
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Midnight Encouter

  After a grand banquet celebrating Raiju's potential induction into The Justified, Axel found himself feeling somewhat disappointed. He had come all this way with the hope of joining the prestigious group and making a difference in the world. Yet, amid the celebrations, he couldn't shake a sense of restlessness. Unable to sleep, Axel decided to take a midnight stroll through the city. The stars overhead twinkled like distant beacons, casting a gentle glow on the empty streets. He couldn't deny the beauty of the night sky, even though his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his own journey and the challenges ahead. As Axel wandered deeper into the quiet streets, he began to feel a strange sensation—a subtle prickling on the back of his neck, like someone watching him. He turned around, scanning the shadows for any sign of movement, but found nothing out of the ordinary. He chuckled nervously, attributing the feeling to his own tired mind playing tricks on him. Just as he was about to dismiss his unease, a figure leaped out of the darkness, landing gracefully in front of him. Axel's heart raced as he instinctively took a step back, his hand reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. The figure before him was cloaked in shadow, but their eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity. Axel could feel an aura of power emanating from them, and he knew he was facing someone formidable. In the stranger's hand, a sword materialized from what seemed to be a pocket dimension—a weapon unlike any Axel had ever seen. "I knew it," the figure said, their voice low and cryptic. "I sensed a presence of great potential. You, Axel, are not an ordinary member of The Justified, are you?" Axel's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. How did this stranger know his name, and what did they mean by his potential? He had many questions, but fear and curiosity held him in place. The stranger continued, their gaze never leaving Axel's. "You have a unique destiny, one that could change the fate of our world. But first, you must prove yourself." With a flick of their wrist, the stranger's sword came to life, its blade shimmering with an ethereal light. Axel's instincts kicked in, and he realized he had no choice but to defend himself. The battle that ensued was a dance of steel and shadows. Axel, though inexperienced, fought with a determination born from his desire to protect those he cared about. The stranger, while clearly more skilled, seemed to hold back, testing Axel's abilities. As the clash of blades continued, Axel felt a surge of energy building within him—a power he had yet to fully understand. With newfound confidence, he pushed back against the stranger's relentless assault, managing to land a few strikes of his own. In a surprising turn of events, Axel's determination and untapped potential began to shine. His strikes grew swifter, and his movements more fluid. The stranger, recognizing Axel's growth, finally sheathed their sword. "You have passed the first test," the stranger declared, their enigmatic aura subsiding. "But the challenges ahead will be even greater. Remember, Axel, you possess a power that can shape the destiny of our world. Embrace it, and your true journey will begin." With those cryptic words, the stranger vanished into the shadows, leaving Axel standing alone in the moonlit street. He was left with more questions than answers, but one thing was certain: his path toward becoming a member of The Justified was bound to be filled with mysteries, challenges, and the relentless pursuit of a greater purpose.