
Shadows of Mythalis

**Synopsis:** In the midst of this world full of wonders and dangers, a young man named Liam emerges as a promising figure. Raised in a small town in Mythalis, Liam has always been fascinated by the stories and legends of the ancient ruins that surround his homeland. Determined to unravel the secrets of these ruins and uncover the mysteries of the world around him, he embarks on a journey of discovery and adventure. On his sixteenth birthday, while exploring the depths of one of the Primordial Ruins, Liam makes a surprising discovery: a shimmering colored Rubik's Cube, granting him the power of the System Nine Times. Incredulous and excited, Liam delves into the magical world that opens before him, unlocking innate abilities and the promise of power beyond his imagination. As he advances on his journey, Liam encounters warring factions, mystical races with unique gifts and powers, and mythological beasts that defy logic and instill fear. At the same time, he discovers that he is not alone in his quest for knowledge and power, and that ancient and hidden secrets await to be revealed. Throughout his journey, Liam encounters unlikely allies and formidable enemies, while his connection with the System Nine Times grows stronger and deeper. He learns to use his abilities strategically, facing increasingly complex and dangerous challenges. With a captivating humor and unwavering determination, Liam wins the hearts of readers as he becomes a central figure in Mythalis' fate. His story is marked by moments of triumph, true friendship, and personal sacrifices for the greater good. Amidst the chaos and magic of Mythalis, Liam's journey is a tale of growth and self-discovery, where he uncovers his true strength and potential. As he unravels the secrets of the System Nine Times and faces the adversities of the world around him, Liam becomes a living legend, destined to leave his mark on the mythical universe of Mythalis. ---LuhRoyVv NineS: first book, English is my second language. I hope I can experiment and express a lot (>_>)!

DefeatedNinth_LRNS · Kỳ huyễn
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004- The Secrets Of The World Tree

In the heart of Mythalis, a new quest awaited Aiden and his allies. The World Tree stood tall and majestic, its roots delving deep into the earth, and its branches reaching for the heavens. Legends spoke of ancient relics hidden within the tree's sanctuary, relics said to hold unimaginable power.

The [System Nexus] displayed a notification:

[New Quest: The Forgotten Relics - Unravel the mysteries of the World Tree and uncover its hidden treasures.]

With determination in their hearts, the group set forth on their journey. The World Tree's sanctuary was an ethereal realm, bathed in a golden glow. Aiden could sense the ancient magic that permeated the air, a testament to the tree's timeless existence.

As they ventured deeper into the sanctuary, they encountered mystical guardians protecting the relics. Each guardian tested the group's resolve, challenging them to prove their worthiness. Aiden and his allies faced these trials together, their bonds of friendship growing stronger with every obstacle they overcame.

The [System Nexus] displayed a new ability notification:

[New Ability Unlocked: Unity of the Guardians - Strengthen the group's unity and unleash a powerful combination attack.]

With the new ability in their arsenal, the group's synergy reached new heights. They moved as one, anticipating each other's actions in perfect harmony. As they faced the guardians, the Unity of the Guardians ability allowed them to unleash devastating attacks, leaving the guardians in awe.

In the heart of the sanctuary, they found an ancient chamber, guarded by an enigmatic figure known as the Keeper of the Relics. The Keeper's eyes glimmered with ancient wisdom as he spoke in a voice that resonated with the ages.

"Welcome, seekers of the relics. To prove your worth, you must pass one final trial."

The [System Nexus] displayed a notification:

[Final Trial: Reflections of the Past - Confront your inner doubts and fears.]

The group stepped into a magical pool, and suddenly, they found themselves facing illusions of their past. Doubts and regrets surfaced, threatening to overwhelm them. Liam faced his insecurities as a leader, Elara confronted the loss of her homeland, Darius grappled with his past mistakes, Sofia confronted the shadows of her past, and Lila faced her doubts about her healing abilities.

It was a trial of the heart, and each member fought their own battles within. But as they overcame their fears, they realized the strength they gained from their experiences. The [System Nexus] displayed a notification:

[New Ability Unlocked: Inner Resilience - Channel your past experiences to strengthen your resolve.]

With their newfound ability, the group emerged from the pool, stronger and more determined than ever. The Keeper of the Relics nodded in approval.

"You have proven yourselves worthy. The relics you seek lie within the deepest chamber of the World Tree."

As they entered the chamber, they beheld the forgotten relics, gleaming with ancient power. Each relic held a unique ability, waiting to be harnessed.

The [System Nexus] displayed a notification:

[New Abilities Unlocked: Relics of Mythalis - Harness the power of the ancient relics.]

With the relics in their possession, Aiden and his allies knew that their journey was far from over. The secrets of the World Tree had only just begun to unravel, and a new adventure awaited them.

As they stepped out of the World Tree's sanctuary, the [System Nexus] displayed a final notification:

[Quest Complete: The Forgotten Relics - The power of Mythalis grows stronger with each discovery.]

With the relics in hand and their bonds united, Aiden and his allies were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the world beyond the World Tree.

End of Chapter 4 and Auxiliary Part.