
Shadow Monarch in DCAU

A boy reincarnated in the DC world without meeting a god to get any special abilities. Up until the day he died but that was when his luck was turned around. If you guys like it I'll update every two weeks. Can't update every week since I'm writing another fanfic. Of course I don't own shit.

_Unknown_Being_ · Tranh châm biếm
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{AN: I know that the release time for this is really messed up, but I can guarantee to you that I won't drop this. Writing this relaxes me as for power level I'll decide myself as the story goes on as for relationship; unfortunately, it will be harem no more than 3.}

Aiden's pov

I don't know how long I've slept for, but Sung Jin-Woo said it would be for two weeks, so I guess it's been two weeks since I could feel myself waking up. My body felt more robust, not like when I was malnourished; it was as if I'm brimming with energy.

Having such strength is a new feeling to me; it doesn't even feel like my body, but I can tell it is. It's like being reincarnated all over again and awakening in a completely new body.

Why do I feel so wet? I can't breathe either; why can't I breathe!? Then, out of panic, I opened my eyes to see where I was.

"!!! I'mblgh blgunder-!!" I quickly brought my hand to my mouth to stop any more water from entering.

Why the hell am I underwater? Shouldn't those paramedics have brought me to a mortuary or something? Tch, I'll figure this out after I get some air.

*Wsh* *Wsh* *Swishhhh* *Swishhhh*

After a while of swimming through the murky water, I finally made it to the surface.

"*Cough* *Cough* Hwooooooo Haaaa....Hwooooooo Haaaa, finally….fresh air. Now, why the hell was I underwater, and where am I!?" I looked around for any clues that could explain my predicament when I saw something floating on the top of the water.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see what it was, given that the early morning fog was concealing it a bit.

"Guess I'll have to swim over there."

*Wsh* *Wsh*

It didn't take long for me to paddle over to the floating object; at most, it took only five seconds which is weird since I wasn't that much of a good swimmer in my previous life, not to mention this one. However, when I got closer to the object, a horrible stench came off from it, a stink worst than the water.

So I decided to nudge it when I did all types of bugs and insects came crawling, flying off. It seems that I nudged it a bit harder than I thought since the object which I've come to know is a disfigured, bluish-grey swollen body that I recognized.

"Holy shit! Isn't that one of the mobsters from the shoot-out." Wait a minute, dead bodies murky water this….This place is Gotham pond, the dumpsite for bodies. Did those paramedics throw me in here?

"Those bastards they watched me die, and they didn't even have the decency to make me get a proper burial! I'm going to kill them!" They took an oath to conserve life, alleviate suffering, promote health, and do no harm, yet they watched me die then threw my body in a pond.

"Tch! Gotta get out of this damn pond."

Ah, finally land again. No way in hell I'm going near water again for a while, at least…...well, except for bathing. So which way is it to the city again? I've never really been out here that much, but I can probably find my way around.

"Tch, my clothes are bloody wet and the stink. Those damn paramedics, when I find them, I'm going to rip their spines out from their assho-. Huh, is that blood?" Walking closer to the red mark, I saw a remarkable bigfoot; if that wasn't a warning for me to turn back the ambulance with a mangled what I'm guessing is a human on it sure was.

Another supposed human was squashed all over the ground with his guts and blood decorating the place. Heh, I've seen the worst wait a minute, are those two? "They are they're the paramedics, hahahahaha karma really is a bitch, huh.

But it's a pity I wasn't the one who killed you two." So now the question is, who or better yet, what did.

"It's probably best if I don't stick around to find that out. Sorry about this, but you two put me in this position." So I searched through their pockets for money and any valuables I could sell to make some quick cash for when I get back to the city.

"Grrrr Woof Woof Woof Woof."

"Hey Gordon, I think I got something over here."

"Yeah, coming."

Holy crap, the cops, I have to get the hell out of here. If they find me next to these bodies, they'd no doubt find some way to pin it on me.

"Holy shit, what did they smoke."

