
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

A Path to Recognition

As Axel and Harold returned from their rigorous training session, Axel couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of confidence in his Aetheric abilities. Harold had been an exceptional mentor, guiding Axel to harness the full extent of Aether's power.

Sitting in the underground chamber, Axel wiped the sweat from his brow and listened intently as Harold spoke. The mysterious figure had a mischievous glint in his eyes, and Axel knew that he was about to suggest something intriguing.

"Axel," Harold began, "I've seen your progress over these past seven months, and I must say, you've become quite the Aetheric prodigy."

Axel blushed with pride at the compliment. "Thanks to your guidance, Harold."

Harold leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I have an idea that might pique your interest. Have you ever considered entering a fighting tournament?"

Axel raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A fighting tournament? What does that have to do with anything?"

Harold leaned back and grinned. "Well, my young friend, fighting tournaments are not just about winning fame and fortune. They can also be a way to gain recognition from the very people you seek to join—the Justified."

Axel's eyes widened with interest. The thought of making decent money was enticing enough, but the prospect of catching the Justified's attention added a whole new layer of intrigue.

"Tell me more," Axel urged.

Harold explained, "Fighting tournaments attract all kinds of fighters, including those with extraordinary abilities like yours. It's a chance to showcase your strength, and if you impress the right people, you might just find yourself on the Justified's radar."

Axel considered the idea. It seemed like an opportunity to not only test his newfound abilities but also to take a step closer to realizing his dream of joining the Justified.

"What do I need to do to enter?" Axel asked.

Harold chuckled. "That's the spirit! I'll help you prepare, both in terms of combat and strategy. We'll make sure you're in peak condition for the tournament."

As Axel and Harold continued to discuss their plan, Axel felt a renewed sense of determination. The path to joining the Justified was not an easy one, but with each step, he was getting closer to his goal. The prospect of entering a fighting tournament was both exciting and daunting, but Axel was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.