
Shadow Slave: Warrior of Will

In a desolate land where humanity teeters on the brink of extinction due to the mysterious Spell, darkness still resides in the hearts of many people. The government, facing both internal and external threats, is unable to provide for the impoverished and suffering inhabitants of the slums. Raian, the young leader of a gang in the slums, takes it upon himself to change and create a better future for the slums. Inheriting the will of his savior, his path full of obstacles and difficulties he had unwavering will to see it through. To add cherry on top, he was infected by the nightmare spell, forcing him to battle through the Dream realm to survive and accomplish his dream. Facing all the challenge up against him he only said. "Nah, I will succeed." with absolute confidence. /////Author side note///// Takes place in the world of Shadow Slave. MC has no plot knowledge. He is not reincarnated in this miserable world, rather a man from the slums with a goal that will do everything to achieve that said goal. MC won't interact with Sunny and others early at least few dozen chapters before that, I'm going To flush out his character way before that, since the novel is starting 1 year+ before Sunny's nightmare call. He is going to the forgotten shore some time before Sunny arrives.

BlueHeimOcean · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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47 Chs

The Ongoing battle

Opening the gate and stepping into the throne room was simpler than he thought. 

The ominous creak of the door echoed as it swung open, revealing the mystery behind the easy opening, the contrast between its two sides was apparent.

On one side, the door stood as a bastion of strength and majesty looking impenetrable, on the other side it lay beaten and battered, the metal parts full of scratches of unknown origin the wooden parts splintered and burnt turning ashen gray, the gate stood on the verge of collapsing upon itself.

The paradoxical duality of the door, a dichotomy between magnificence and decay was surreal. If someone asked Raian to describe the door he would answer The door was like looking at heaven and hell at the same time.

As Raian stood there, contemplating the peculiar sight, a sudden wave of gust mixed with green flame stirred from behind, propelling him forward.


The force of the wind slammed Raian into the side of the gate, planting face-first into the handle of the gate. 

Frustration welled up within him as he staggered to his feet, cursing himself for the lapse in attention.'

Regaining his composure, Raian found himself running, 

He wanted to defend his momentary lapse in attention, blaming his bad habit of tunnel vision but ultimately it was a useless thought as well

Opting for movement, a logical strategy to both evade potential threats and process the unfolding battle had formed inside his mind.

As he sprinted through the environment of the throne room, the remnants of the once regal throne room came into view.

Fallen warriors of the church lay scattered across the battlefield, their lifeless forms evidence of the intensity of the conflict that happened in the throne room. 

Each fallen warrior looked more brutalized than the other, the corpses of the fallen warriors of the church looked like it was ripped apart by a wild animal or just punched through by someone.

Strangely to the testament of everything in the throne room, the throne at the heart of the room remained untouched, standing strong despite the ongoing chaos around it, it was spotless.

Stopping near the throne and feeling safe finally Raian could look around. 

The clash of weaponry and loud bouts of different origins filled his ears looking towards the origin of the sound that caught his attention. Raian only saw 2 black blurs and strangely 1 white blur.

Master Gemma and Master Geralt were fighting against an old man who had long white hair, which was now disheveled.

The man's white outfit was torn and stained with blood, along with small white armor that surrounded his body was consistent with the style.

While the old man looked thin and lanky, Master Geralt was unable to stop his blows, with each blow connecting he would force Geralt a few steps back. 

Using the moment between the two Gemma tried to sneakily attack the old man, but he would always dodge the slash as if he had eyes on the back of his head. 

Holding his ground against the two masters. Raian observed the exchange as Geralt attempted to grab the old man, enduring a punch to his face first to get closer to the old man, Geralt gritted his teeth, through spilling blood he tried to grab the old man. 

The old man, despite being thin, met Geralt with a firm grip. Their palms were locked in a gripping match, leaving Gemma with a window of opportunity to attack the old man. However, before she could get within striking range, the old man rotated his palms, causing Geralt to yell in pain, and kneed the master in the face.

Taking advantage of the situation, the old man released one of Geralt's arms and pulled him closer, preparing to strike him in the heart with his other hand forming a spear.

Sensing the danger, Geralt who was propelled into the air and unleashed an unknown chant before he met the old man, his face deformed by the knee strike made his speech slur.

Green flames started budding from his injuries quickly traversing across his body Geralt was doused in green flame after. The old man undeterred by the green flame as it burned his left hand continued his fatal blow towards Geralt's heart. 

