
Shameless Passion

Crystal has been once in a relationship, short-lived but heartbreakingly intense, that had nearly destroyed her. Seven years have passed. Now she was happy again with a man she loved with all her heart and with whom she was about to get married. However, everything is turned upside down again when his ex reappeared in her life, even if it was against both their will. And worse, he saved her from a fate worse than death, hence, she couldn't help but feel her old feelings trying to return. What would become of her from that moment on?

ashellion · Thành thị
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21 Chs


But that didn't stop her, despite the years that had passed, from feeling that familiar, nostalgic ache when she thought back to her previous relationship, thought back to him.

She'd been so in love and never thought she'd be able to love again, let alone love like this, but she was wrong. Her new-and she hoped with all her heart, her for-life relationship-proved it. She had fallen in love again, and it was the most tender and moving relationship she'd ever had, and probably ever will.

Later, she would have to remember how much she had decided to blind herself, for so many years, simply so as not to suffer, again and again, because of this same person.

"You're telling me." interjected a voice Crystal recognized, a voice she liked, so she turned to the newcomer with a broad smile. It was Leandro, the owner of the bar in which the girls were staying, a very good friend whom this person had introduced to her when they were still together, when this inexpressible relationship had ended, she had continued to see this person, and he had kept his friendship for her, and according to the young woman's deepest wish at the time, he never uttered his name again at the very moment they ended their story.

She remembered being a wreck and would never want to relive those moments again.

"Leandro, it's been a long time!" said Crystal, rising to her feet and taking the handsome man of about forty in her arms.

"And to think it's only been two or three weeks! if you only knew..." but he soon paused and his expression even changed. Crystal immediately guessed that he had meant this person, and as usual, this particular pain sprang from her heart, but already her friend was changing the subject. And he started on the only one that really mattered to her and on which she was inexhaustible.

"So how go the preparations for your wedding?"

The young fiancée exclaimed with joy as she recounted to her friend everything she'd been able to tell him in the short time he'd been able to chat with her, as he had to divide his time between his clients.

He laughed heartily, adding a few affectionate jokes here and there as the young woman told him about her love life and showed him how infatuated she was.

"That's good," was all he could conclude.

Crystal still wanted to add something, however his friend's expression changed again as he had turned to a table, and was now staring at the lone woman seated there.

"A woman you know?"


And he sighed as he continued to stare at her with a kind of concern that surprised his friend.

"Leo, what's going on? You know her, I know, but there's more, I can feel it. Is she, by any chance, your lover?" she insisted.

Leo still didn't answer, staring as intensely as ever at the young woman.

"Leo?" called Crystal, worried in her turn. The latter turned to her.


"Come on, tell me everything. Tell your good friend everything!"

"No, she's not my lover."

And the eloquent expression now on his face told her more than words what a lover this lone woman was.

Crystal was very much in love and happy with her love, but it still felt strange, not to say wrong, to know that this being too had found someone he loved and with whom he shared a happiness equal to her own.

But she soon reassured herself that this pain was a normal feeling for any human being.

But Crystal also guessed that the worry that was gnawing at her friend had nothing to do with the fact that his person was with this woman. No, it had to be something else.

"Leandro." called Crystal again, "tell me what's going on."

"Oh no, nothing," he said with a smile that was intended to reassure her. "Something that no longer concerns you."