
Prologue- The Beginning of an End

Casp, held on tightly to his sword; veins bulging, eyes narrowed and sweat dripping from his brow. He'd been injured significantly before this and now he was on the run.

The dark forest in front of him was his last escape from the dreadful spectres on his heels.

"Move legs, goddamnit MOVE!!" his shouts didn't seem to stop the burden on his feet as he ran. The forest looming in front of him, spectres behind. Both would lead to a grisly end... And so he halted.

Turning around the spectres closed on him instantaneously as he stopped. He would not die like this, he shan't.

'My son at home won't have a dad, but he'll live, he'll live long and healthy, without me by his side.' comforting himself with this single thought, Casp shoved the sword deep within his chest and with that his last breath was drawn.

The garish bluish green hue from the spectres hovered over his dead body. Whispers were transfered between them in a language unknown. This would have gone on for longer however a bright light flashed from Casp's dead body, and then nothing except for howling winds accompanied by a silver moon hanging from the sky illuminating the dark forest.