As Geralt was about to be stabbed, Master Gemma attempted to intervene but was not quick enough. Realizing she couldn't make it in time, Gemma adjusted her plan and shifted into a different stance. She continued sprinting at full speed, aiming for a mutual exchange between the three.

The tactical fight between three individuals was complex, leaving Raian unsure of what to think. Both sides were trying their hardest to defeat each other.

Master Gemma and Geralt seemed to be in a hurry while the old man in white was playing the defensive game, often blocking attacks and creating distance. However, whenever there was an opportunity, he would attempt to kill one of the two masters quickly in one move.

When the old man tried to kill Geralt, Master Geralt took the hit and a green flame blazed from the wound. Nonetheless, Master Geralt got back up and started fighting again.

When the old man tried to kill Gemma, Geralt would intervene or move in the way since he could heal the injuries.

After many exchanges between them, Geralt kicked low and Gemma slashed high, guaranteeing a hit from their blow. However, the old man jumped between the kick and the sharp sword, rotating his hips and swinging his legs, he kicked both masters away, creating distance between them.

Gemma blocked the kick with her sword, and the sword cracked as she dismissed it and summoned a longsword into her hand. On the other hand, Geralt took the full brunt of the hit, and his right side caved inwards, with his broken ribs digging into his lungs. He forcefully took a deep breath as the injury set ablaze with a green flame, his injuries healing quickly. However, Geralt looked more pale and tired than before.

"Don't heal anymore. You can't bear it for long," Gemma warned Geralt.

"Aye aye, captain," replied Geralt as he summoned a sharp and ominous glaive.

"The restraining charm won't last long. The effect has already begun to lose its power. He is getting stronger and stronger. Unless we finish him soon, he will summon his memories and kill us with a single strike,"

'Even if the restraining charm runs out, we just need to kill him before he successfully transforms.' thought. Gemma as she charged.

Even with all the events happening before them the two masters showed no sign of fear or anxiety they looked confident even when their attacks failed to reach the old man in white. They needed to win here or sacrifices of their brother and sisters would become meaningless so they couldn't lose.

Readying themselves for another exchange, the two of them charged towards the old man again, even with all the events happening before them.

As Raian watched the ongoing battle in front of him, he hid himself behind a pile of rock rubble. Even though the fight between the three combatants didn't look flashy, each of their attacks had the potential to end Raian's life, and he could feel it.

Despite his fear and anxiety, Raian decided to take down the old man according to his plan. He knew he was weaker than the two masters, and even weaker than the old man, but he believed that the weak had their strength.

Back in the slums, people often focused on bigger enemies and dropped their guard from the smaller ones, not expecting them to attack. Raian used this strategy a few times when he was younger. 

He had become an expert at laying low, honing his skills after years of practical use among the people in the slums. 

However, as confident as he was in his abilities, he didn't know whether they would work against those three monsters. To fool his enemies he needed to fool his allies first.

Taking a deep breath, Raian looked at his hands. Shortly after becoming the leader of his gang, he learned how to ignore his emotions.

While feelings such as fear and anger still existed, he learned to quickly look past them ignoring them. However, his body would still experience these emotions. Fear would freeze his body, anger would make him louder and shorten his thinking speed.

Looking down, he noticed his hands were shaking with beads of sweat forming on them. Clenching his fists, Raian brought them to his chest and felt his heart. It was racing as if it wanted to break through his chest, beating wildly. 

Ignoring his anxiety and fear of death Raian got up and started moving closer and closer to the battle between the three. 

From watching their ongoing battle the old man was beginning to lose. Whenever he tried to attack Geralt or Gemma one of them would intercept it and continue pummeling him with attacks. 

The old man would dodge most of the attacks, block some of them barehanded but would get hit once in a while and as the battle continued he continued to accumulate more and more injuries. 

Author thoughts:

/// Since school begun, I couldn't find much time to write peacefully, forcing myself to write is pretty boring so I will write an initial rough draft through the weekdays and improve them during weekend and post it then.

I feel like thats better for the flow of the story, i m writing each chapter with different feelings so they might not feel together when you read it all from the beginning so me posting 2-3 chapters all together on saturday or sunday will help that

/// Don't worry about me dropping it ( I won't ) just keep it in your library and forget about it, it will be updated every week ////