
Shadows Of Vengeance

Tragedy strikes when Alex's parents are brutally killed, and his clan is destroyed. Consumed by grief and guilt, Alex blames himself for their deaths and vows revenge. Abandoning his former life, he immerses himself in the shadows, plotting to destroy those responsible. As he delves deeper into his quest for vengeance, he begins to lose himself, driven solely by the desire for retribution against the nobles who wronged him and his family. From the Author: Hello, dear readers! This is my first time writing, and I am excited to share my story with you. Writing this book has been a journey of passion and hard work. I humbly ask for your support and encouragement. Please read my book and share your thoughts. Your feedback is invaluable and will help me grow as a writer. Thank you for giving my story a chance. I hope it captivates and entertains you.

Lula_rumo_doshi · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


The next morning, Joyce sat Alex down for a serious talk. She knew he had questions about why the nobles treated them poorly, but she also knew she couldn't reveal everything just yet.

"Alex, I need you to listen carefully," she began, her tone serious. "I know you're wondering why the nobles are being so mean to us."

Alex nodded eagerly, eager to understand. "Yeah, Mom, I don't get it. What did we do to them?"

"It's complicated, Alex," Joyce replied, trying to find the right words. "There are things about our family's past that you don't know."

"Like what?" Alex asked, his curiosity piqued.

Joyce glanced around, making sure no one was listening. "There are... secrets, Alex. Things that happened a long time ago, things the nobles haven't forgotten."

"Secrets? What kind of secrets?" Alex pressed, his frustration growing.

"I can't tell you everything right now," Joyce explained gently. "But just know that our family has a complicated history with the nobles, and that's why they're treating us this way."

"But Mom, I deserve to know!" Alex protested.

"I know, Alex, and I promise I'll tell you when the time is right," Joyce assured him. "But for now, I need you to trust me. Can you do that?"

Alex reluctantly agreed, still filled with questions. "Okay, Mom. I'll try."

Joyce gave him a reassuring smile. "That's my boy. We'll figure this out together, I promise."

Alex prepared for school, putting on his uniform and packing his bag.

Despite the heavy conversation with his mother, he tried to focus on the day ahead.

As he walked to school, he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that lingered from their talk.

After reaching school, Alex went through his usual routine. He greeted his friends, attended classes, and completed his assignments.

However, the tension between him and some of the other students was palpable. The nobles' children always seemed to go out of their way to make life difficult for him.

During lunch, Alex was sitting alone, trying to mind his own business when a group of boys approached him.

Among them was Liam, one of the noble children who had always enjoyed bullying him.

"Hey, woman," Liam sneered, mocking Alex's pale skin and slight build. "Who do you think you are, sitting here like you belong?"

Alex clenched his fists, trying to remember his mother's words about staying out of trouble.

But the taunts continued, and soon, other students gathered around, watching the confrontation.

"Leave me alone, Liam," Alex said, his voice steady but tense.

"Or what?" Liam challenged, shoving Alex hard. "You're nothing but a cursed weakling. Everyone knows it.

Just like your pathetic mother and that worthless father of yours. No wonder your whole clan is filled with old people; everyone else left or betrayed you!"

Something snapped inside Alex. He'd had enough of being treated like dirt and hearing his family insulted. Without thinking, he pushed Liam back, causing him to stumble.

The crowd gasped, and Liam's face twisted in anger. "You'll pay for that!" he shouted, launching himself at Alex.

The two boys fought, trading punches and grappling on the ground. Teachers quickly intervened, pulling them apart and dragging them to the principal's office.

As Alex sat outside the office, bruised and fuming, he couldn't help but wonder what his mother would say about this latest incident.

He knew there would be consequences, but he also knew he couldn't just stand by and let the nobles push him around anymore.

Inside the principal's office, Liam sat with a smug smile, recalling the conversation he had with his father the night before.

His father's words echoed in his mind:

"Make sure Alex causes trouble, son. We need a reason to push them out completely.

"Liam's father had made it clear that getting Alex into trouble would justify any action the nobles took against Alex's family.

And today, he had succeeded in provoking Alex into a fight.

Now, it was only a matter of time before the plan unfolded further.

He grinned more, knowing his father would be proud of him.

And he also knew he wouldn't get into trouble because the four noble families were in on it together, as well as the principal.

"Ha, I almost pity him for his stupidity," he mused.

Alex was called into the office. He knew the principal never liked him, so he felt helpless about explaining himself.

As soon as he stepped inside, the principal began shouting.

"You troublemaker!" the principal yelled. "You and your cursed family bring nothing but misfortune to this school and everyone around you!"

Alex's heart pounded in his chest. "Please, sir," he said, his voice trembling. "What have I or my family done to deserve this?"

The principal's face twisted in anger. "You should blame yourself for being born into a cursed family! Your very presence is a blight on this school!"

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes as the principal continued his tirade. "You don't belong here.

Your family doesn't belong here. You're all just trouble waiting to happen. Do you understand that you're a disgrace?"

Alex tried to hold back his tears, but they streamed down his face.

"Why do you hate us so much?" he whispered, feeling utterly defeated.

The principal leaned closer, his voice dripping with disdain. "Because you're cursed, Alex. You and your whole family are cursed, and everyone around you suffers because of it."

Alex stood there, feeling the weight of the principal's words crush him.

He felt more alone and misunderstood than ever before, knowing that no matter what he did, the label of "cursed" would follow him and his family.

"You are suspended!" the principal shouted in Alex's face.

Alex could not believe it. How would his mum react to this? He begged, "Sir, please, how can I be suspended for a small fight?

And what about Liam? He's just sitting there laughing. What about his punishment?"

The principal laughed coldly. "Liam is a noble, and you are nothing. That is why."

Alex's heart sank further. The unfairness of it all was suffocating.

He looked at Liam, who was smirking with satisfaction. Alex felt a mix of anger and helplessness as he realized just how deeply the odds were stacked against him.

"He is powerful, but you are not," the principal sneered. "Before you start claiming fairness, gain some power first.

Then, and only then, can you open your cursed mouth to speak."

Alex felt tears sting his eyes as he absorbed the harsh words. He clenched his fists, trying to keep his composure.

The injustice burned inside him, but he knew there was nothing he could do.

With one last glance at the gloating Liam, Alex turned and walked out of the office, the weight of his suspension heavy on his shoulders.

As Alex walked home, he couldn't stop thinking about his family's supposed curse. No one ever gave him a straight answer, leaving him with so many questions.

Why did the nobles hate them? What caused their bad luck? Whenever he asked his parents, they avoided the topic, making him even more curious.

Today's trouble at school only fueled his determination to find out the truth.