
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

The unseen bonds


Axel's footsteps echoed through the narrow alleyways of Castavia, a city cloaked in shadows and secrets. Poverty had etched its mark on the faces of its residents, Axel included. He was no stranger to hardship, living with parents who struggled to make ends meet. His father, a man lost to addiction and violence, cast a grim shadow over their household. The scars, both physical and emotional, were the price Axel paid for survival.

"Ouch," Axel winced, his hand gingerly touching a fresh bruise on his forearm. It was the result of yet another brutal encounter with his father, a man who had long abandoned any semblance of humanity.

With a sigh, Axel descended the rickety stairs of their dilapidated apartment building. The crumbling facade mirrored his own shattered hopes. He had five other family members, each bearing the weight of their father's cruelty. Despite the visible signs of abuse, the government of Castavia remained indifferent, turning a blind eye to their suffering.

The Justified were Axel's only salvation—a distant dream that kept him going. He was not alone in this aspiration. Among the oppressed, his story was a familiar one.

As he ventured into the harsh reality of the city streets, Axel's thoughts were consumed by the elusive goal of joining The Justified. In the eyes of those who knew him, he was Axel, a Half-blood—a child born of both hope and despair. It was whispered that he might be the key to their salvation.

He clutched his bag, its worn surface telling a story of countless journeys through these unforgiving streets. His wallet, holding the meager contents of his hard-earned coins, was a constant reminder of the oppressive grip of poverty.

The streets bustled with life, but Axel's world remained a lonely one. His gaze fell upon a middle-aged journalist, the lines of frustration etched deep into his furrowed brow. The man's German accent lent weight to his words as he delivered the latest news.

"The Justified," the journalist began, his voice laden with foreboding, "another life claimed."

Axel's heart skipped a beat. It was a name that had become synonymous with hope, but today, it bore the weight of sorrow.

The pharmacist's humble shop offered a brief respite from the relentless turmoil of Axel's life. There, he found a comforting presence in Feng, the apothecary—a bear of a man, both in size and demeanor. Among the city's harsh faces, Feng was a rarity—a gentle soul who had shown kindness to Axel, even as his own life had been marred by tragedy.

"May I please have some extra bandages?" Axel's voice trembled slightly as he spoke. The telltale signs of his father's brutality were hard to hide.

Feng, concerned, observed Axel's bruised state. "Of course," he replied, retrieving the bandages. "Are you sure everything is okay at home?"

Axel forced a smile, though it felt like a fragile facade. "Yes, everything is okay. I just need to get home quickly. Goodbye!"

With bandages in hand, Axel left the pharmacy, his mind consumed by a sense of unease. Something didn't feel right, an unshakable premonition that gnawed at his insides.

Little did he know that the calm façade of the pharmacy was about to be shattered by an unexpected catastrophe.

As night descended, a blaze erupted within the pharmacy, flames licking the very essence of the building. Panic ensued as people rushed to escape the inferno. But in the chaos, there was one who remained calm—a man whose voice cut through the turmoil.

"This is the last time you'll see him," hissed a voice, sinister and enigmatic.

Axel's heart raced as he heard the chilling words. He turned to see a shadowy figure, its form shrouded in darkness. The voice spoke again, its words dripping with malevolence.

"I can bring Feng back to you."

Axel's eyes widened in shock. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice quivering.

"You can call me CHAOS," the figure replied, the name echoing ominously. "But people know me as CHAOS."

Before Axel could react, the figure vanished into the night, leaving Axel with a profound sense of dread and a torrent of unanswered questions.

The following day, Axel immersed himself in books, searching for answers about CHAOS. Titles like "The First of Chaos" and "Chaos vs. Razzarythe" filled his table, their pages worn from countless readings.

As he delved deeper into the forbidden knowledge, a startling realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. "Am I a son of CHAOS?" he wondered aloud.

The implications were staggering, for Axel was a Half-blood, a designation that should have been impossible unless one of his parents was not entirely human.

But before he could ponder further, an unforeseen transformation occurred. It was as if the very essence of darkness had embraced him. Axel's power grew, but it was unlike any magic he had ever encountered. It was shadow magic—an ancient, potent force.

The voice spoke once more, a hint of amusement in its tone. "Do you find this magic terrible?"

Axel was conflicted, for this newfound power carried both tremendous potential and immense danger. The voice continued, revealing the true nature of his abilities.

"You possess one of the strongest types of magic—shadow magic, made only for the strongest."

But the revelation came at a price. Axel's body grew heavy, his breath labored. Darkness enveloped him, threatening to consume his very being.

The voice, now tinged with disappointment, echoed in Axel's mind. "Is that all you can do?"

In the depths of despair, Axel cried out for help, his voice a desperate plea that echoed through the darkness.

The encounter left him with more questions than answers. Who was CHAOS, and how had he entered Axel's world? What did this newfound shadow magic mean for his destiny? And what role would he play in the cosmic struggle between light and darkness?