
Shadow Night

Hi I am 14 and I go to school. So I might not update often. I also have a busy schedule. This book is based on my wild imagination. Also I'm on mobile.

ShadowDragoNight · Khác
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My legend

Hi my name is shadow I live in a world called Wolfoca. So what's so special about this world well for one we have magic. We also have a legend that the world was once ruled by wolf's. The wolf's thought to be extinct but I know the truth. The wolf's are not extinct there are in hiding. When the humans found that the wolf's had varry powerful magic in there chorus they wanted it. So the human hunted them to get there chores. Luckily there was one wolf named Nightmare who saved the last remaining wolf's and took them to what is now known as the deathren. The deathren is what the humans calls wasteland.