
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Raiju vs the justified

  Raiju's Trial The tension in the grand capital's square was palpable as Raiju's challenge hung in the air. Citizens watched in anticipation as Elliott, the Warlock of the Flame, stepped forward to accept the challenge. His fiery aura blazed around him as he faced Raiju with determination. Without hesitation, Elliott unleashed a torrent of flames, sending a blazing wave of fire toward Raiju. The flames roared, consuming everything in their path. Raiju, seemingly unfazed, raised his hands, clapping them together with a deft motion. In an instant, the flames vanished, absorbed into Raiju's palms. Elliott's confidence wavered as he stammered, "What...?" He had never seen anything like this before. Raiju chuckled, revealing his power. "You see, my friend, I have the power to copy and paste. I can replicate and absorb any energy or ability that comes my way. It's a little something I've been working on." Elliott's reckless attacks continued, but Raiju effortlessly mimicked them, wielding the same fiery power with finesse. Flames danced at his command as he redirected Elliott's attacks back at him. The battle raged on, but Raiju's adaptability and quick thinking allowed him to anticipate Elliott's every move. With each passing moment, Raiju grew stronger, incorporating the Warlock's fiery magic into his own repertoire. Elliott's exhaustion became evident as his flames flickered and waned. Raiju seized the opportunity, channeling the absorbed energy into a devastating blast that struck Elliott with incredible force. The Warlock of the Flame was sent crashing to the ground, defeated. As the dust settled, Raiju stood victorious, his newfound abilities on full display. The crowd was left in awe of his power, and The Justified watched in stunned silence. With a confident grin, Raiju finally revealed the secret behind his powers. "I'm here to challenge all of you, to push your limits and prepare you for what lies ahead." --- The tension in the grand capital's square reached its peak as Raiju's challenge unfolded. Dominique, the Animal Whisperer, stepped forward to accept the challenge, her connection to the animal kingdom sparking with raw energy. With a graceful motion, Dominique summoned a magnificent beast—a colossal, silver-furred panther with eyes that gleamed like emeralds. The majestic creature prowled beside her, radiating an aura of primal power. Raiju, ever the enigma, met Dominique's summon with a raised eyebrow, seemingly undisturbed by the formidable predator before him. With a sly grin, he revealed his ability to copy and replicate powers, a unique talent that had left The Justified astounded. Without hesitation, Dominique signaled her panther to attack, and it lunged toward Raiju with feline grace and ferocity. Its claws extended like gleaming daggers, and its roar resonated through the square. Raiju, swift as a panther himself, evaded the beast's initial assault with uncanny agility. He weaved through the attack, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp claws and bared fangs. However, the unique nature of Dominique's summoned beast presented a challenge Raiju had not anticipated. Despite his power to copy and replicate abilities, the panther remained beyond his control. It was a primal force, an entity untamed by human or supernatural influence. The battle raged on, Raiju's uncanny reflexes allowing him to narrowly escape the panther's deadly strikes. He retaliated with bursts of energy, conjuring tendrils of power that snaked through the air and struck the panther's flank. In a final, desperate pounce, the panther lunged at Raiju, jaws agape. Raiju, with a calm and calculated maneuver, directed a surge of energy directly at the beast. The collision of forces sent shockwaves through the square, and with a deafening roar, the panther dissipated into a burst of emerald sparks. Raiju stood victorious, his unique abilities enabling him to triumph even against a force as formidable as Dominique's summoned panther. The crowd watched in astonishment, and The Justified remained in awe of Raiju's unparalleled talents. With the second battle concluded, Raiju's presence within The Justified grew more significant, and the trials ahead seemed to promise even greater challenges for the group.