
Chapter 2: "Zilong's Journey to Guardianship"

Zilong was born in the quiet and peaceful Cadia Riverlands. The land held an air of tranquility, untouched by the chaos that often plagued the world beyond its borders. In his limited memory, Zilong recalled his father as a skilled craftsman, a wanderer who journeyed through the land. Each passing season, his father would embark on his travels, traversing the distance between the northern and southern regions. Zilong's mother would hold their young child in her arms, a smile adorning her face, as they sat in their carriage, watching Zilong's father bid them farewell with spirited shouts.

However, these memories of his parents were fragmented and incomplete. Fate dealt a cruel hand as tragedy befell the family during one of their journeys. A violent wind ravaged their carriage, tearing it apart and sending their horses fleeing in fear. When the tempest subsided, the young Zilong found himself alone, his parents nowhere to be found. Left helpless and bewildered, Zilong embarked on a seven-day journey across desolate wastelands, his heart burdened with despair. Yet, through the countless hardships he faced, he displayed a resilience and potential that surpassed that of an ordinary person. Zilong refused to succumb to the challenges of survival, never surrendering to despair.

It was during this arduous journey, on the brink of utter exhaustion, that a white-bearded old man, donning wide robes and billowing sleeves, descended upon Zilong. The enigmatic figure took him under his wing and led him to a mysterious place. Ascending a seemingly infinite flight of steps, Zilong arrived at the grand temple known as the Great Dragon. Here, he was welcomed into the embrace of the Great Dragon and became a resident of the Dragon Altar, where he would reside for the next seven years.

Within those seven years, the Great Dragon, who had refrained from accepting any new apprentices for an extended period, made an unexpected announcement. He declared that he would choose a successor between Zilong and Ling, another talented student. Surprisingly, the Great Dragon did not select the more gifted Ling as his successor but instead chose Zilong, who appeared to lack the same level of skill.

This decision bewildered and surprised everyone within the Dragon Altar. The adherents questioned the strength and potential of this seemingly ordinary young man, unable to fathom why the Great Dragon had chosen him. Only the Great Dragon knew of the hidden potential within Zilong, recognizing qualities that surpassed mere skill. Among the adherents, the strongest would always strive to showcase their might, while the underdogs would relentlessly work to improve themselves. Yet, the indomitable determination and open-mindedness of those eager to attain greatness often eluded even the strongest.

Zilong would soon justify the Great Dragon's decision through his actions. Although he may not have been the most outstanding student in terms of raw talent, he possessed a calm and resilient heart, an upright and brave personality, and a kind and selfless character. Embracing the role of an ordinary holy man, Zilong dedicated himself to aiding the people of the Cadia Riverlands. He supported them through calamities, hardships, and moments of danger and distress.

These remarkable qualities ingrained themselves in the hearts of everyone within the Dragon Altar and spread to the people of the Cadia Riverlands. Zilong's unwavering trustworthiness and selfless dedication earned him the recognition and respect of all. At the age of eighteen, in front of a gathered audience, the Great Dragon bestowed upon Zilong the Great Dragon Spear, the most cherished treasure of the Dragon Altar.

Great relic had witnessed thousands of years of history and not only held unrivaled power but also symbolized the formal passing of the responsibility of guarding the Cadia Riverlands to Zilong.

In the following years, Zilong, accompanied by the formidable Great Dragon Spear, embarked on a relentless journey across every inch of the Cadia Riverlands. He faced and defeated powerful enemies who dared invade the Land of Promise, solidifying his reputation as the people's savior. Zilong's name echoed through the land, inspiring hope and confidence in the hearts of the Cadia Riverlands' inhabitants.

Yet, just when everyone believed that Zilong was prepared to shoulder the mantle of the Great Dragon and become a strong and dependable guardian, a formidable foe resurfaced on the continent. Yu Zhong, driven mad by ambition, had been banished by the Great Dragon in the past. However, he had unexpectedly recovered the reversed scale of the Black Dragon, fueling his desire for revenge. Under the guidance of the Great Dragon, Zilong, alongside his allies Baxia, Ling, and Wanwan, formed the Oriental Fighters, a united front tasked with the heavy responsibility of protecting the peaceful and beautiful land from those who sought to destroy it.

