were happy to learn that Kiba and Koneko were okay but were enraged when they saw Issei's condition. While the boy wasn't going to die, he was the most injured out of everyone else and Rias really wanted to kill Raynare right then and there but stopped when a voice called out to her, "Gremory! I understand you're mad about brother, but remember that I need them." The devils turned around and saw Okashi with Mittelt in one hand while Dohnaseek was in the other. He tossed them at the other Fallen Angels, waking them all up from the pain.

Letting out an evil grin, Okashi told the Fallen, "Alright you little pieces of shit, I'm gonna teach you a little lesson. Don't. Fuck. With humans." Issei, who understood that what his brother was going to do to them wouldn't be good to watch, quickly told the other club members, "Guys, Okashi is about to do something disgusting, we should probably just head out of here." He then walked out of the church, with the other devils following him. Okashi summoned Bakusaiga in his right hand and cut the feet of each of the Fallen. It's decomposition ability activated and they're feet slowly started to decompose, making them scream in pain and fear. When the decomposition was about to reach their legs, Okashi stopped it and said in a sadistic tone, "And now the fun part!" He covered the blade in fire and cut each of their feet off, making them scream in pain. Their was no blood since the wound was cauterized. Okashi then decomposed and cut down their fingers, legs, arms, and wings, with their being no blood because he added fire to his slashes. By time he was done, Mittelt, Dohnaseek, Kalawarner, and Raynare were all limbless, with their wounds being terribly burned, their faces being completely blank, and they all had dry tear marks on their cheeks. Okashi looked at them in relief and said, "Well, I think you guys have gotten enough punishment. I'll put you out of your misery."

Okashi walked outside and told the club members, "You guys should probably fly away from here, or else you'll be caught in the blast." They looked at the human in confusion before spreading their wings and flying away, with Rias holding Issei. Okashi pointed his sword at the church and started chanting in a dramatic manner. "Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark,

I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson." Black energy started to form around the sword. "The time of awakening cometh.

Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary,

appear now as an intangible distortions!" The sword started overflowing with magical power. "I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force:

a destructive force without equal!

Return all creation to cinders,

and come from the abyss!" Large red magical circles started to appear above the church, shocking the devils who were watching the scene from far away. Okashi grew an excited grin and yelled, "This is the mightiest means of attack known to man, the ultimate attack magic, EXPLOSION!" A large explosion hit the church, completely incinerating it and a little bit of the surroundings. The wind from it was strong enough to move the Occult Research club who were far away from it. The wave of destruction continued for a few seconds before dying down. Okashi sat down, grew a tired smile, and thought, "Geez, that took a lot out of me. I think I can only do around five of those per day. The destructive power is amazing though." He put his sword in his Inventory and looked at the quest tab to see that he completed the quest. He smiled, since his system points were now at 56400 and he got an Armor ticket. He quickly used the ticket and and he had to blink twice to make sure that he wasn't mistaken about what he got.


Gilgamesh's Golden Armor(Gamer Edition and Variant version)

Appearance: This armor is virtually the same as the armor Gilgamesh wears, with the only difference being it's colors. The gold is now silver, the blue is now green, and the red cloth is now dark grey.

Abilities: The armor is incredibly strong, enough that it's almost impossible to break it physically. It also has astounding resistance to all kinds of magic and supernatural powers.

The Gamer can summon parts of the armor or the whole thing just by thinking about it.


Okashi stared blankly at the tab before deciding to just try it out later. He was mentally tired from the events of today and some rest would be good for him.

Okashi was sitting in the student council room, with Sona Sitri right in front of him and the rest of her peerage watching him from the sides. He had already gotten permission from the principal for Asia to be here, he just needed Sona's permission. While ordinary students could be admitted from the principal, students with supernatural abilities had to have her permission to join the school since she basically shared Kuoh town with Rias. The heir of Sitri looked at Okashi like she was picking him apart piece by piece, which made Okashi slightly uncomfortable. He coughed, stopping Sona from inspecting him. He looked at her and said with irritation hidden in his tone, "Ms. Shitori, I came here to ask you something." The young devil looked at the boy with a face that gave no expression. She pulled out a paper and read it. "Okashi Hyoudou, brother of Issei Hyoudou and son of Miki and Gorou Hyoudou. Green eyes and light brown hair. He seems to have an impressive physique and is very academically intelligent, enough to skip a grade at a young age. He has been given the title of Ultimate Musician of Kuoh Academy due to his musical talent. He is currently part of the Occult Research club." She looked off the paper before giving him a piercing gaze. "Unknown to others, he is also an incredibly talented magician and has a mysterious ability called All Seeing Eyes of the Gods, which he has used to look at and share the memories of others." Okashi wasn't suprised that she knew all this, she was one of the smartest characters in DXD, so she must have done research about Okashi beforehand.

"Yup, that's basically all there is to know about me. However, I did not come to talk about me, I wanted to get a person I know enrolled. I would appreciate it if we could just get straight to that." The Sitri peerage was slightly irritated by the way Okashi talked to their master, but they didn't do anything since he hadn't shown any actual aggression towards her. On the other hand, Sona just gave him the same neutral expression before saying, "While I would like to talk more about you, I'll hold my curiosity for now. Now then, who did you want to enroll here?"

