
Shadowed Fate: Mated To Four Alpha's

Thanks for taking a step to read this book WAS 2024. "I have been praying for death to come since I arrived here, and I don't know why it hasn't come. It would be a relief to finally die and not have to see the faces of my mate or anyone in the lycan pack." And with that, I spat on his hand and laughed at the same time. He thinks he can use death to threaten me. Being one of the most powerful omegas of my time and getting kicked out of my pack was not enough. I decided to join a new pack, the Crimson Pack, and that was when I found out that the most dangerous Alpha was my mate. I tried running away, but no matter what I did, I could not run forever. Will I be able to accept this cruel man as my mate, or will I look for a way to escape?

Jessica_Molly · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

chapter 5


It was cold and I really needed to get out of there. I felt like my body was unable to move, causing me pain.

The door opened and he walked in. I watched as he started opening the cage door and wondered what was going on.

He pulled me up and I stared into his eyes, but I still couldn't explain what was happening.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked, but he didn't say much, just dragged me out. I wondered where he was taking me and why he always kept silent without saying a word.

We arrived at a room and he opened the door. We both walked in, and I realized it was the bathroom. I wondered why he brought me there.

"You need to bathe so you will look good tonight. It's young master Eric's birthday celebration, and Master Demon has asked you to look nice and behave."

I almost chuckled at his words. Was he saying that I should act nice and pretend everything was okay?

I stopped there without saying a word as we both stared at each other. I couldn't believe they left me out because they wanted me to attend Eric's birthday party. When will they understand that I don't love them and I will do everything I can to escape from them tonight?

"So, will you give me some space?" I asked, looking at him, not understanding why he was still standing there. Was he trying to watch me change or something?

He turned around, and I wondered what kind of a freak he was.

"My master asked me never to take my eyes off you, no matter what you are doing."

I got angry and started taking off my clothes feeling like I should just hit each and every one of them in the face.

"Then I think your masters are all insane."

After a long silence, I bathed without him looking back or even taking a peek at me. I got dressed, and when I was done, I tapped his shoulder.

"So, is there anything your master asked you to do?"

He didn't say a word, just walked away, making me follow behind him.

As we walked down the hallway, I was surprised to see a lot of decorations. I wondered how big the party would be and if they would be busy, I would look for a way to escape.

"Do they all celebrate their birthdays like this?" I asked him, but he remained silent and kept walking.

He stood in front of a door, knocked on it, and then opened it, turning towards me.

"Go in, the masters are waiting for you."

I looked at him when he said that. Was he expecting me to go in there with all of them in one room? I looked at him and forced a smile. It was better to stay in the cage than to see their faces.

"I don't feel like it, and anyway, why don't you just take me back to the cage? I don't feel like being here."

As I turned to walk away, a hand pulled me back, and as I was about to protest, I froze when I met eyes with Demon. I tried to pull my hands away from him, but he held me firmly, almost breaking my hands.

I watched as he dragged me into the room and pushed me onto the bed. I was angry. I knew I was their mate, but I didn't feel like this was right or why they were treating me this way.

I stared at each and every one of them, regretting calling them and starting to hate myself for it.

"Why won't you just stop? Why are you trying to make it difficult and hard for me?"

Feeling upset, I decided to stand up and speak my mind. I am not a slave, and I will not let them treat me like one.

As I tried to walk out of the room, Edward held me back and pushed me towards him, holding my neck.

"Tonight is Eric's birthday party, and if you decide to mess this up, I will kill you before you even try to escape."

I tried to breathe and remove his hands from me, but it was too tight. He then pushed me to the floor, making me cough loudly as I stared at each and every one of them.

"I hate you," I choked on my words as I looked at them. I hated them so much. I wished they would just disappear and leave my life. Why did I have to be mated to all four of them?

I slowly stood up, trying to catch my breath. This was the reason I left in the first place. This was why I hated them. All they wanted was dominance over me. They didn't care if I was happy or sad, they didn't want to know my thoughts or what I wanted. I hated them, and I would make sure this night would be a disaster.

I stared at each and every one of them, and they stared back at me. I looked at Eric, seeing how worried he looked, as if he was worried about me.

"No matter how much you think you can hurt me, I will find a way to leave you all. I don't want to be your mate, and I don't love you."

Before I could finish my words, I felt a slap on my face. When I looked, it was Eric with tears in his eyes.

"Just shut up, please. Don't say that again," he said as he ran out of the room.

I placed my hands on my cheek as I could not believe I got a slap from one of my mates. I stared at the floor for a moment, not knowing if looking up was the best idea. This is what I get when the Goddess blesses me with a mate I didn't ask for in the first place.