

"Harriet You will be getting married to Stephen Mario"Father Said Those words mad her realise that an action must be taken otherwise she will keep on living a life written on A script It's so easy For people to envy her for riches but the major problem was whether one could withstand the trauma , Lack of love and Care that She didn't Get or Rather Avoid THE SHADOWS OF HER PAST that kept haunting her

sophiyya · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


The plans had been made already but not yet put in motion , Cassy had really been of assistance and I'm glad that i confided in her but according to what she had said She wanted to revenge on Stephen mario for a said history they had together that she has refused to speak on.

Entering into the  Maison i climbed the stairs heading to my room "Young lady,  this has to stop i hope you know we will be going and planning shopping , cake tasting For the wedding" Mother Said

"All arrangements should stop Mother i will not be getting married to Stephen" i replied rudely

I could see the Shocked expression on her face cause of the rude reply i had given her

"Why would you speak to your mother like that Harriet !!! " my Father Said stepping in

Seems like he just Came back from Work

"Of Course Father, you just state your opinion and then guess what you move Business deals as usual i hope you heard what i Said to mother to stop those marriage plans Cause i  will not be getting married

You know what sometimes i wish i wasn't born into to this family Because all i do is act a life that has already been laid out on a script for me i have no opinon of my own and the only opinion i had was to date Zack but guess what i lost that too

Since ,  the date of Zack i have not heard one condolences from you both all you are concerned about is getting me married for what?! Business deal , and hide the fact that i take pills to help regain myself i am a burden right you could have said it not using the marriage excuse to get me out of your Lives

Do not ask me to get married i will not !!!! "

I yelled walking out .

Glancing back i could see the shocked Expression on their faces at my outburst

Cause i hadn't spoken that much for so long

Entering my roon i shut the door behind me sitting down to think , i had to do this i didn't want to at first but knowing my parents can be so stubborn i had to act to their level otherwise i will not get what i want which is to stop this marriage

I got a call from Cassy on changing my wardrobe Whispering this words "Pardon me Zack. I'm doing this cause only you have a place in my heart " I was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing I answered without checking the Caller id


"Fiancee" i heard the arrogant voice of Stephen Mario

"What do you want mario" i asked

"Atleast she knows my voice now listen to me Sweetheart i have never been so insulted my entire life the way you made me feel ,  you should be glad i agreed to marry a lunatic like you otherwise no one would have wanted to marry a Useless Fool who has thoughts that makes her look and act dumb trust me So you gonna act like a precious doll dressed in a flowing princess gown Give me a call once you are ready I need to show you off" He stated arrogantly

I guess i needed to show this arrogant jerk his place

"Now listen to me Mario Firstly you do not have the looks so i would love if you could reduce your ego , You probably wouldn't be chased after if your parents were Not Fininacially stable Secondly,  i am not your Sweetheart and will appreciate if that endowment is given to someone else Cause i appreparently can't endure been called one by you ,Thirdly You sound like someone who is Uneducated and would pass for an illiterate since you do not get when a girl says she is not interested I hope you understand that any more insult from you mario regarding Calling me a LUNATIC and dumb will not be taken lightly Do not call me again whenever you feel like acting stupid" I replied

From the mute reply at the other end i could tell that he least expected my comeback

"So you do talk wow!!!! Fiesty i love it Now i hope you do know that i do not take no as an answer Harriet" He said

I ended the call not in the mood to reply him

This was who my parents wanted me to spend my life with Someone who would never miss a chance on insulting me and Humilating me. i heard the door open as Greta walked in but without a tray on her hands "Harriet it's been long i heard you talk that much " She said smiling

"I know ma'am he's just annoying i can't get married to him Greta ma he just insulted me he wouldn't miss an opportunity to humiliate me for fun " I replied

"HARRIET I'm glad that i can see you talking so well i was so scared that you would have been badly affected and i know that whatsoever that hurt you in the past must have left a great impact in you and Shattered you but i do know that you are a Brave girl and growing up you will always tell me that Nothing Could bring you down,  i remember Calling you  a winner to tease you but you have always been my winner Dear and i do know that you know what to do to stop whatever you do not want" She said

Laying my head on her thigh as she ran her fingers through my hair

"It's been long you did this Greta ma

I know i may have been rude to you this few years but i was so depressed  I'm still i don't think i can let you know what exactly happened but like you said i still feel the shattered bits and memories keep Hurting me My Shadows keep Trailing me and i don't think it will ever stop" i said

"Like i said Harriet you told you nothing can bring you down right  You have always been a winner and wouldn't lose now" She said

Smiling at her Little words of Encouragement i felt contented for the First time in a long while

With her hands running through my hair i felt
