
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs



The musings and discussions of the crowd are muted within the box. The glass separating each High House and the rest of the citizens are large and well designed.

The tarp that covers the stadium's battle stage is a new edition. Baffling everyone. Not even the High Houses are privy to what is happening beneath the tarp. We hear subtle clashes of steel, the shuffling of feet, but their words have been tuned out to everyone.

When the slight sounds from beneath the tarp vanish, Lady Lycan appears. Striding onto the raised platform with immeasurable pride, she stops and raises her hand to silence the crowd.

The sudden hush that fills the stadium is deafening.

Lady Lycan smiles.

"Welcome! Citizens of Cantara. It is of the highest honor that the noble House of Lycan has been bestowed this magnificent opportunity. To become the next rulers of our humble Kingdom."

The crowd applauds, the rest of the High Houses join in politely.

"They sure be layin' it on thick ain't she?" Cali mutters to me and I smirk.

"Didn't really expect anythin' less did j'ya?" I murmur just as softly.

"You two better be not be speaking like hooligans again."

We both look innocently at our mother.

"Of course not," we reply in unison.

"We wouldn't dare," Cali says slightly scandalized.

"It's quite unladylike of us indeed," I add.

Mother nods before whipping her head to look back at me. Cali and I grin. She sighs and shakes her head, but neither of us miss the smile on mother's face.

"Well dear brother," Cali whispers again.

"How doth thine champion fair?"

I can't hold back my snort this time, her choice of words, ridiculous, and mother brushes a hand through my hair, her eyes never once leaving Lady Lycan.

"He'd probably wear a hole into the concrete floor if given enough time."

Cali opens her mouth to respond, but the sudden boom of a canon draws our immediate attention.

The main doors creak open behind Lady Lycan and she turns to curtsey. Out comes King Chiron and his loyal Hand Raff Lycan. The stadium rumbles with the crowds boisterous cheering and the King smiles. Both wave at the gathered crowd, smiles bright on their young faces.

The King's wife and two children come after, and the group then seat themselves in the top box behind Lady Lycan.

"And now," and the crowd falls silent, "I humbly present to you, the Heirs to House Lycan, my children."

Five doors open in succession along the stadium wall and they each step out as Lady Lycan announces their names.

"My eldest son! And eldest child! Masterfully wielding dual-swords. Rahoul!"

The crowd goes wild, for Rahoul has won much favour in the last year.

"My eldest daughter! And eldest child! A master of the saber sword. Rieka!"

The cheer is just as loud for this twin as it was for the last. Rieka, is not only beautiful, but brilliant and a true crowd favourite since she was young.

"My third child! Quick with xeir dual-bowie knives. Ylfa!"

Ylfa garners a softer cheer, but has a number of supporters nonetheless. Xey were smiling and waving at everyone, but especially a particular group of people seated directly across from xeir platform. Ylfa's "lower class," classmates according to Lady Lycan.

"Their robe looks beautiful. Ylfa really outdid themselves with their robe today," Cali breathes in awe.

I have to nod in agreement because Ylfa really did look stunning. The white to blue fade and intricate detailing absolutely blew me away.

"My fifth child! His strong combat skills, complimented by his longsword. Zev!"

The crowd cheers loudly again, and Zev's grin grows wider as he steps out onto the platform. His supporters are quite numerous as well.

"My last child! His katana brims with untapped power. Azouf!"

I crane my neck to watch as he strides onto his own platform, mask atop his head, and cool indifferent expression in place. I wave at him like a madman and he glances at me. I gesture at him to smile and I can just feel his desire to roll his eyes at me, but he follows through, bestowing the crowd with a small smile.

I shoot a glare of disdain at Lady Lycan. Who was she to compliment every one of her children's skills except Azouf's?

They all make their ways along the walls towards the main platform. Waving politely and shaking a few hands that reach down towards them.

As they all stand behind their mother, she spreads her arms out to the sides and smiles widely at the crowd.

"Let the tournament begin!"

Thank you all for reading and supporting!!

Songs listened:

LMLY - Jackson Wang

You're Sexy I'm Sexy - Eric Nam

Stormhawkcreators' thoughts