
Shadow Slave: Fool's Respite.

After being taken out of his home by force, Scott, a young man in his twenties finds himself in Shadow slave. confused and frightened Franklin will do what he can to survive. A Shadow Slave fanfic after I read SS fanfics and was utterly dissapoined after witnissing how trash they all are. Slight crossover with Lotm since the mc powers are inspired by it. NOTHING IS MINE, I OWN NOTHING EXCEPT THE OC CHARACTERS. PLEASE NOBODY SUE ME!!!

Zero_Five_7869 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs

Name of The Game.

"Yes, but we wont talk about tonight, we are going to break our fast now, I heard they are bringing fancy fuit for us today *sigh* we all are going to die, at least they will feed us well before IT happens" He said with a chuckle, then he started ranting, it seems like this talk with Scott has broken the damn that he was holding in his heart and now he just wanted to empty it.

"You know, when i was a kid, i always wanted to join the noble guards, defending the city valiantly like a Gallant, getting the highest of honors, but now it seems i would just die as a nameless man in this place..."

The guy continued talking about various subjects in a reggretable tone, an understanding of his close demise clear on his visage, while Scott kept silent listening deeply to what he said.

He eventually stopped talking when they reached a massive wooden building deep in the forest, a big training yard next to it.

Two guards stood at the gate of it, they were the first people Scott saw that didnt wear the black ninja/assassin weird dress, instead, they wore a mix of white fabric all over, covered by brown lether armer, Scott wanted one of those, they seemed safer.

On their faces, a faceless white mask was present, their hands were crossed behind their backs, they almost seemed frozen, if not for their chests rising up and down, he would have labelled them statues.

"Lets Hurry, I am hungry" His companion said as they entered the place, the guards didnt even look at them.

'This place looks neat' And it was, it appeared these people liked to eat in a hurry as the dining room was right past the door, it was a small rectangualr room with 1 table that reminded Scott of Harry Potter tables, albit much smaller.

6 of his fellow deciples were already sitting down, but the distinction between them was clear, on the lower end 4 ate close to each other, while the other 2 sat on the other side.

'Yup, all Asian, thinking about it, i am probably Asian too in this new life' Scott thought, since they all had their masks lowered, he could see their beautifaul faces clearly, a girl on the lower end was especially gorgeous, if the others were supermodels, she would have been Bella Hadid, unfurtunatly, all that beauty did was raise his level of cautious since he remembred clearly that Awakened were stunning, while the others were good looking, she was downright a beauty Queen.

Was it a bit paranoid to think someone is an Awakeñed just because of their looks? Yes, did Scott care about that? Hell no, to him, paranoia was welcomed in this situation.

His companion moved silently toward the two further away, and he followed suit.

"Norman, Amon" One of the two sitting greeted with a smile, he a guy, was goregous like everyone else.

"Yuna, Sung, good to see you" Scott greeted with a smile, pretending he new them.

"Hello" Sung replied in a dry tone, meanwhile Yuna mumbled something under her breath that he didnt quite hear.

They sat down, and true to what Norman had said, the table was full of fruit, some of which he recognized like mango and peaches, while others were so foreing he wasnt sure it existed on earth.

The other 4 at the end of the table didnt utter a word and ate in silence, his companions did the same after the greeting, Scott imitated them while thinking about the plan and refining it a bit.

'Very good' He especially found the peaches to be delicius.

'Maybe...this is the best time for this?' Scott frowned, thinking 'We are all gathered here, this may as well be my best oppurtunity, with what i managed to find after listening to Norman in the road, and from what i know about the Trial from the Spell, i might really be able to convince them'

'But the guards may come to be a problem' Scott remembered how Norman told him about the abominations that would most likely hunt them, and about 'Master Shi' deciple being an adakened, he clearly recalled him saying he heard it from the guards, so they may not be trustworthy, and very likely will pass the information to other candidates.

'Hmm' Scott considered for a while before to a decision.

He got up from his seat, startling Norman, and walked to doors, as he passed around the table, he noticed that they all were looking at him, some frowning, while others watched with interest.

"Its now or never" He muttered, and then...he closed the doors as tightly as he can.

The doors leading to the insides of this place were already close so he didnt bother with them.

There was a certain silence as the others watched him, which broke soon enough.

"What do you think you are doing?" A strong voice came from one of the Deciples closer to him.

"Shutting the door" He replied in a flat tone.

"And why would you do that?" For the suprise of Scott, everyone in the room was silent, seemingly content with leaving that deciple question him, even those in his own 'team'.