As Zilong faced his fated adversary, he realized the weight of the burden placed upon him. Yu Zhong's power and influence threatened to undo all that Zilong had fought for, endangering the harmony and prosperity of the Cadia Riverlands. With the Great Dragon Spear in hand, Zilong exhibited unwavering determination, channeling his calm and resilient heart into every strike and parry. He drew strength from the virtues instilled within him during his time at the Dragon Altar—uprightness, bravery, kindness, and selflessness.

The battles that ensued were fierce and perilous, each clash revealing the true depths of Zilong's character and prowess. Through his unwavering resolve and unwavering loyalty to his people, Zilong showcased his true potential. The ordinary young man, once doubted and questioned by many, emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration, leading his allies to victory time and time again.

Zilong's legend grew with each triumph, his name forever etched in the annals of Cadia Riverlands' history. The people regarded him not just as a warrior but as a protector, a guardian who had selflessly devoted himself to their well-being. His acts of valor and self-sacrifice resonated deeply within the hearts of all who knew his name.

The journey of Zilong, from his humble beginnings as an orphaned wanderer to the chosen successor of the Great Dragon, was a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the indomitable spirit of a hero. Through his actions, he had proven that greatness was not solely defined by natural talent but rather by the strength of one's character and their unwavering commitment to the greater good.

As the battle against Yu Zhong raged on, Zilong stood at the forefront, his Great Dragon Spear gleaming in the sunlight. With the Oriental Fighters by his side, he vowed to protect the Cadia Riverlands and its people with every ounce of his being. For he knew that the fate of the land, its peace and prosperity, rested upon his shoulders, and he would not falter in his duty.

And so, the stage was set for a clash of titans, a battle that would test not only Zilong's physical prowess but also his unwavering spirit and the virtues that had been instilled within him. The fate of the Cadia Riverlands hung in the balance as the savior and the foe prepared too.

In the final showdown between Zilong and Yu Zhong, the clash of their powers reverberated throughout the Cadia Riverlands. Their battle was fierce and relentless, each displaying their utmost strength and skill. As Zilong fought with unwavering determination, fueled by his love for his land and its people, he tapped into an inner strength that surpassed even his own expectations.

With a final surge of power, Zilong delivered a decisive blow to Yu Zhong, shattering his ambitions and restoring peace to the Cadia Riverlands. The defeated foe, humbled and broken, retreated into the shadows, his threat vanquished.

Zilong stood tall amidst the aftermath, his Great Dragon Spear gleaming as a symbol of triumph and protection. The people of the Cadia Riverlands rejoiced, their gratitude pouring forth for their savior. Zilong had become more than just a legendary figure; he had become the embodiment of hope and resilience, a true guardian of their beloved land.

With the conflict resolved, Zilong dedicated himself to rebuilding and safeguarding the Cadia Riverlands. He worked tirelessly to restore harmony and prosperity, always remaining vigilant against any future threats that might arise. The Dragon Altar, witnessing Zilong's unparalleled valor and selflessness, became a revered institution in the land, forever honoring his legacy.

Years passed, and Zilong's name became synonymous with bravery and unwavering loyalty. His deeds were celebrated in songs and tales, passed down through generations as a testament to the power of one person's conviction and the impact they could have on an entire land.

Zilong's journey from an orphaned wanderer to the chosen successor of the Great Dragon had not only shaped his own destiny but also inspired countless others to embrace their own strength and potential. His story served as a reminder that greatness resided within every individual, waiting to be awakened through perseverance and a noble heart.

And so, the Cadia Riverlands thrived under Zilong's watchful eye, a bastion of peace and prosperity. The people lived their lives without fear, knowing that their guardian was always ready to protect them from any threat that dared to emerge. Zilong had fulfilled his destiny, becoming not only the savior of his people but also the embodiment of their collective spirit.

As the sun set over the tranquil Cadia Riverlands, its golden rays cast a warm glow upon the land. Zilong stood atop a hill, surveying the beauty and serenity that surrounded him. With a serene smile, he vowed to continue his lifelong mission, forever standing as the guardian of the land he cherished.

And so, the tale of Zilong, the ordinary young man who rose to greatness, came to a close. But his legend would live on, forever etched in the hearts and minds of the people, a testament to the power of courage, compassion, and unwavering determination.