
Shameless Passion

Crystal has been once in a relationship, short-lived but heartbreakingly intense, that had nearly destroyed her. Seven years have passed. Now she was happy again with a man she loved with all her heart and with whom she was about to get married. However, everything is turned upside down again when his ex reappeared in her life, even if it was against both their will. And worse, he saved her from a fate worse than death, hence, she couldn't help but feel her old feelings trying to return. What would become of her from that moment on?

ashellion · Thành thị
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21 Chs


"It's true, I am. To think that I'm so happy, that I'm about to marry you and be even happier, while this person has been in a serious accident and lost his memory, perhaps forever, with a fiancée he left some few years before the tragedy, and whose feelings are surely chaotic."

She grimaced.

"I can't help feeling sorry for him."

"It's normal, darling." her love consoled her, kissing her tenderly.

"You simply have a heart."

"Oh, my darling."

The couple kissed again before turning to Leandro and Leonie and watching them intently. Leandro, like last time, held the hands of the still upset young woman.

"How about we join them?" suggested Nathan, turning to his love, who stared at him in astonishment before smiling and nodding.

"Well, I'll ask Leandro and if it's okay, we'll go, because I can see that you'll only be appeased once you've chatted with that Leonie who will never be as beautiful as you."

"Nathan!" exclaimed Crystal, clapping him tenderly on the chest.

"What, I'm just stating a truth."

"Yes, maybe, but this person loves her and that's what matters."

When Leandro, having received Nathan's message, stared at them for a moment before relaying the message to the new fiancée, and she in turn turned to them to assess them and finally gave her consent, the couple joined them at their table and were introduced in the rules.

Inevitably, the two women assessed each other and immediately understood each other's strengths and weaknesses. Two women who loved the same man, one representing his past, the other his present and no doubt his future.

Nature was like that.

She really was beautiful, Crystal recognized, not the classic, fascinating beauty Crystal possessed, but the kind that binds men and forces them to take the young woman seriously, to respect her and to see far into the future with her. Tonight she wore skin-tight jeans embossed with a sequin motif, a sleeveless blouse that showed off the slimness of her arms and waist, and she had stressed her long, jet-black hair to the side.

Exchanges of banality quickly over, we got down to business.

"So it's you," Leonie argued with a bitter smile. "The said Crystal, the one this person loved so much."

"I loved him too." replied said Crystal with a shrug.

"But I heard you got over your breakup a lot faster than he did." she added, glancing eloquently at Nathan, sitting deceptively impassive next to his fiancée.

"It wasn't a contest, it's just that we weren't meant to be together. And I'm glad we weren't. How is he Leonie?" asked Crystal in a gentle voice.

Leonie studied her with her brilliant midnight-blue eyes before replying.

"He's fine, at least physically. But the mind..."

The young woman paused as if struggling to reveal what was really bothering her.

"Yes?" Nathan's fiancée encouraged her.

The pretty face of this person's new love grew frighteningly taut.

"I feel like I'm dealing with a totally different person."

"Maybe..." began Nathan, but Leonie interrupted him.

"I know, that's what I said to myself at first too, maybe it's because of the accident, the memory loss, the long period of separation, that everything will come back to normal one day, but you'd have to pass the time, go very slowly...I know all that. But it doesn't work. I always have this strange feeling that I'm in front of a being totally foreign to the one who was before."

"Before the accident?" inquired Crystal, "or before the operation?"

Leonie looked up at Nathan's fiancée again, and this time didn't reply.

"Perhaps you'd like to go and see him? Tomorrow," she clarified, since visiting hours were over for the day.

Crystal consulted Nathan, who after a legitimate hesitation nodded in acceptance.

Crystal thought that during this evening, she would have nothing more to learn, nothing to be surprised about, but this was not the case. She was stunned to learn from Leandro himself that, in fact, it had been almost five years since he'd seen this person again, since the moment he'd separated from Leonie. It had taken that accident for them to see each other again, and even then, it was almost the same, since he hadn't even recognized her. He hadn't recognized his long-lost friend, and although the situation was anything but ordinary and as forgiving as it could be, the bar owner was deeply hurt by it, because he really did love his friend, he loved this person.