
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

A Second Chance

Axel's heart raced as he stepped into Valtoria Square, the western side of the capital bustling with activity. He had initially come here with the intention of taking a moment to rest and consider his next moves, which included signing up for the upcoming tournament. However, fate had other plans in store for him.

Amidst the crowd, Axel's keen eyes spotted a group of figures that sent a shiver down his spine. It was the Justified, the enigmatic group of warriors he had encountered before. Memories of his previous encounter with Elliott and Dominique flooded his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiety.

As Axel hesitated, trying to decide his next course of action, his eyes locked onto Elliott, one of the Justified members. The memories of their first meeting were still vivid in his mind—the fiery clash, the overwhelming power of his opponent. He had never expected to see them again.

To his surprise, Elliott recognized him as well. The silence that fell over the square was broken by Elliott's voice, a mix of fatigue and irritation in his tone.

"Oh, it's you," Elliott said, his eyes narrowing as he studied Axel. "You're the boy who wanted to join the Justified."

Axel's voice trembled as he stammered, "H-How do you still remember me?"

Elliott's expression softened slightly as he replied, "Of course, I remember. I almost destroyed your hopes and dreams because I was tired. Thank goodness you're still alive."

Axel felt a mix of emotions—surprise, relief, and a renewed determination. He had wanted another chance, an opportunity to prove himself to the Justified. With newfound resolve, he asked if he could try again, but Elliott's response was abrupt and unwavering.

"No way," Elliott said firmly, his eyes narrowing further. "I know you've become stronger, but it would still be no challenge for me."

Axel could sense the tension between them. It seemed that Elliott's pride was on the line, and he was unwilling to back down. Without further ado, they decided to settle their differences with a fight—a battle that would determine Axel's fate and whether he could join the Justified.

The crowd in Valtoria Square watched in anticipation, their murmurs growing louder as Axel and Elliott prepared to face off. Axel's heart pounded in his chest, but he knew this was his chance to prove himself.

The judge, standing at the edge of the makeshift arena, blew his whistle, signaling the start of the battle. Axel and Elliott exchanged intense glares, each knowing what was at stake.

Elliott wasted no time. He summoned a blazing axe of fire, flames flickering ominously as he lunged at Axel, hoping to finish the fight swiftly. Axel, however, had grown significantly since their last encounter. With newfound confidence, he focused his Aether energy to create a barrier, a hundred times stronger than his previous shadow barrier.

Elliott's fiery attack met Axel's barrier, and to everyone's surprise, Axel remained unharmed. The flames danced and crackled against the impenetrable defense, but Axel held his ground.

A grin spread across Axel's face. "Looks like I've come a long way since our last meeting."

Elliott's expression darkened, and he decided to take the battle more seriously. He enveloped himself in flames, utilizing his fire manipulation to its fullest. Axel countered by using his shadow manipulation to create several shadow clones, each tasked with eliminating Elliott's fiery onslaught.

As the two clashed, they called out their moves with fierce determination.

Axel roared, "Shadow Strike!" His sword, cloaked in darkness, struck out at Elliott, aiming to pierce through the wall of fire.

Elliott countered, "Inferno Clash!" His blazing axe clashed with Axel's sword, and the sheer force of their collision sent shockwaves through the arena.

Axel's eyes blazed with determination. "Aether Surge!" Aether energy swirled around him, enhancing his speed and agility, allowing him to evade Elliott's fiery attacks more gracefully.

Elliott responded in kind, "Firestorm Whirlwind!" Flames erupted around him, creating a fiery vortex that threatened to engulf Axel.

The battle continued with explosive energy, the two opponents pushing themselves to their limits. The crowd watched in awe as Axel and Elliott unleashed their powers, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of shadows and fire.

[To be continued...]