*Shuffle* *Shuffle**Shuffle* *Crack*

Shit stupid stick. "*Woof* *Woof* *Woof*."

"Anyone there, come out with your hands in the air now!" The blond hair detective said to me. Like hell am going to listen to him.

"Are you deaf? Come out with your hands now! Or I'll shoot you in your fucking head!" Which is precisely why I won't come out, idiot.

"Harvey, what the hell!?"

"Don't you see around you, Gordon, whoever did this is a complete psycho? I ain't taking no chances." Now's my chance.

*Crunch* *Thum* *Thum* *Thum* *Thum*

"Woof woof woof!!"


*Thum* *Thum* *Thum*

"This is Detective Jim Gordon in pursuit of a suspect, down at Gotham's pond currently heading north, northeast requesting back up immediately!" Did he say Detective Gordon? Why the hell did I have to get the most stubborn and righteous cop in Gotham.



*Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

"Damn it!" Gordon shouted with frustration from being hit in the face by tree branches that Aiden was pulling out into the way. Aiden wanted to look around and laugh at him, but he knew it wouldn't be a good idea since Gordon would see his face.

Aiden did everything he could to escape Gordon taking sharp and unusual turns, placing objects in his way, and even hiding, but nothing seemed to slow him down. 'Tch, why is he so persistent? Couldn't he be more like those lazy corrupted cops?'

*Vrooom* *Beep* *Beep*

'I'm getting closer to the city; maybe I can lose him there.' Aiden thought to himself as he began to run faster than he previously was.

Gordon was already finding it hard to keep up with him, but it was becoming impossible for him, but with Aiden's newfound burst of speed, it was almost becoming impossible.

Reaching the city, Aiden didn't slow down as he ran across the road.


"Watch out!" Gordon shouted at Aiden, but because of his adrenaline rush and loud honking of the car, Aiden didn't hear anything. To Aiden, the world seemed to be in slow motion, and he had all the time in the world.

As the car got closer, Aiden did a side flip; he could see the expression of surprise and panic on the driver's face as the car went under him.


Aiden landed on the ground in a position that most would call a Spiderman landing.

"Holy shit!" Jim was impressed by Aiden's action as he should be.

'Damn, did I just do that? It was freaking awesome.'

"Hey kid, are ya crazy! Don't you see me driving here!." The driver of the vehicle came out shouting at Aiden for his recklessness. Aiden broke out of his stupor with the driver's shout and took off, heading towards an alley.

"Grab him!" Jim shouted to the driver, but the driver didn't take action fast enough because of the suddenness of the situation.

"Tch, I told you to grab him."

"Why would I do that? I don't know you." A valid reason from the driver, but in a situation like this, it was frustrating for Jim instead.

"I'm a cop." Realizing the mistake that he made, the driver was left speechless.

"Which way did he went!?"

"H-he ran down that alley." Without even saying thanks, Jim took off towards the alley to capture Aiden. Right as Jim turned the corner, he saw Aiden jumping up a fire escape; before he could try to get up the ladder, Aiden had already scaled the building and was jumping across rooftops.

"Damn it."

"Haaaa-haaaaa, where is the murder?" Harvey, who just arrived completely exhausted, asked.

"He got away," Jim said, frustrated at the outcome of the situation.

"What! The mighty Jim Gordon lost a suspect. Now isn't that something? They'll be cracking back at the PD when I tell them this."

"Tch, shut up. Besides, I doubt he's the murder."

"Then if he isn't, why the hell were we chasing him around like some headless chickens."

"We? I, I was chasing him around, and I did it because I thought he saw something."


"Let's head back and check out the crime scene."

"Whatever you say, Jimmy boss."


Aiden's pov

"*Phew* That wasn't hard at all am not even sweating; my body really went through some tremendous changes. Since I just got my powers, I'm probably E rank, and from what I can remember from the novel, E ranks are supposed to be the weakest.

But they still are substantially more powerful than humans; if I were to gauge my strength, I'd say that I'm as strong as the future Batman or a little bit stronger.

