
Shadows of Revolution

Shadows of Revolution follows the story of Taren, a prince who possesses the rare gift of magic in a kingdom where it is feared, and those who possess it are hunted down and executed. Taren has learned to keep his powers hidden, using them only when absolutely necessary, but as he grows older, he begins to question the way things are in his kingdom. One day, Taren saves an old man from being beaten by soldiers, revealing his powers to the world. He flees the kingdom and joins a group of rebels fighting against the oppressive rule of the king. Taren quickly rises through the ranks and becomes one of the most trusted leaders of the rebels. But the king is not blind to the rebellion, and a great battle ensues. Taren fights with all his might, using his powers to turn the tide of the battle, but the rebels are ultimately defeated, and Taren is captured. The king offers him a deal, spare his life if he uses his powers to serve the kingdom, but Taren refuses and is led to the gallows. To his surprise, a sudden surge of power flows through him, freeing him from the noose. The rebels launch a surprise attack, rescuing Taren and defeating the king. Taren becomes the new ruler of the kingdom, ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity and fulfilling his destiny to bring freedom and justice to his people. Book cover: from pinterest

Ikhlaas_Salman · Kỳ huyễn
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85 Chs

Gift of Magic

In the land of Aranthia, a place where magic was real and the unknown lurked around every corner, there was a prince named Taren. He was not your average prince, though. Taren was the prince of shadows. He could move without being seen, hear without being heard, and strike without being felt. He was a master of stealth and deception, trained in the art of assassination by the finest teachers in the land. But Taren had a secret, a secret that he had kept hidden from everyone in his kingdom, even from his own father, the king.

Taren had been born with the gift of magic, a rare and powerful gift that only a few in Aranthia possessed. But magic was feared in the kingdom, and those who were gifted with it were often hunted down and executed. Taren had learned to keep his powers hidden, using them only when absolutely necessary. But as he grew older, Taren began to question the way things were in his kingdom. He saw the injustices that were being committed against the people, and he knew that he had the power to change things.

One day, Taren was walking through the streets of his kingdom, disguised as a commoner, when he saw a group of soldiers beating an old man in the street. Taren could feel the anger rising inside of him, and without thinking, he stepped forward and unleashed his magic. The soldiers were thrown back by an invisible force, and the old man was saved.

Taren knew that he had revealed his powers, and he knew that he could no longer hide. He left the kingdom that night, taking with him only his sword and the clothes on his back. He travelled through the dark forests and over the mountains, never stopping until he reached the land of the rebels.

The rebels were a group of people who had been oppressed by the king and his soldiers. They had banded together to fight for their freedom, and Taren knew that he had found his calling. He joined the rebels and quickly became one of their greatest assets. His powers of stealth and deception made him a master spy, and his sword skills made him a formidable warrior.

Taren rose through the ranks of the rebels, quickly becoming one of their most trusted leaders. He worked tirelessly to train the rebels, to plan their attacks, and to keep them safe from the king's soldiers. And all the while, he kept his powers hidden, revealing them only when it was absolutely necessary.

But the king was not blind to the rebellion that was growing in his kingdom. He sent his soldiers to crush the rebels, and a great battle ensued. Taren fought with all of his might, using his magic to turn the tide of the battle. But in the end, it was not enough. The rebels were defeated, and Taren was captured.

The king was furious with Taren, and he ordered him to be executed for his crimes. Taren stood before the king, his head held high, and he spoke with a voice that was calm and steady. He told the king that he had fought for what was right, that he had.

The king was moved by Taren's words, and he offered him a deal. He would spare Taren's life if he would use his powers to serve the kingdom. Taren thought about the offer for a moment, and then he shook his head.

"No," he said. "I will not use my powers for evil. I will not be a pawn in your game."

And with that, Taren was led to the gallows. But as the noose was tightened around his neck, Taren closed his eyes and braced himself for the end, but to his surprise, he felt a sudden rush of power surge through him. The noose around his neck snapped and fell to the ground, and Taren stood free.

He looked around him, bewildered, and saw that the rebels had launched a surprise attack on the king's soldiers. Taren realized that they had come to rescue him, and he felt a sense of overwhelming gratitude and relief.

The battle was fierce, but with Taren's help, the rebels emerged victorious. The king was captured, and Taren stood before him once again. This time, however, the tables had turned.

Taren looked down at the king, who was now lying at his feet, defeated and broken. He spoke with a voice that was filled with power and authority, and he told the king that he would no longer be allowed to rule with an iron fist. He would no longer be allowed to oppress the people of Aranthia.

Taren became the new ruler of the kingdom, and he ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity. His powers of magic and his skills in warfare were put to use in the service of the people, and he was loved and respected by all who knew him.

The Prince of Shadows had become the King of Aranthia, and he had fulfilled his destiny to bring freedom and justice to his kingdom.

Taren took a deep breath and looked around the throne room. He was finally home. After years of fighting, he had returned to the kingdom he had been born into, but it was not the same kingdom he had left. The walls were decorated with the banners of the rebels he had led, and the king's throne was empty.

Taren stepped forward and addressed the people gathered in the throne room. He spoke of the sacrifices they had made, of the battles they had fought, and of the future that lay ahead of them. His voice was strong and steady, and the people listened with rapt attention.

As he finished speaking, a young woman stepped forward and knelt before him. She held out a sword, its blade still wet with blood. Taren recognized it immediately as the sword he had given her when they had first met.

The woman spoke with a voice that was filled with reverence and gratitude. She thanked Taren for everything he had done for them, for his leadership, his courage, and his sacrifice. She told him that he had inspired them to fight for what was right and that he had given them hope.

Taren took the sword from her and looked around the room once more. He saw the faces of the people he had fought alongside, the people who had become his family. He felt a sense of overwhelming pride and love for them.

He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, that there would be challenges and setbacks, but he was determined to build a better kingdom for all of them. A kingdom where magic was no longer feared, where justice and equality reigned, and where the people were truly free.

Taren raised the sword above his head, and the people cheered. The Prince of Shadows had become the King of Aranthia, and a new era had begun.