
Shameless Transmigration: I turned everyone on!

Check out my new BL novel: I teleported again and now all demons want me! ------------ To lighten the wrath of his blackened readers, Frozen Milk was forced to transmigrate into his own novel to witness what *** he wrote. What's this? One plothole, two plotholes... plotholes everywhere! How do you counter a novel full of plotholes? Of course, with constant bullshit, constant crap and constant nonsense! It shouldn't be working but the result? Terrifying! Long live holy creator Frozen Milk! "Damn! What the hell is this?? Wasn't this supposed to be a comedy rip off? A parody? So, why are all my characters leeching onto me? Do I look like a bamboo stick to climb and eat? To stick in between your cheeks?" "Hello? System help?" "System is currently on holida- undergoing maintenance, host." "%$@#!" Frozen Milk was nearing his despair. Bent, straight, bent, straight, bent, STRAIGHT!!!! Be ready to have your brains fried, your life questioned and above all your integrity disappear! ----------------------- This is completed! Disclaimer: some profanities and innuendos Has elements of BL First book in the 'Scum Series'

MatchaMilk · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
102 Chs

The love gods are chanting

A few luggage stood at the entrance. Frozen Milk stared at them and couldn't figure out anything until Oppoa suddenly emerged out of it and cheerfully said,

"Do you think it's enough? His highness needs to maintain his smooth skin, isn't it as smooth as a baby butt? But I know you already know this, right? Right?"

Oppoa grinned mischievously and Frozen Milk had his hand in the air, wishing to have a power miraculously shoot out and beam Oppoa into the sky to fly into the toxic ocean.

"Just joking! Just joking! Don't take it seriously, but you know I know, so-"

Oppoa laughed as Frozen Milk kicked him onto the ground, "Let's fight!"

Oppoa jumped up and looked with expectant eyes at Frozen Milk, sure enough like master, like servant. M's! All M's!

"What you even doing here?"

"Oh, I'm going with you!"

"Why?" Frozen Milk's sixth sense appeared again and warned him before the bad feeling even had a chance to grip his body.

"Well, the main castle could provide trou- let's say some fun for me!"

The only thing Oppoa would find fun was fighting.

Damn! Was this what it was going to be? Would they need to fight? Why would they? Were they hostile against Vil?

Frozen Milk didn't understand. He prayed he was wrong.

"Don't worry about it!" Oppoa slapped Frozen Milk's on the back and laughed.

"I'm not worried," Frozen Milk needed to maintain face.

"Oppoa, I don't need all of this," Vil appeared with Prota behind him.

"But your highness, your skin-!"

"Oppoa, how many times do I have to tell you not to talk about that?"

It was clear that Oppoa loved to take the piss out of Vil and Vil didn't even notice it. Blimey.

"Ok, Ok, I'll put them back!" and with that Oppoa disappeared.

In his stead Glimpse Water and Holbe came.

"Are we setting out?" Holbe walked next to Frozen Milk's side, "I need to stay with hubby or else you know."

Holbe was happy about her healing powers.

The other three cursed in their hearts.

Frozen Milk had doubts he needed to clear before they set out to this unknown adventure, "How do we get there?"

"How else? By foot," Vil stated as normal as possible a person who didn't knew about mankind's invention could.

"I miss cars," Glimpse Water sighed.

"Me too," Frozen Milk joined him.

"What? What?" Prota didn't want to be left out again. There those two went again, always talking about things no one else had a clue. Did they invent a secret language to mock them?

Prota almost despaired in his heart. He was the first one to get to know Frozen Milk why was he left out like this? He was and would be always the first!

"It's not too far by foot. It would take us only a day," Oppoa finally arrived and they left Vil's mansion.

Of course, the main castle couldn't be too far away from where the crown prince lived. After all, shouldn't the prince live with the king?

Vil and his father had by no means a bad relationship and Vil wasn't the type to neglect the throne but at the same time, he wasn't too crazy for it. If he had to ascend then he would, if not that was also fine for him.

Frozen Milk was once again reminded just how dangerous the forest was and was glad they could use the tree streets. Just looking down at the vicious ground, Frozen Milk's intestines sunk further into his body hoping not to be ripped out.

He was also once again reminded just how average he was. The others were all OP and powerful but he was the only cannon fodder and walking for so long was almost tearing his legs out of his body expecting his hands to pull him forwards by crawling on the ground.

Holbe looked at Frozen Milk and softly said, "Hubby do you need a rest?"

Frozen Milk shook his head, they couldn't waste more time. They were walking non-stop for hours because Frozen Milk requested it, he didn't want to be a burden and drag everyone down.

"It's alright to rest, take it easy," Holbe instantly read Frozen Milk and took his hand. Her smile gave him more strength that vanished in an instant again.

Frozen Milk's legs were buttery and would be heated into sticky liquid the more his feet touched the ground. Just when Frozen Milk thought he couldn't go on anymore, he felt himself being swept in the air and Prota's dazzling smile and face came into his vision.

Not only was Frozen Milk's body swept away but his heart also. Frozen Milk turned red and instantly covered his face. Why was his heart beating so fast all of a sudden? He had nothing but fatherly feelings for his protagonist.

It was just a saving complex. The victim being saved would obviously fall for the hero, their rescuer. This was nothing else than that. Nothing more.

Frozen Milk calmed his beating heart down and refused to look at Prota.

"If you're tired just say it, it's nothing to carry you like this!"

It was everything to him! Bridal style! Everything but bridal style!

However, Frozen Milk just nodded and Prota felt this was very cute and obedient of Frozen Milk. Usually, Frozen Milk would refuse any advantages of Prota, so Prota took this chance and sneakily kissed Frozen Milk on the forehead.

No one witnessed this and FM didn't know how to feel. His heart... was about to burst any minute!

Wasn't this bad? Wasn't it?

"Don't walk so fast," Holbe held Prota back, "Don't forget, I have to take care of him."

Prota slowed down his pace but looked at Frozen Milk the whole time.

How uncomfortable! Did Frozen Milk anger any love gods? Why was his luck so bad? Or maybe it was good?

Frozen Milk peeked at Prota's face and he gave Frozen Milk another sweet smile.

Frozen Milk's eyes widened and he instantly covered his face in his hands. Prota couldn't help but feel this was too cute and wanted to give Frozen Milk another kiss when the other two rivals joined them. Oppoa was walking in the front, humming without any care in the world.

Prota had to hold back. For Frozen Milk's sake he couldn't start a fight with the others. Frozen Milk was too tired.

Frozen Milk on the other side, even though he didn't want to admit, he felt strangely comfortable in Prota's arm, to the extent he wanted to fall asleep.

And just like this half of the journey went by and the happy six people unknowingly continued to march to the castle as they reached the centre of the nature side.

The centre of the nature side was unlike anyone would've expected it. There was no capital and no people lived in the centre. It was completely empty apart from the only thing that magnificently and proudly stuck out was the castle.

The reason was because of the previous and current king's secret of kidnapping the water sides' people to use them to transform the water. In order to maintain this secret from leaking out, the whole surrounding of at least 30 kilometres which was the centre was devoid of any lifeform except the main castle and the army.

That was why the minute they arrived in the centre, all soldiers were alert. How could anyone barge into the centre and avoid the soldiers?

How useless were the soldiers? They didn't even realise intruders came in?

Although Frozen Milk and the others only just arrived at the centre and still had 30 km to go, they were already surrounded by the soldiers who hid in the trees and watched them.

They indeed saw the crown prince however their intentions weren't good.