Okashi explained to her about Asia. He told her what kind of person she was, about the whole Fallen Angel situation, and how she was currently staying at his house. After Okashi finished, Sona pushed her glasses up slightly before saying, "I see. Alright then, I'll allow your friend to enroll in the school. However, I'd like it if I could ask you something." Her response relieved and also slightly annoyed the boy, since he was pretty sure he knew what she was talking about.

"If you think I wanted to ask you to join my peerage, you're wrong," Sona said, correctly guessing what was on Okashi's mind. The boy was pleasantly suprised to know that she wouldn't ask a dumb question, but it slightly hurt his pride that she didn't think about it. He then coughed before asking her, "So, what did you want me for then?" Sona looked at the young man dead in the eyes before saying, "As you may know, Kuoh has currently been marked under the protection of us devils, but there have been a few others that have decided to cause trouble here, specifically Fallen Angels and stray Devils. I wanted to ask for your help in clearing the area of them." Okashi thought this was understandable and waited for her to continue. "I didn't want to involve you in our mess, but me and Ria's peerages aren't enough to protect all of Kuoh. I understand that this task would be an inconvenience, so I'm prepared to give you something in return for this favor." Okashi smiled at her explaination. She gave a good summary of the situation and even told him that she would reward him for his troubles, which already put her in his good graces. While he didn't have complete trust in her, he could clearly see that she was slightly dependable. "Alright then, I'll be happy to work with you Ms. Shitori. Also, don't worry about the reward, you can just owe me a favor," Okashi said with his hand out and a smile on his face. Sona shook his hand and said with a polite smile, "Thank you, your assistance could help save lives that we devils can't reach in time. By the way, my real name is Sona Sitri, heir to the house of Sitri."

The two talked for a while, learning a small bit about each other's pasts and behavior, but Sona was a lot more reserved about it than Okashi was. They also played a game of chess, with Okashi being amazed by her intellect. "Geez, the anime and manga weren't wrong in calling her a genius," he thought. He lost very quickly, but he wasn't really sad about it. He knew that Sona would be engaged to the person that could beat her in chess, so even if he could win, he would probably lose on purpose. Okashi then said goodbye to Sona and her peerage, who had started to like Okashi, and left.

"Alright class, we have a new student from a foreign country today! Make sure to treat her well!" It had been a few days since Okashi's meeting with Sona, and Asia would be joining his class today. The guys in the class were ecstatic to have another girl with them, while the girls in the class felt bad for whoever it would be. The teacher turned towards the door and said, "Alright you can come out now!" The door opened and a loli blonde came through it. She went to the front of the class and said shyly, "H-hello, my name is Asia Argento. It's a pleasure to meet you!" After she introduced herself, everyone in the room thought, "She's so cute!" They were going to rush to introduce themselves to her, but Okashi beat them to it. He quickly walked up to the front of the class, put his arm around the girl's shoulder, making her blush, and said to her with a happy smile, "Hey Asia-san, it'll be great to have you in the class with us!"

His casual way of getting close to her angered all the guys, with one of them shouting, "Hey, why the hell are you so close to her!?" Okashi turned his head towards him and said, "First, you barely know her you moron. Second, Asia is staying at my house, so you assholes better stay the hell away from her!" After Okashi yelled that she lived at his house, the boys started yelling in pure rage while the girls gossiped about it. A brown haired girl said, "I guess the rumors are true, Okashi and Issei must be blackmailing girls and assaulting them." Another girl said to her, "I heard they black mailed Rias-san and Akeno-san too!" Another one added, "I heard they even got Koneko-san! Those brothers truly are despicable." Okashi and Issei both gained tick marks on their heads at the girls words and yelled at the same time, "We're not rapists! Who the hell started that rumor anyway?!" Unknown to Issei, Matsuda and Motohama were grinning at the brother's misfortune, not noticing Okashi standing behind them with darkness shadowing his eyes. "Judging by your faces, I suppose that you two are the ones who made the rumors?" The two perverts both mechanically turned around towards their pissed off friend, trying not to shit themselves from the way Okashi was looking at them. He cracked his knuckles and said, "You won't be able to think of plans if I smash your brains in, will you?" "O-Okashi, let's t-talk about thi-!" Matsuda couldn't finish his sentence as Okashi grabbed his head and slammed it hard on the desk, alerting all the other students.

As Okashi was about to slam Motohama's head into the desk, knowing full well he was wearing glasses, Asia hugged him and said, "Please calm down Okashi! I know your angry, but I'm sure they didn't do it in bad will!" The boy took a few deep breaths to calm himself down before he smiled at the girl and hugged her, with the other class members not doing anything due to fear of incurring Okashi's wrath. Unknown to any of them, Aika was staring at the scene of Okashi and Asia hugging with sadness and jealousy in her eyes. She wished she could be in the blonde girl's place. Okashi then broke the hug with Asia, scratched his head, and said with a nervous voice, "Sorry guys, I guess I got a little carried away. And thanks for calming me down Asia." He then turned towards Aika and noticed that she wasn't like herself. He wondered what might be wrong with her before a light bulb turned on in his mind and his eyes widened. He was pretty observant when he wanted to be, so he wasn't as dense as other harem protagonists. Seeing his friend who he had a crush on look at him with another girl in jealousy was a very obvious hint for him. This single clue combined by some of him and Aika's past interactions made him come to the conclusion, "Aika likes me!"

I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long. I decided that Okashi will have Gilgamesh's Armor, since he needs it for some of the upcoming battles. Also, I think at least a small number of people have noticed that I've making other fanfics, so check them out. They're both only one chapter so far, but I'll make more later.

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