
Shadowed Destiny

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treecko_treeky · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Fateful Confrontation

The evening sun cast a warm, melancholic glow over the remnants of Axel's family home. The dilapidated walls bore the scars of countless altercations. Axel's father, a man who had once been strong and proud, now sat slumped in a threadbare armchair. His weathered face showed the marks of time and struggle.

Axel entered the dimly lit room, the tension palpable. "Father," he began, his voice trembling, "we need to talk."

His father turned to him, his eyes a mix of exhaustion and irritation. "What is it now, Axel? Can't you see I've got enough to deal with?"

The harshness in his father's voice stung, but Axel couldn't back down now. He needed answers.

"I want to know about my mother," Axel pressed on. "What happened to her?"

A flicker of anger passed through his father's eyes, quickly replaced by a profound sadness. He sighed heavily before speaking, his voice tinged with regret.

"Your mother," he began, his voice cracking, "she was a child of Chaos, Axel."

Axel's eyes widened with shock and curiosity. He had never heard this before, and it explained so much.

"Child of Chaos?" Axel repeated, his voice barely a whisper.

His father nodded solemnly. "Yes, a child of Chaos. Her powers were extraordinary."

Axel's heart pounded in his chest as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. His awakening, the shadow magic—it was all connected to his mother's lineage as a child of Chaos.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Axel's voice wavered with a mix of anger and hurt.

His father's gaze dropped, filled with guilt and sorrow. "I thought it was best to keep you safe, away from the darkness that claimed her. But it seems the darkness has found you anyway."

As Axel absorbed the revelation, his father's facade crumbled. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he buried his face in his hands. The weight of his secrets and the pain of his past had finally caught up with him.

Axel felt a surge of empathy for his father, a man who had endured more than he could bear. He placed a hand on his father's shoulder, offering a rare moment of comfort.

"It's okay, Dad," Axel said gently. "We'll figure this out together."

With newfound resolve, Axel decided it was time to seek answers beyond the walls of his family home. He needed to confront The Justified, those who held the knowledge and power to help him unravel the mysteries of his mother's lineage and his own awakening.

The bustling capital city, known as Lumina, teemed with life and energy. Its towering spires and grand architecture were a stark contrast to the dilapidation of Castavia. Axel navigated the crowded streets, making his way to the central plaza where The Justified were scheduled to hold a speech.

A sea of citizens had gathered, their faces filled with hope and anticipation. The Justified, standing upon a raised platform, included Dominique, Elliott, Merrelien, Dyno, Raiden, Zone, Light, and Jon Tun Zen. They were a beacon of inspiration, a symbol of resilience against the encroaching darkness.

Light, the Arena's Strongest Champion, addressed the crowd with unwavering resolve. "Citizens of Lumina, we stand before you as protectors of hope and guardians against the encroaching shadows."

The crowd listened intently as Raiden, the Queen of Ice, spoke of unity. "In these trying times, it is imperative that we stand together. Darkness seeks to divide us, but together we are stronger."

Jon Tun Zen, the Youngest Fu Jin Instructor, emphasized the importance of knowledge and understanding. "We must educate ourselves about the threats we face. Knowledge is a shield against ignorance."

As Axel listened to their words, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. These were the individuals who could help him unlock the secrets of his mother's lineage and his awakening.

With determination burning in his heart, Axel approached the platform, drawing the attention of The Justified and the crowd. It was time to reveal his presence and seek their guidance.

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