{AN: Note that he did not say as skilled as Batman but as strong. As for how Batman's strength is, he's peak human borderline superhuman. Look it up if you don't believe me.}

I can think about how strong I am; later, I need to buy a change of clothes, take a shower, get something to eat, and think about the future and how the hell I'm going to deal with the Priest. The four hundred dollars I got from the paramedics can cover the cost of food and clothes.

After thirty minutes of searching for a cloth store that would let me in, I took a shower at an abandoned. Now I am sitting around the table with pepperoni and cheese pizza, a chicken sandwich from burger king, and some Mcdonald's.

Now that I look at it, I think I went a bit overboard, but you can't blame me. I haven't eaten food like this in years, so serves up.


"Haaaa-haaaaa, I really shouldn't have eaten all that."


"Oh, crap, feels like I'm going to vomit."


"Ah, feel much better now. Oh, can't forget to close the door; don't want the scent escaping in here." Now with that taken care of, what should I do now? I have many people I want revenge on Ra's Al Ghul and the Priest being at the top damn and the whole Gotham, and the corrupted system.

I'll have the power to do that but do I want my sole goal to be revenge alone? With these powers, I'll easily be one of the strongest beings out there capable of even killing all-mighty Superman though it might be tricky.

{AN: Before you, Superman fanboys get your panties in a bunch, remember that Superman is vulnerable to magic and the Shadow Monarch is a being with a massive amount of magic, not to mention the daggers that Sung Jin-Woo uses that are magic as well. Now remember that Sung Jin-Woo doesn't fight alone; hence our mc won't fight alone; he'll have Jin-Woo's 130,000 shadow soldiers, not to mention the ones that he'll eventually make himself. Those shadows are entirely made of magic shadows and are immortal. Now, do you still believe that Superman will win? Answer truthfully, and don't be biased.}

Enough focusing on the future; I need to think about the present too. Jin-Woo said that I would have to fight monsters in dungeons as well. I'll need to start preparing for that, so I should start training until then. I guess the legendary training will do 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometre run every day.


It's been one month, one friggin month, and I have almost run out of money. I only have ten dollars remaining. I haven't even been summoned in a dungeon as yet; this is so fucking frustrating.


"Hey, watch where you're going." Tch, damn woman didn't even have the decency to apologize.

"The murder of the two well-loved paramedics of Gotham City four weeks ago is still at large. The families of paramedics Jake Holster and Paul Whitmore are still mourning over their loss, they say, and I quote.

'Jakey and Paul were good citizens who helped whoever needed it despite who they were. The monster who did this should be killed when they're found. Whoever did this should be ashamed for taking away such good men.'

The GCPD is requesting anyone with information to come forward and that they will protect you. In other news, many Gotham citizens have been complaining about a pickpoc-….."

"Hotdogs get your hotdogs over here." I'm feeling a bit hungry, actually.

"Hey, how much for one?"

"Three dollars!"

"Hmm, ok, wait a minute... huh, where's my wallet? That little bitch get back here." The girl who bumped into me started running immediately when she heard my shout. I ran at her at full speed; it only took a few seconds for me to catch up to her.

At least that's what would have happened if I wasn't floating in the air right now with a blue swirl above me.

*Bllllrr* *Whoosh*

"Shit, why now!"


3rd pov


Aiden fell from the sky and landed in a place with tall greenery and small huts made of sticks and straws.

"Now, where the hell was I dropped?"

*Shuffle* Something started moving in the bushes, and Aiden became cautious instantly.

"Come out, and I'll make sure to kill you quickly." At Aiden's request, a short green monster with a long nose and ears came out of the grass. It had an ugly scowl on its face as it looked at Aiden, or probably that's how its face always looked.

"Oh shit, a goblin!" Immediately recognizing the monster and knowing that they usually travel in groups, Aiden rushed at it, hoping to kill it before it made any noises.

"KREEEIIIK!" But unfortunately for Aiden, the creature let out a yelp for help right before his fist connected with its face and reduced it to a pulp.











"I'm fucked."

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_Unknown_Being_creators' thoughts