
Shameless Passion

Crystal has been once in a relationship, short-lived but heartbreakingly intense, that had nearly destroyed her. Seven years have passed. Now she was happy again with a man she loved with all her heart and with whom she was about to get married. However, everything is turned upside down again when his ex reappeared in her life, even if it was against both their will. And worse, he saved her from a fate worse than death, hence, she couldn't help but feel her old feelings trying to return. What would become of her from that moment on?

ashellion · Thành thị
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21 Chs


This time, Crystal really thought she was going to faint, a feeling of deep disgust the likes of which she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy invaded her mouth, her whole being, so what if this filthy, repulsive being was going to kidnap her and...She closed her eyes to push her dark thoughts as far away as possible.

Then she turned once more to Nicky, who continued to wear that strange expression that made her shudder.

The chief turned to one of his henchmen and ordered him to guard the entrance, before addressing his hostages again.

"Here's what we're going to do. Two men will pass in front of you. To the first, you'll hand over your phone, if it's not with you, you'll tell me, and then you'll pick it up gently from where you left it, there being eleven of you, the phone we pick up must have the same number."

Otherwise, you won't get out of here in one piece. The message was clear.

"As for the second man, he'll come along and collect any valuables you have on you. I'm sure you won't try anything stupid or cheat of any kind."

Otherwise, you'll be dead. This message, too, was very clear.

The phones were deposited in a cardboard box. The second man was about to pass while the hostages prepared the expensive items they had on them when the unexpected rescue occurred. Nicky removed his glasses and placed them beside him, then pulled a silenced weapon from behind his back and fired at the four criminals with incredible, deadly accuracy.

Crystal and the others watched as men were killed before their very eyes. Their blood now flowed from their fatal wounds and glowed red on the wooden floor. Barbara as usual screamed hysterically, which alerted the lookout at the entrance. Nicky wasted no time. He got up and ran to the door. No sooner did he show his arm than Nicky arrived and hit the door with a violent kick that must have shattered his bones, then pulled him back with that damaged arm and shot him in the head.

It should have ended there, but the boss was tougher than they'd expected, and although he was wounded in the head, it wasn't as bad as it looked; he was dexterous enough to dodge Nicky's bullet and not die.

Then he stood up, gun in hand, and pointed it at Nicky.

"Nicky!" cried Crystal, Karl and Leonie together.

But he had already turned around to see that his enemy was alive and about to kill him.

He used the body of the henchman he'd just killed to shield himself from the bullets of his adversary, who, while continuing to shoot, took advantage of the fact that he was momentarily blinded by this body, and prevented himself from shooting so as not to injure the hostages, to rush at Nicky and take him by the arm. He wanted to shoot Nicky in the head, as Nicky had shot his men, but he couldn't, because his opponent was, like him, an incredible fighter. So began a fierce struggle of fists and feet. The chief managed to grab Nicky by the waist and squeeze him to the point of crushing his bones and organs. Nicky fought back, climbing on top of his enemy and slamming his elbow into a head full of obscure ideas. The latter howled in pain as he tried to tighten his grip, then saw a sharp candlestick on the wall in front of him and had the idea of impaling his formidable adversary on it. Sensing a fatal idea, Nicky turned and saw the candlestick too, and immediately understood the leader's plan, who was already running with him still clutched in his arms towards the candlestick. Nicky struggled to his feet, then having an idea of his own, raised the head of the chief and struck his fist with all his might at the neck of his enemy, who was struck by the blow and immediately let go to put his hand to his stunned throat. Nicky tried to use his advantage to hit the criminal in the head again, but the latter, not letting up, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him away. Nicky landed hard on the ground, knocking the cake table to the ground. The cake had been doomed all along, one way or another. 

The chef, still racked with pain, charged at Nicky, still slumped to the ground with inarticulate screams. Nicky had waited for him, and when he got close enough, kicked him hard in the knee, dislocating him. The chef rolled his eyes in pain, but was unable to scream because of his throat. Nicky got to his feet without delay and started punching the chief in the head with his fists, then ran to pick up his weapon, which he had been unable to keep in the fight, before turning to his half-unconscious opponent and shooting him in the head.

It was all over. The bad guys were killed and the hostages saved.

Nicky tried to catch his breath, tucked his gun away in his belt, then ran to the box containing the telephones, looked for his, found it, then dialed a number while hurrying to join his brother. Leonie was still holding him in her arms.


"Don't worry," Karl reassured him, comforting his own brother. "Look after your brother!"

Nicky knelt down beside him.

The person he called picked up.


"Hi Richard. I need some help, please." He pointed to his location and gave a brief summary of the situation. 

"So, you killed all the criminals?"