
Shameless Passion

Crystal has been once in a relationship, short-lived but heartbreakingly intense, that had nearly destroyed her. Seven years have passed. Now she was happy again with a man she loved with all her heart and with whom she was about to get married. However, everything is turned upside down again when his ex reappeared in her life, even if it was against both their will. And worse, he saved her from a fate worse than death, hence, she couldn't help but feel her old feelings trying to return. What would become of her from that moment on?

ashellion · Thành thị
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21 Chs


"Thanks Uncle Karl, that party was incredible. Can't wait for the next one!" expressed his nephew, holding out his hand, which his uncle shook warmly - at least, that's what Crystal wanted to believe.

"Let's wish then that we're all still here for the next anniversary and that I'm still rich."

They burst out laughing.

Nathan turned to his father.

"Are you leaving with us or..."

"I'll stay a little longer." he quipped, putting a tender arm around his younger brother's shoulders, who smiled more warmly than he had with his nephew.

"So... "but we'll never know what Nathan meant because Karl's face metamorphosed completely, and a smile the likes of which they'd never seen appeared on his lips, and all because of something, no someone he saw behind them. It must have been a newcomer, for none of the people present elicited such a reaction from him. Crystal wanted to turn around to see the person capable of revealing this Karl to the world, but a broken glass caught her eye first, then it was Leonie's, who now looked at the newcomer with a pale, frightening face as if she were seeing a revenant, and Nicky, her Nicky who seemed no longer to be, and she was right to think so.

But she forgot everything, everything and everyone, even her love, when she finally turned around to lay eyes on this person who provoked unprecedented reactions in everyone around her.

Crystal would never forget this moment either. They were right, those philosophers, scholars and smooth talkers, life's only constancy was its unpredictability. And she'd been wrong, it wasn't that she'd finally and definitively stopped loving Nicky, no, she'd simply got the wrong person. The real, genuine, her Nicky, her first and unforgettable love had just arrived and was now heading straight for her, no, straight for Karl, who did the same and took him in his arms for a long, deep embrace.

"I thought you weren't coming," Karl said, such emotion in his voice and all over his face. An emotion almost unbearable, almost equaling Crystal's. But it didn't equal her.

"And miss this wonderful party, which I see is almost over. And besides, I forgot your present at home."

"I knew you were an asshole."

The same face, the same voice as the other, but so different too. And she wasn't talking about the glasses, which were very stylish and looked good on him, she had to admit. This person Crystal had, at some point in her life, loved more than anything.

And her own voice had fallen silent, as if never to return.

"Nicky," it was Leonie's fiancé, still pale as a corpse, who called him first.

Nicky turned to him and exclaimed.

"Ronnie! What are you doing here?"

"Nicky," the latter could only repeat. Then the newcomer knew something was wrong.

"Are you all right?" he inquired, coming over to give him a hug, but Karl intervened, clearing up a lot of things.

"So that's your twin brother. Ronald Specter."

"It's so obvious. You wouldn't think you'd be so much alike just by being brothers, like you and James."


"If you say so."

"And he's with your fiancée," Uncle Karl pointed out meaningfully.

"Former fiancée." clarified the real Nicky in turn with a falsely serious air. "But that's life. We're twins, so we're bound to have the same tastes."

"Not at all! You don't have to!"

"You don't have a twin, what do you know?"

"Wait!" decided Nathan's father this time, intervening with grand gestures.

"You're twins!" he wanted to confirm, looking at Nicky and his brother in turn. Nicky didn't bother to answer, just took out a pack of cigarettes. Ronald did for them.

"Yes," he confirmed almost inaudibly.

Leonie faced her fiancé.

"You've got your memory back!"

Ronnie raised his hands to his head.

"Yes, I remember everything now."

Nicky frowned with concern.

"Ronnie, are you all right? What's the matter with you?"

The latter raised his head and turned an accusing gaze on him, blazing with rage.

"An accident, and you weren't there. At no time were you there, not while I was in a coma, not when I woke up with no memory and not later."


"You were gone for seven years! Seven long years! What have you been doing all this time."

By way of reply, Nicky supported his brother's emotionally charged gaze before shrugging.

"Better you never know."