
Morning Star

When Changing Star appeared, Rain let out a heavy sigh of relief. All tension left her body, and she slumped on the ground, kneeling in the middle of the battlefield with her back bent. 

It was a strange reaction to have, really… by all logic, she should have been terrified. After all, an enemy Saint had arrived at the battlefield — and one of the most powerful Saints in the world, at that.

If not the most powerful. 

Sure, Rain knew Nephis, and they shared a distant connection. The last daughter of the Immortal Flame could even spare her out of sentiment if they were to face each other on the battlefield... however, that would require Nephis to remember and recognize Rain first. 

Considering that Awakened soldiers were no more than ants in front of Changing Star, she was unlikely to study the faces of each and every one of them before burning the entire anthill to the ground.