
Shadows of the Unseen: A High School DxD Tale

follow Yuki Tsukino as he travels the world of dxd with the gamer

george_evans · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

chapter 1: Shadow Stir

Chapter 1: Shadows Stir

In the dimly lit depths of the hidden chamber, Yuki Tsukino stood, his mind a whirlwind of newfound power and purpose. The Shadowbane Gauntlet pulsated on his hand, its dark energies resonating with his own. As he contemplated the mysteries that surrounded him, a voice echoed through the shadows.

"Yuki Tsukino, you have awakened the shadows," the voice intoned, mysterious and commanding.

Yuki spun around to face the figure emerging from the darkness—a tall, imposing individual with piercing blue eyes that seemed to peer into his soul.

"I am Azrael, guardian of the Shadow Realms," the figure announced. "I have sensed your awakening and have come to offer you guidance."

Yuki regarded Azrael warily, but a spark of curiosity ignited within him.

"What do you seek from me?" Yuki asked, his voice steady but tinged with anticipation.

Azrael's gaze bore into Yuki's, assessing him with a profound intensity.

"You possess great potential, Yuki Tsukino," Azrael replied. "But with great power comes great responsibility. The shadows you command are but a fraction of what lies beyond."

Intrigued, Yuki felt a surge of determination welling up inside him.

"Show me," Yuki demanded, his voice resonating with newfound resolve. "Show me the path to greater mastery."

Azrael nodded, a faint smile playing on their lips.

"Very well," Azrael responded. "But first, you must undergo a trial—a test of your abilities and resolve."

Without warning, the chamber around Yuki began to shift, shadows coalescing into a swirling vortex of darkness. Azrael extended a hand, beckoning Yuki to follow.

With unwavering determination, Yuki stepped into the vortex, the shadows enveloping him like a cloak. When the darkness receded, Yuki found himself in a desolate realm teeming with malevolent energies.

"You seek greater power," Azrael's voice echoed through the eerie silence. "Then prove yourself worthy. Hunt down the creatures of this realm, and bring me their essences as proof of your strength."

Fueled by purpose, Yuki summoned his shadow familiars—the Shadow Serpent and Umbral Specter—and ventured deeper into the realm. Every step resonated with anticipation and the thrill of the hunt.

Quest Acquired: Shadow Hunt

Quest Name: Shadow Hunt

Quest Description: Hunt down and defeat 50 shadow beasts in the dark realm to prove your strength and mastery over shadows.

Quest Reward: A mysterious weapon imbued with shadow magic.

As Yuki encountered his first shadow beast—a monstrous creature with glowing eyes and jagged claws—he focused his mind and unleashed a new skill.

New Skill Acquired: Shadow Lance

Damage Dealt: Shadow Lance pierces through the shadow beast, dealing 50 HP damage

The battle was intense, but Yuki's mastery over shadows proved formidable. With each victory, he felt himself growing stronger, the shadows whispering arcane secrets into his consciousness.

Level Up: Yuki Tsukino has reached Level 2

Buoyed by his success, Yuki pressed on, his resolve bolstered by the promise of the Shadowreaver Blade. His shadow familiars fought alongside him, their ethereal forms striking fear into the hearts of their adversaries.

Damage Dealt: Shadow Serpent attacks for 40 HP damage Damage Dealt: Umbral Specter deals 35 HP damage

As the hunt continued, Yuki's skill with shadows deepened. The realm echoed with the clash of darkness and light, and Yuki's determination burned brighter with each monster slain.

Level Up: Yuki Tsukino has reached Level 4

With every milestone achieved, Yuki could feel the power coursing through him, resonating with the Shadowbane Gauntlet. His senses sharpened, and the shadows responded to his every command with unwavering loyalty.

Level Up: Yuki Tsukino has reached Level 6

The hunt for shadow beasts intensified, pushing Yuki to his limits. Yet, with Azrael's guidance echoing in his mind, Yuki persevered, driven by a hunger for mastery.

Level Up: Yuki Tsukino has reached Level 8

In the midst of battle, a rare shadow beast emerged—a towering behemoth wreathed in dark energy. Yuki's heart quickened, his crimson eyes locking onto his formidable adversary.

With a surge of determination, Yuki unleashed the full might of his shadow familiars and channeled the power of the Shadowbane Gauntlet.

Final Level Up: Yuki Tsukino has reached Level 10

Amidst the chaos of battle, Yuki stood as a shadowweaver reborn—a harbinger of darkness in the realm of High School DxD, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in his quest for mastery.

Stats (Level 10):

Name: Yuki Tsukino

Level: 10

Race: Vampire-Devil Hybrid

Class: Shadow Summoner (Level 10)


Cursed Technique (Domain Expansion - Limitless) (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Uchiha Clan Bloodline (Sharingan) (Naruto)

Secret Gear: Shadowbane Gauntlet

Title: Shadowweaver


HP (Health Points): 1000

MP (Magic Points): 1200

STR (Strength): 90

AGI (Agility): 110 (+20 from race)

VIT (Vitality): 80

INT (Intelligence): 100

WIS (Wisdom): 90

CHA (Charisma): 70

LUK (Luck): 80


Shadow Conjurer: Masterful control over shadow creatures and manipulation.

Quick Learner: Acquires experience and levels rapidly.

Magical Aptitude: Enhanced proficiency with summoning and dark magic.

Blood Manipulation: Can control and utilize blood for offensive and defensive purposes.

Soul Sight: Can perceive the essence of souls, aiding in identifying beings and weaknesses.


Sunlight Sensitivity: Weakened in direct sunlight.

Blood Dependency: Requires regular blood consumption for sustenance and optimal health.

Skills (with Levels and Limits):

Summon Shadow Familiar

Level 10: Summons powerful shadow entities for combat. Limits vary based on skill level.

Dark Bolt

Level 10: Unleashes bolts of dark energy for substantial damage. MP Cost: 50 MP per cast.

Blood Shield

Level 10: Creates formidable barriers using manipulated blood. MP Cost: 70 MP per use.

Shadow Vanish

Level 10: Merges with shadows for stealth and evasion. MP Cost: 80 MP per use.

Domain Expansion (Cursed Technique)

Level 10: Imposes a domain of limitless shadows, enhancing abilities within the area.

Sharingan (Uchiha Bloodline)

Level 10; improve the users eye sight make the user see faster making it look like time is getting slower