
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

The Beginning


Long before the concept of time itself existed, there was but an egg—a cosmic incubator of unfathomable potential. Within the depths of this enigmatic egg, two entities lay dormant, awaiting their moment of awakening.

The first of these entities was Razzarythe, a being of boundless power, the embodiment of hope in its purest form. Razzarythe's presence radiated warmth, a beacon of light that stirred the souls of those who yearned for salvation.

The second entity was Chaos, a formidable force, the very essence of darkness and despair. Chaos emanated an aura of fear and uncertainty, a malevolent deity banished from every known universe. Yet, despite his exile, Chaos endured, an everlasting embodiment of hatred.

Throughout the multiverse, there were those who worshipped Chaos, drawn to his formidable might, and those who cowered in dread, haunted by his very name. Such was the profound impact of Chaos that his memory endured across countless dimensions.

In this vast multiverse, no god rivaled Chaos in strength, save one—Razzarythe, the God of Power, the embodiment of hope's enduring fortitude. For eons uncountable, these two titans clashed, their cosmic battles igniting the birth of planets, galaxies, life, and death itself. 

The very fabric of existence rippled with their eternal struggle, shaping the destiny of all creation. Planets spun into existence, universes unfolded, organisms emerged, and death became an inevitability.

This was the genesis of everything, the foundation of all existence—a perpetual duel between hope and despair, light and darkness.

In a bid for vengeance, Chaos once coveted the Sword of Hope, a divine relic of immeasurable power. However, his insatiable hunger for strength led to his banishment from every realm, imprisoned in a dimension where he remained entwined with countless lost souls.

Now, we return to the present day, where eight individuals have united, forming a group known as "The Justified." Each member possesses extraordinary abilities:

- Animal Whisperer: Dominique

- Warlock of the Flame: Elliott

- Scarlet Red: Merrelien

- The Last Immortal: Dyno

- Queen of Ice: Raiden

- Mindless King: Zone

- The Arena's Strongest Champion: Light

- The Youngest Fu Jin Instructor: Jon Tun Zen

These eight warriors were chosen by their king, tasked with a noble duty—to protect their world from the malevolent forces of Chaos and his relentless followers.

The followers of Chaos were once ordinary individuals, but they became vessels for his dark influence, driven by hatred and despair. Such possession usually resulted from intense emotions—hatred, grief, or longing—and the consequences were dire.

Now, in the 3,573,200th year of Chaos's imprisonment, his followers have grown stronger, drawing upon his power and gaining abilities known as "Children of Chaos." In response, The Justified have also received extraordinary powers bestowed by their benevolent king, the "King of Wisdom."

These two opposing forces—Children of Chaos and the King's Wisdom—are the antithesis of each other. One seeks destruction, the other salvation, one to harm, the other to heal. The fate of the world teeters on the balance between these dueling powers.

As the story unfolds, Axel, a Half-blood with a troubled past, emerges as a potential savior. His journey will test his mettle, unveil secrets of his lineage, and confront him with the very essence of Chaos. Together with The Justified, Axel will face an unparalleled struggle—one that could either plunge their world into eternal darkness or usher in a new era of hope and light.

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