

Jared was struck dumb from the first message, but was stupefied from seeing the message on his right eye. Thinking of going status pulled up two windows.

left eye... race. none...

right eye... name. Jared Night... race. shadow spirit... level. 0...

The content of the windows looked like a text pad that was poorly formatted and hard to read. There was no useful information other than informing Jared that his race was a shadow spirit. however the left window said he didn't have a race or even qualify for level 0 or a name.

It was a minute later that he noticed his old body started to move on it's own, like a possessed or zombie from a movie. He managed to get into his old body by instinct.

left eye... you have possessed... race. zombies infected... level. 0... evolvable. yes... bonus. original body, evolution paths increased... hosts mind. infant...

right eye... you gained 150xp... gained title own my body... level. 1...

When Jared stared at the word infant in his left eye a pop up appeared.

left eye... infant mind. automates body functions, requires no focus to keep body alive, heart beating, breathing, and other bodily functions operating.

staring at the new right eye status then the title showed.

right eye... name. Jared Night... race. shadow spirit... level. 1... title. own my body... own my body (full). possess your own physical body, corpse (half achievement) or alive, with your spirit. you gain resistance from rejection of 50% and 200% for your own body.

Jared didn't know wether to laugh or cry. He didn't know why he became a monster both physically or spiritually, but had felt like it was natural. He didn't have any attachment to being a human, but felt incredibly nervous not being able to control the situation.

After 6 minutes investigating the new status and looking at himself in the mirror window in the padded room there was 2 changes. First; his eyes had turned red, which indicated he was infact a zombie. Second, he could feel the presence of something in another room. After confirming a beating sound from the other side of the glass, Jared took off his shoes and placed them both on his hands. After 15 seconds of beating on the window, a crack was forming. Another 10 seconds later and the glass came down. The other side was an empty and dark room with light filling the area from the main room. It was empty and safe. Jared took note the condition of his body, because it was breathing very hard, but want wheezing like how he thought would have happened due to his previous weak constitution.

After recollecting himself, Jared walked calmly to the door to peek out into the hallway. He discovered the sound proofing for the room was immaculate, because blood was covering the hallway outside. Finding a weapon, he decided on a short and thick computer power cord to chock his targets.

Walking in the hallway was easy. One zombie ignored him while he walked behind it while it was eating, then followed by chocking it to death with the cord.

left eye. host gained gained 11xp. host gained 1¢. host lost 1¢.

right eye. you gained 1xp. unlocking. inventory... inventory. 1 cubic foot... loot automatic collection. enabled... you gained 1¢.

I didn't have any idea what this thing I gained was, but I felt like it was a currency of some type. It was time to start killing anything that moves.
