
Chapter 3- The Hollowed King of the Underworld

As one would have already guessed, Hilver City was a large place. From the lower levels consisting of Gastra Hallow, and the city's Poor District; to the trading center known as Clock Square and finally the residential area of the finest nobles and merchants, Aethel Gardens.

Just past Aethel Gardens, away from the city's large exuberant walls, was Hilver City's outskirts known as Dusk Fields. A complete change from the normal cycles of day and night, the Fields were in an eternal state of dusk, why? Well... A story for another time.

After the debacle in Katla's Tavern, Pascal and Horse had made their way through Aethel Gardens to finally arrive in Hilvers most northern gates. The tall, haggard walls loomed over Hilvers, a constant reminder of the city's past as a fortress, one that has never fallen to outside forces yet.

"Strange ain't it lad? It's bright out here, almost eve, but we step pass these gates and dusk for miles with no end."

Pascal glanced at Horse, before touching the scar that crossed his eye. He hated coming here, the North Gate loomed over the two along with the walls of Hilvers and though it may be not but a phantom pain, his scar seemed to burn up again. He calmed himself down, he had gotten rid of the beings which gave him this scar two years ago but Dusk Fields always had this effect on him.

"Let's get this done quick Horse. Though I said that, it's another half hour walk to Meinmarc's."

"Aye, and if there's any beasts or spectres lurking about, I'll handle em. Ye need not worry Pasc."

A simple mhhm was all that escaped Pascal's mouth. Before the gates finally opened.

Moving along the picturesque field of dusk; the sights and sounds seemed to have perfectly capture Dusk Fields almost malevolent scene. A mixtured calling of crows and ravens enraptured in the airs above, roars and quakes of beasts heaving the grounds far off away from the Field's cobblestoned paths.

The two hastened their pace as they made their way to Meinmarc's estate.

"Ahhh.... Dusk Fields. Oi, lad, why here? I mean he's the King of Gastra Hallow."

Without a halt in their steps, Pascal shook his head, "You've got it wrong Horse. He's the King of the Underworld. I'm King of Gastra, as empty as the title really is."

"Underworld eh mate. Out here in Dusk Fields, in a sense it fits."

Pascal stayed silent at that statement. Motioning Horse with his eyes, the both quickened their pace.

Soon, Meinmarc's estate was in sight. Heavy stone walls with an iron fence as tall as the sky could reach, entered the two's sight.

"Password," a gravelled voice as if granite being mined, scratching against the ears.

"Hoho, this is definitely new." Pascal's ever lazy voice escaped his lips. "Password... Password, hmm... Arse, dick, prick, cunt, cocksucker, bastard. Ahh here's one, a password for you Marc. You everlasting eternal brain fucked mongrel, tell your thrice goddamned golem to let us in."

"Password, correct. Commencing gate opening." the golems voice rang out again as the iron gates drew open.

"Thanks golem, good work." Pascal had a smirk on his face as himself and Horse walked passed the entrance of the estate.

Meinmarc's estate; beautiful purple leafed trees were scattered around the grounds, along with a central courtyard and fountain. Made out of the finest marble, the fountain was not just a work of art but of magic as well. From a single chunk of marble, a higher mage morphed and willed the marble, morphing it into a large fountain with a statue of a demon staring down upon all that its eyes see.

"Never gets old coming here, eh lad. The trees, fountain and that bloody arsed mansion."

"That sense of wonder you have will never cease to amaze Horse. It's the same trees, same fountain, and same mansion."

The two quickly made their way into the mansion.

A large mainhall, a chandelier of pure crystal hung upon the ceiling as warm lamps lined the walls. Standing right in the middle, a golem over two metres tall, it's body formed of magic crystals combined with stone it shadowed the two, as a voice as smooth as velvet and as deep as the ocean came from behind.

"Good password Pasc. I rather like it. It's very... How to say.. You."

Meinmarc, the source of this velvety voice appeared directly behind the golem. His dark skin along with his dark purple robes suited the warm lamps which lined the halls, short cropped copper hair and a devilish smile hung on his lips. But his purple eyes, those were the most breathtaking part of him. He stared at Pascal and Horse, noticing the slight burgundy blemish on Pascal's shirt, his smile immediately vanished.

"Someone do that to you? Or you did something naughty again."

In a situation where one meets your superior, most would politely explain what happened but Pascal was different. As like his usual lazy demeanor he outright ignored Meinmarc, simply throwing the small box at him.

Marc's purple eyes literally glittered as he caught the box. Eyeing the two he beckoned they follow him with his hands, as the floor underneath him collapsed revealing a long stairwell.

He led them in.

Different from the hall above, the stairs leading down were lit by small luminescent orbs which were suspended in the air. It didn't provide much light just enough to see a few steps ahead of you. In this darkness however, Meinmarc, was like a fish in water. Maneuvering around the maze like stairs, his entire being morphed very literally.

His dark brown skin went grey, copper hair turning bright red and his purple eyes glowed. Horns sprouted above his brow, large much like a ram's and finally, a reptilian like tail grew from his lower back.

Pascal was very unperturbed by this transformation, where as Horse was shocked beyond belief. "Pasc, lad... Ye never told me about this."

"Horse my good man, to be honest I was more surprised by the hidden stairs."

"What is he lad! A daemon? Devil? Hell a chimaera??!"

Pascal looked at his close friend before staring at Marc's back.

As if he had eyes upon the back of his head Marc glanced at the two behind him who had stopped so abruptly, a playful grin on his face.

"I shall gladly introduce myself to the Guttersnipe's right hand. I've been known by many accolades and titles however my one true title has stayed the same since time immemorial. This esteemed one, is known as, The Hollowed King of The Underworld."