
Shadows of Light

"Shadows of Light" follows the journey of Chris, a young man who lives alone in a cozy apartment, haunted by the tragic loss of his parents and sister in a mysterious accident. As Chris navigates through the challenges of daily life and the weight of grief, strange and inexplicable events begin to unfold around him.

Kaeso · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs


In the beginning, before humankind, before the world, or even the universe, there was only One who existed: God.

There was no beginning for Him, nor was there an ending; He had always existed.

God existed on His own. After an eternity, He created the first Angel, the first of many.

Why He did this, only God Himself could answer.

The Angels were servants of God. He created and divided them into three hierarchies and nine orders. Each hierarchy contained three Orders.

The Seraphim stood at the top, closest to God, with six wings: one pair to cover their hands, one to cover their feet, and one to fly.

They were guardians and attendants of God's Throne.

One might also describe them as Angels of fire.

The second Order were the Cherubim, two-winged Angels who were guardians of God's Glory.

Their wings sounded like the loud waves one hears at the ocean, thus they were also described as Angels of water.

The third Order were the Thrones, double-winged Angels, messengers for the lower-ranked Angels. If they wanted to contact God, this could only be done with the help of a Throne.

These three Orders belonged to the first hierarchy and were ranked above the rest.

The second hierarchy included Dominions, double-winged angels of the fourth order, who delivered God's justice in unjust situations. They also helped organize the Angels of the lower ranks so they could perform their work efficiently.

The fifth order of Angels were double-winged Angels known for their control of the elements and assisting in miracles. They were also known as the spirits of motion.

The sixth order consisted of Powers. These double-winged Angels were warriors and defenders against evil, defenders of the cosmos and later of humanity. Later, they would also have power over the demons, but not just yet, as evil still had to be born.

In the last, the third hierarchy, the Principals, two-winged Angels, were at the top as the seventh order, commanders over the lower Angels. They were also known as Rules, as they directly watched over larger groups. Yet, this group was furthest away from God, as their role in the future was to communicate with humans in a way they could understand.

The eighth order was the order of Archangels, great heralds of good news and messengers of God. What was special about them was that there only existed seven. They went by the names Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Jophiel, Ariel, and lastly, Azrael. Each of them had their own task, which would be revealed in the future.

The ninth Order, the lowest of all, were Angels. Angels existed but without a purpose until the time of humans would come.

Despite most Angels having no job yet, they followed the hierarchy that was established by God.

Angels followed their creator without hesitation and praised Him, but not for too long.

God wanted to test His Angels if they were truly loyal towards Him.

He hid Himself and watched the Angels from a distance.

At first, the Angels would say nothing, but after a while had passed, a Cherubim named Lucifer spread doubt among the Angels.

He claimed God was dead or surely would have been here to comfort them now, wouldn't He?

And so heaven was divided into two fractions.

One-third of the Angels claimed God was dead, and the other two-thirds believed God still existed.

Lucifer, not wanting to agree with the other fraction, attacked them, and so the war of heaven began.

Lucifer's attacking forces were fewer, but they had a leader who organized them. On the other hand, the Angels that stayed true to God were leaderless, and so on the first day of the war, they were pushed back.

During all the chaos on the battlefield, one Angel emerged and, despite being of the lower ranks, successfully unified all the Angels. His name was Archangel Michael.

Thus, the heavenly war took a turning point.

With Michael leading them, the Angels of God pushed back the fallen Angels.

Lucifer, a Cherubim, a second-order Angel, could not believe that a mere Archangel of the eighth order could cause so much harm to him and his troops.

On the third day, the final day, Lucifer entered the battlefield himself, determined to kill Michael, and thus he gave up his position as a strategist positioned in the back and led his troops into battle.

Of all the battles, this was the worst. Despite Angels not being able to die, if gravely injured, they would become immobilized, unable to move.

Lucifer cut through the ranks of the heavenly Angels, whilst Michael, who had received a flame sword from a Seraphim, cut his way through the ranks of the fallen Angels.

At the peak of the battle, Lucifer and Michael stood face to face and engaged in a fierce battle that emitted tremendous shockwaves each time their swords connected.

This continued for hours, but gradually Michael pushed back Lucifer.

As soon as it was clear that Michael was going to win the battle, God appeared.

A pillar of light appeared on the battlefield and spoke:

"Begone, you forces of evil, begone and repent in the flames of hell. Despite my love towards all of my creations, those who go against me shall fear me. Thus, I name you Lucifer, root of all evil. You shall be cast down into hell and from now on until eternity go by the name of Satan."

As the words were spoken, God blessed the heavenly Angels with new powers and led by Michael, the forces of evil were cast into hell, fated neither to see the light of God again.

The war of heaven had ended after three days, the orders of the Angels were restored, and Michael, despite being an Archangel of the eighth order, was named leader of heaven's army and was allowed to keep the flame sword which was normally only bestowed onto Seraphim.

And so peace returned to heaven, and hell was born.