
Shadow monarch douluo

The Shadow Corps, created by Lu Bubao as the Shadow Monarch, is a fearsome force. Each corps is led by a powerful shadow beast, such as the Dark Devilgod Tiger or the Ice and Fire Dragon King. When all nine shadow corps are assembled, they will plunge Douluo Star into ultimate darkness. I fear that even Douluo God Realm will be doomed. plz support 1$ or nore via paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TerrenceTanaka my thank you gift would be +3 chapters, the more people who choose to donate the more chapters a monthly subscription on patreon worth 3 dollars per month: http://patreon.com/Thehonourabletranslator plz subscribe you will be 15 chapters ahead and you will have early access to new novels plz support

DaoistsJL4SR · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

I am back

Dearest readers,

I know, I know. It's been a couple of months since I've uploaded a new chapter, and you're all starting to get restless. I'm so sorry for the delay, but I have a very good excuse: I'm broke.

That's right. I'm a starving artist, and I rely on your donations to keep me writing. And lately, the donations have been a bit... sparse.

I know, I know. You're all thinking, "One dollar? That's all you're asking for?" But trust me, every little bit helps. One dollar can buy me a cup of coffee, which can give me the caffeine boost I need to write another thousand words. Or, if I'm feeling really extravagant, I can buy a pack of instant ramen noodles.

But seriously, folks. I need your help. If you want to keep reading my story, you're going to have to start donating. Just a dollar a month will do. You can even set up a recurring donation so you don't even have to think about it.

Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "But if you're broke, how have you managed to survive all this time?"

Well, let's just say I've been living on the ragged edge. I've been eating ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I've been pawning my belongings to buy coffee. And I've been sleeping on a park bench because I can't afford rent.

But it's all been worth it, because I'm finally ready to upload a couple of new chapters on Friday! That's right, you heard me right. Two whole chapters!

So please, donate what you can. Even a dollar will make a difference. And if you can't donate, that's okay too. Just spread the word about my story and tell your friends to donate.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


A broke author

P.S. If I don't receive any donations by Friday, I'll be forced to eat my laptop. And that would be a real shame, because I have some really juicy chapters planned for the future.

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