"Because i would like to speak to everyone, and i dont want the guards to 'transmit' what i say" It was honestly going better than he expected, they were all listening calmly, Sung didnt even stop eating.

"I see, and do tell, what would a Sasin like you have to say" The same boy replied, amusement clear in his voice, Scott didnt know a Sasin is, but he felt that it was an insult considering the chuckles some let out.

"Well, for starters, i would like to say this" He posed for a moment "I dont want to die"

He sensed a reply coming but he continued "Not like this, in a forgotten forest like a nameless deciple, sadly, with how things going, i will die tonight"

"If you are going to waste out time here, please tell us something we dont know Sasin" This time, it was that Stunningly gorgeous girl that replied.

Scott ignored that remark, and continued as he planned "Yes, i am going to die, but i will not be the only one, you heard the master, only 4 can make it, and throught some dealings... i know that there is 56 deciples other than us who will be participating"

That managed to raise some heads, everyone knew that there will be many participants, but no one knows the exact number.

"And?" The girl questioned, unlike the others, she was not impressed by the information, that only raised he suspicion of her being one of the Awakened 7 furter in his mind.

"And...i am certain that among us all, 7 of those in the trial tonight will be Awakned" He dropped the bomb, and ,of course, their first instinct were to deny it.

"That is impossible" The girl was quick with the reply, disbelief practicly radiating from her.

"How come? You yourself is an Awakened, and i have been told that one of Master Shi's deciples is also Awakened, come on everyone, dont tell you didnt hear anything" Scott decided to shoot his shot, by calling her out, he may find if she was really an Awakened or not, at the same time, he riled everybody up to share what they know to confirm or deny him.

"Tha-how did- How did you know i am an Awakened???" For the first time she sounded suprised, a hint of panic deep in her eyes "Dont matter, even if you know, its impossible that there is 6 others, i almost died to get this power, lowly scum would never reach the same"

'Ahh, i see, she thought this was gonna a walk în the park with no real danger to her, but as she relized she is as fucked as anyone here, she got in denial' Scott thought in amusement, he himeself was in a position even worse than her, he didnt even know how to fight!

This time Scott didnt answer, his plan was going well, unveiling that she was an Awakened got some shoched grasps, but what really got on everybody's nerves was the news of the 6 other Awakened 'Somebody should respond to her soon'

"Actually, Amon is right" Norman commented from the behind nervesly.


"I heard couple nights ago, that Master Shi's Deciple is an Awakened, in fact i was who told him about it just earlier"

Following Norman, another voice came from the guy next to the Awakened girl, the same one that talked with him earlier "I heard something like that too, but about master Fu, one of the guars said that he had two Awakened in his teaching"

"What!? And you didnt tell me Xu!?" The Awakened girl sounded outraged.

"You know how things are Na Ma, you cant blame me, you yourself hid from me, did you not?" Scott decided he liked this Xu, he remided of himeself, he had a way with words.

"I- I was going to" She replied looking away, her cheeks read, obviouly lying.

From the expressions of everyone, they obviously didnt believe her as well.

"Well, none of that matters now, Amon must have a reason to tell us about this, am l right?" Xu poited out, returning the ball back to Scott.

'He figured it out' Scott relized, stopping the smile from reaching his face, Xu clearly figured his plan and was going with it 'ahh, there is nothing better than dealing with smart people'

"Yes, i want to propose an alience" Scott revealed his cards, all in or nothing was the game here "And i am not talking about just 4 people, but all 8 of us"

"As Xu and Norman poited, there is others with Awakened in their teams, not to mention the monsters that would hunt us, we in the meanwhile are 7 normal humans and only 1 Awakened, being didvided will only make our chances of survival worse, however, together we may stand a chance"

"Suppose we do that, and suppose by some miracle, we make it to the end, then what? The Masters still only need 4" Suprisingly it was Sung who asked the question.

"We will figure that out when we get there" Before Scott could answer, Xu did, which meant one thing.

"So are you in?" Scott asked, finally letting the smile grace his face.

"I am, i think Amon's is right, getting together and planning this Trial will indeed give us an advantage." Xu nodded while explaining.

"I see no problem with this" Sung followed Xu's footsteps, and soon after, others voiced there aggreemant leaving only the Awakened girl silent.

All eyes on her, Na Ma felt pressured into aswering their hungry eyes, and there was only one answer she could give "Alright, i agree"

"So, tell us Amon, what is the plan now, dont tell me you didnt think this far?" Xu redirected the attention to him again, and Scott gladly basked in it.

"On the contrary, planing is all i have been doing, now why dont we talk as we eat?" A smile adorned his face, operation:get allies=Succes!